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Newest Photos! (Added 26SEP07)

This is a close-up of Vampyre Doug *Scary!*

Close-up of Doug's Canines
This is a Close-up of Vampyre Doug's New Canines!
The Future
This is my son Dani, Future fangsmith! :)=

Raist- Hard at work
Raist- Hard at work in a 1962 Hearse, with a new Victim! HIS photo will be up soon!

This is Vampyre Rania from Pirates For Hire

Close-up of Rania's canines
This is a close-up of Vampyre Rania's new Canines

Vampyre Zenia
This is Vampyre Zenia -(photo 1)

Close-up of Photo 1
This is a Closeup of Vampyre Zenia (photo 1)

Zenia Photo 2
This is photo 2 of Vampyre Zenia
Zenia Close-up Photo 2
This is Close-up of photo 2 of Vampyre Zenia
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