Writen by Isa Moon
Having taken the frist step on the path you may wish to ritualize your commitment. You may also wish to mark the calendar for in a year and one days time you will be an initiate. For this ritual you will need a small bowl of water with a pinch of salt added.
Using your finger point to the ground and draw a circle about yourself. Visualize it as a silvery-blue Faerie fire. Pick up the bowl and say words like:
With this potion I dedicate myself
To the ways of the Ancient Gods.
When a year and a day has passed
I shall be fit to celebrate at their alters.
(from Pagan Rites of Passage; Pauline Campanelli)
Using your fingertip anoint your forehead with a sun wheel, cresent moon, pentegram, or symbol of your choice. Remember that the best spells are the ones you write yourself, this goes for rites too.
For the next year and one day, learn all you can about the path you have chosen. There are many books, and check your local occult shop for workshops and/or teachers. Apart from learning about the old religion you will want to learn at least one magickal skill like divination (tarot reading), spirit communitation (ouja boards), herbcraft (natural healing), or developing psychic skills (telekinesis) or creative talents (art, music).
You will also want to start your Book of Shadows (BOS). Your first entry may be the date of your dedication and the ritual you preformed. You will also want to include your personal circle casting, the elements, directions, wheel of the year, etc. Here is a simple BOS blessing:
Book of Shadows, leaves of white
Pen of art with point so fine
soon be filled with Sabbat rite,
Magick charm and chanted spell.
Day by day and night by night
White pages pen of art will fill.
(from Pagan Rites of Passage; Pauline Campanelli)
You may wish to write your book blessing on one of the begining pages. A simple blessing for other magickal toos such as pen, atheme, etc.:
From this night, of this moon,
I dedicate______________
To the path of the God and Goddess.
As I will, so mote it be.
If you wish to cleanse it as well a simple mixtrue of salted water and cleansing herbs (lavender, lemon, rosemary, tea tree, ylang ylang) may be used.