"Flying Triangles: With Insignia and Over NYC
Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 02:13:11 EDT"

(1. UFORC thanks CAUS and George Filer *snip* Filer's Files #18, May 7, 1999; for this very unusual report:

RHODE ISLAND UFO WITH OMEGA TRIANGLE Dennis reports that on February 15, 1999, a triangle passed overhead heading west to east while he was driving on Route 138 north of Woodville. He lost sight of it due to the trees. A few days later, on February 20, he and his wife were sitting in their sunroom at 11:40 PM. They were watching a fox feed on bread they had put outside, when a craft appeared heading in a southerly direction. They stepped out on the porch for a closer look. Dennis states, "The craft passed over us silently, slowly, steadily and very low. The underside of it was dimly lighted by a hazy white light, thus making it possible to see the logo. The logo was a triangle edged in yellow containing the Earth being struck by two lightning bolts with the number '1' in the right hand corner. As it approached, a feeling of serenity and calm came over us making it a wonderful feeling to watch as it passed overhead. I estimate the speed of the craft at five to ten miles and hour. The size was approximately 40 feet in length and forty feet wide at the rear of the craft with the nose of the craft forming a point. The craft looked similar to a Stealth fighter, however it was a much large plane. The altitude of the craft was about one hundred feet, I repeat there was not a sound from the craft and id did not even create a breeze. I would appreciate any answers you might have to as what this craft is or who it belongs to." Thanks to Dennis Bossack. Editors Note: I have spent several hours on the phone interviewing Dennis who states the logo or insignia was five feet in diameter and at the front was the Omega symbol. The two lightning strikes that penetrate Earth begin at the 11 and 1 o'clock position. A similar lightning symbol was used by Roman soldiers conquering ancient Britain. The lightning strikes could infer a discharge of atmospheric electricity or perhaps intentions of colonizing Earth. We are also receiving strange communications from someone claiming to be Robert Omega. The Bossack's are respectable home owners mystified by this sighting. 

UFORC CASE File No. CAUS#MAY1199B002  2) UFORC thanks CAUS and MS2K &snip* for this report: Before we left New York City for Northern Arizona, we lived on West 23rd Street and 7th Avenue, next to the world famous Chelsea Hotel. We moved in at the end of April, 1998. We were only there for 3 months. We were literally unable to sleep for more than 2 to 3 hours at a time, which was one of the reasons we ultimately decided to leave; that and the human sewage and bile running in the gutters everywhere. We saw people going to the bathroom in the middle of 7th and said, to hell with this. As far as the sleeping thing, somehow, the powers that be in New York, pushed through a law in the City Council authorizing microwave transmitters to be placed on every single corner, rather than every five blocks, to facilitate the booming cellular phone market. Even fifteen floors up it still affected us.Then, shortly around the 4th of July, we noticed these big, what we could only assume were stealth aircraft from their shape, having seen stuff on CNN, etc. They were flying up and down the Hudson, which was about 4 avenues (an avenue is about 3 city blocks wide - i.e., from 7th to 8th avenue), to the West Side Highway. They definitely looked like planes, but sometimes, you couldn't make out the edges of the object. Like a plane for instance, you can see where it begins, ends, the wings, edges, nose, the outline of its shape. These craft however, you couldn't always make that out. Plus they were absolutely silent. About 30 of us were on our roof, which was the 18th floor technically, for July 4th, and we saw two of these (maybe the same one), once going uptown, and about 15 minutes later going downtown. One of the older guys in the building who was a W.W.II vet said that they were searching for radioactive materials in the tunnels because of terrorist threats.Well, there's one useful application of Alien Technology, right?The point being, these were big (I'd say about the size of a Commercial Jetliner, a 747), black, or dark, and blurry, like I said. By the time we said the hell with this (and I went to Stuyvesant H. S., my wife went to Music and Art), they were to be seen almost every night of the week. We grew up in NYC, and our parents still own a brownstone and a condo on West 22nd and West 69th respectively. But people in New York just don't want to deal with it. As long as they're chugging along, they trust that it must be something o.k., or else there'd be a scandal or something.Something huge is going to happen there, soon, and you heard it here first, from two lifelong New Yorkers who didn't want to wait around to find out.

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and *snip* Shirley for this report:May 12, 1999, another triangular craft seen at 9:50 PM flewover my home. The weather conditions at Suffolk Airport on Long Island, partlycloudy, calm winds, temperature 50 degrees, 10 mile ceiling unlimited. The crafthad alternate blue and white lights from point to point, a perfect triangle,the craft was huge. It flew over the wooded area between my home and the baseballpark, which I was able to see it clearly. This is a real large craft, it flewextremely low. As I said before I live near West Hampton Air Force Base. Thiscraft is flying over a populated area just outside of Riverhead. The first timeI saw this craft was back in April and at night. I did take pictures of thiscraft in April, but they did not come out. Time to buy a camcorder!

