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The Montgomery Canal

There is mounting evidence that there may have been active canals at the time of Schiiaparelli's discovery. In fact, canals may have been found during the Mars Global Surveyor project. These did not contain water, however, but may have been a product of some hydraulic activity at one time. There is evidence that they were mechanically made, and that they are not a natural occurrance. MUFON had published a picture of this startling photograph on their web site. They revealed that the "Mars Orbital Camera operators have begun acquiring test images...a recent image shows a 10 mile wide swath of a highland valley, part of the Nigral Vallis system." By all appearances, it looked like a a canal used as an aquaduct to channel the flow of water. MUFON begs the question "Were these valleys formed by flowing water or did collapse and erosion caused by ground water produced the channel? For some strange reason, this photographic image quickly diappeared and we have not found it there again. UFORC will keep you posted. We'll reference it now, in hopes that one of you can find it amongst the numerous images which are currently available on the Internet. In the meantime, UFORC will continue to investigate the Earth/Mars paradigm as another possible explanation for the UFO phenomenon. (ref. 1) GO BACK TO VIEW THE EDWARDS CANAL

DISCOVERY: Christopher Montgomery

UFORC Director discovers river on Mars

By Christopher Montgomery

If one looks at the last frame of orbit number 0422, (frame j) it shows what from all appearances is an ancient river bed. In the middle of one section of this river is an island! You've got to see it to believe it. It is very similar to the one Liz Edwards worked on (see link, above). This canal is located very close to the Steadman Lake runes, in frames g and h. You can see this ancient river bed, if NASA hasn't doctored the image yet. Go to and examine this anomalous image, frame j. I think I'll name it the Montgomery's Canal. Adjacent to this canal is Steadman Lake, which is only a few frames above it. The river meanders completely through the frame.(Ref. Photo 3) This image demonstrates that there was, in all likelyhood, water on Mars at one time, which suggests that further evaluation is required. Continued missions to Mars are warranted and a manned, marian mission should not be ruled out. This picture was taken at a spacecraft altitude of 1,508 km. It was photographed during orbit number 0422.
(Ref. Photo 3.)

Water detected below the surface of Mars near Valles Marineris*

Cutaway of Mars Crust Reveals...


*SOURCE=Richard Stenger; CNN NEWS; "'Peek under Mars' surface reveals ancient channels"


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