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Writing Spells

Directing you magick to do exactly what you want can be difficult, spell writing can help. Spells can be simple or complex depending on whe amount of time and money you want to put into it.

Things to know about writing spells:
1--Unless doing a spell for healing, never, never, never use a specific name. Doing so would put you at the wrong end of things.
2--Be specific on what you ask for, vagueness is useless.
3--Do a spell because you really want to, negitive energy will only hinder.
4--Keep records of what you said and did, how it felt, and what did/didn't work for next time.

Spell outline:
Tools needed: {candles, herbs, etc.}
Time: {day/night, full/new moon, day of the week, etc.}
Intent:{Why? What are you doing the spell for? money, love, travel, etc.}
Ritual: {What you say/do}