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Lesson 4: Shielding

Writen by Tempest Owlsbard

Shielding or the Personal Circle:

The purpose of shielding yourself is so you don't get psychic+ly drained by the people around you or you don't drain when you are off kilter. The procedure is easy enough, just visualize some kind of bairer between you and the world, such as a bubble of rubber made plastic, or tree limbs, or a force field like in star trek or for those days when you want to be left alone how about a brick wall or barbwire. When you want to be invisible a shroud of mist or when you want to be approachable but protected use a glass one. I use this one all the time. If you have trouble with it fading out while visualizing it, visualize it getting stronger then after thrity seconds of visualisation let it go. You won't see it but you will feel the differance.

Love and light