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Lesson 5: Devotionals

Writen by Tempest Owlsbard

Greetings children of the goddess!

I have been wondering about all the questions about morality in the craft I have been getting. Well, I like to live by the reed if I can, "Do as you will as long as you harm none." This does not mean that you let others run all over you!!! You have a right to not be harmed too. Protect your self!

Devotionals are the way that a witch makes the craft part of their daily life. Good devotionals should include: 1 connecting you to divinity, 2 be done at about the same time everyday the more the better (waking, sunrise, noon, sunset, going to bed etc) 3 have grounding, centering and movement of energy, 4 be positive experiances and leave you balanced and even holy, 5 be a time to reafirm devotion to the craft. The best onesare the ones you write your self but here is one of mine so you get the gist and can get started. Note: write this down in your book of shadows now and you won't be like me looking for that upscure referance all thetime. Please do this to all your lessons from me or other wise.

time: anyoptional tool: holy water(salt water that you concecrated)
Ground and center
Connect mentaly to the God and Goddess Visualize white light surounding your feet (and if using holy water anoint them with a dab to each part named) Say: "Bless my feet that walk the path of the lord and the lady." Visualize the white light energy flowing up to your knees say:"Bless my knees that kneel at the sacred altar." (anoint your knees) Let the warm light flow to your heart say: "Bless my heart that it beat the drum of compasion." Let the light spill over into your arms and hands say: "Bless my hands that share in your healing work lady" Let it flow up to you lips and mouth "Bless my lips that they speak the truth." Let it flow to the top of you head and say:P "Bless my eyes so I may see spirits wisdom." Then visualise the light spereading out of you and into your aura and suroundings making a bubble of light and love. Say: "May I feel the love of the lord and the lady within me and surounding me as I walk through this day of my life. So mote it be!"Ground and center

Prayer may folow, but if not thank the deitys. It is done. I give credit to Silver Ravenwolf for the words but the imagry is my own. Write some of your own! Read "To Stir a Magick Cauldron" for more on this or "The Solitary Wiccan" which encorperates an offering of bread or herbs to the goddess in the devotional. Devotional is a time to connect with the dietys, to practice magick, and bless your self with balance and peace. If it feels good for days it is right.

ASIGNMENT FOR ALL: Send me a devotion you wrote your self!! It can be short or long but you must send me one!!
Here is an example of a short one that I use when I am late for class.
Time: any
Tool: holy water
Ground and center
Visualize the great mother surounding you and inside you and dab holy water on your third eye and say: "Mother bless me this day for I am your child."
Ground and center, sheild, your done but don't skimp on the devotion to the goddess with quickies you can make time!!! I only use this one in emergencys!!!!!

Bright blessings!