I intend to use this web site to share my thoughts, which I have transposed into poetry... I want to thank the Owl for he is wise and inspirational. The Eagle, for his keen insight and showing me what I had to offer. My family, for without their support and caring, I would not be able to make it through each painful day. Most of all, I want to thank the Angel that came to visit, for it was she who helped put the words on paper as they flowed from my heart and soul. As I share these poems with you, I ask that they not be taken from this sight. Every word that is written, is a part of me, and my wish is that you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. With each poem, came a peace from within and I felt that I should share that with you. |
Now, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been with the same man, going on 22 years now. Between the two of us we have four boys, two are 35, one is 31 and the other is 21. They have since given me my fifth grandbaby on September 2002, and my sixth and seventh in April of 2005. Wow do I feel old. Only kidding, the grand kids keep me young. I have a granddaughter that is 17, her name is Samantha, she lives in Idaho with her mother. My oldest son, Chris, Samantha's dad, also has a son who 11, his name is CJ, and in January 2006 they gave me my eighth gandbaby, Austin. My 31 yr. old Kevin, and his girlfiend had their first child in May of 2000, Maia Lynn, a very precosious little girl, now 9. Her oldest daughter, Kawehi, 15. I was lucky enough to be there for the birth of all my grandchildren except Gwennie, she was very stubburn and just wouldn't come when she was due, so I missed the birth. I consider myself truly blessed. The youngest stepson lives with his mother in South Dakota. Here it is January 2010. The millenium has passed and we are moving on to bigger and better things... I am sure most of you are like me, and are forever changing your sites. Updates, construction, will it all ever end, or will we be lucky? Well, all I can say to that is..."Oh, well!"..... I will just leave it to my Angel and God. |
God Bless You Dad July 30, 1924 to December 31, 1998 |
I have been through a few different names on chat and have decided that Babebluz suits me best, for she is my alter-ego. Babebluz has the ability to touch peoples hearts and to see more then the words that are typed on the screen. She feels, she cares, she sees with her eyes, things that others seem to miss. She is able to read between the lines. She reads more then the words. She IS, who I am. When I started this site I had tons of time on my hands due to all the above mentioned illnesses. I have since completed 3 years of college with a dregree in Web Design & Development, with a minor in Microcomputer Applications/Support Specialist. I also taught at a private computer school and taught one year at the college level. I not only write poetry, but I am also in the middle of a romance novel. The few people that have read some excerpts from it, have given it rave reviews. I have already been given names to a few literary agents that might be interested in finding a publisher for me. I am very excited at the chance of having my first novel published.... So with that out of the way, I would love to share my first poem with you. Feel free to venture through my pages which are linked one right after the other, so you can see my family and share in the joy of my many poems..The photos of the sunsets you will see throughout my pages were all taken by me. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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