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The Sabbats

"What's a Sabbat?" If you're asking yourself this question you are in the right place. If you already know but are just looking for more information, welcome and feel free to look around.

Now, to answer your question, a Sabbat is a religious holiday. What religion? Many religions use the term "Sabbat" when speaking of religious days. For many Christians it's Sunday, for our Jewish freinds it's Saturday, and so on; it also can, but doesn't always, include the "special" holidays such as Christmas or Chanukkah.

Some Pagans, such as Wiccans, celebrate 4 major sabbats and 4 minor sabbats. The Sabbats are listed in order below.

Now you can find a ritual attatched to some of these holidays. (Specifically, the ones we celebrate here at school.)

Yule: December
Imbolc: February
Ostra: March
Beltane: May
Midsummer: June
Lammas: August
Mabon: September
Samhain: October