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Mike Perry *snip* for this report:This is the exact post I goton my message board: UFO Sighted in NHMonday, 17-May-1999 16:28:38 I recentlyspotted a UFO in southern NH. It was on Sunday, May 16th 1999 at about 11 PMeastern standard time. It appeared to be like a craft coming in for a landing,but instead it just seem to hover over a 14 story building and with no soundwhatsoever. It was a triangular shaped object about the size of the whole roofof the building. it stayed there for about 15 minutes and then it moved overthe city and towards the airport and it kept going and going even passed the airport. There is a major hydro plant in the city that I live in. The city Ilive in is Manchester, NH. I am surprised it didn't make the news or newspaper. 

3)UFORC thanks CAUS and Art Bell for sending us this report from Dave (jvance@netcom.ca): I'm from BC Canada about 45 minutes south of Vancouver. Over the weekend, Fri/Saturdaynights we had multiple UFO sightings. Several people saw them and there wasa front page article in our local paper. One of the UFOs was a triangle shapedand the other was a boomerang shaped UFO. If you could tell your snail mailaddress I could send the report to you. 

4) UFORC thanks CAUS and Arnold Knowles *snip* for this report:I know this may sound crazy, but I sometimes have an abilityto seethrough other's eyes. I saw the triangular UFO arise from the woodssomewherein England through the eyes of a small boy. There was asecond one. I was ableto see inside the massive craft where men stoodaround a square table of somesort. I was shown an object of which Ihave trouble recalling what it was. Isthere a way to contact otherpeople who have the same abilities? 

5)UFORC thanks CAUS and Arrai'EL for this report:I am a witness to a triangular objectsometime in '91. I was returning to Prescott from Phoenix and it was late afternoon. The last big hill (I-17) is very narrow. That was where this object crossedso close it threw its shadow. I thought at first it was a Stealth but realized there was NO Sound! I regret that I didn't pull over to watch it go towardsthe Southeast. And I also regret that I don't have the exact date. Maybe sometimein the fall of '91 otherwise I would fill out the affidavit you request of triangularsightings. CAUS is following up on the above accounts.

UFO SIGHTINGS: Chevron-Shaped UFOs

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and George Filer *snip* [Filer's Files #20 --1999, May 21, 1999], *snip*; for these two reports: LOUISIANA; LAKE CHARLES --J. R. Tibodeaux says, "I witnessed something very strange ou t side my home May 16, 1999, I was outside stargazing as I usually do. I noticed and odd looking light or star like object moving north at around 22:00 hours. At first I thought it was just a star, but as I watched I realized it was at 10,000 feet or so, and it was slowly descending. It finally came to a stop at around 500 feet above the ground and remained idle with no movement or noise. It was a triangular shape craft that had a blue glow to it and three bright purple lights one at each corner. This craft wa s enormous in size about 300 feet across. It stayed hovering over my house fo r at least 4 to 6 minutes. Then the craft's purple lights turned off and it emitted a whine noise and rapidly lifted up in the sky. It climbed to about 6000 feet. It accelerated and took off at a very high speed probably over 500 mph. It was out of my view within 20 seconds. This is the second time, I have witnessed a similar craft this year. If you have any information please share it with me. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#MAY2499B001

2.)UFORC says thanks to: J. R *snip* SOUTH CAROLINA HARTSVILLE -- Terry Kimbrell MUFON/ISUR Field Investigator reports sighting a boomerang shaped UFO on the night of May 8, 1999. We were star gazing outside my at 10:27 PM, when my niece exclaimed WOW! When I looked up, I sa w a "darker than night" boomerang-shaped shadow glide silently overhead. My 1 6 year old niece and myself witnessed the "glide-over." Even though my field of view was brief, the boomerang outline was very distinct. The object had rounded edges, with 7 yellow-gold lights lining the front edge. One light was at the front and three were down each leg. The lights did not reflect o n the object, just points of light, as if they might be recessed. I lost sigh t after the object passed over the roof of the house. The first sighting was by my niece who saw the object at 40 degrees above the horizon. She saw fiv e patterns connected together in a V-shape at less than a mile. They were a dull gray, reflecting the city lights in the distance from below. She made a drawing on my request showing the shape of the patterns. There were concave arcs on the front and convex arcs on the back. She did not see the 7 lights , that is one reason I think they were recessed in the object. I saw them whe n the craft was directly overhead. The apparent size was 2 ½ to 3 inches fr om tip to tip at arm's length giving it a calculated size of 500 to 600 feet. The angle of the boomerang wing was 120 degrees. The craft was flying from the West to the Northeast at 500 to 600 MPH. Its altitude was 2,000 to 3,00 0 feet. The sighting was for 5 to 7 seconds. We contacted police, radar sites, and Sergeant Pintar Shaw Air Base, Sumter, SC. She said they only ha d F-16's stationed there and no Stealth aircraft, nor boomerangs, etc. My investigation is still ongoing. I made a computer generated drawing of the UFO that can be sent on request to: JJLJ45A@ prodigy.com. Thanks to Terry Kimbrell. UFORC CASE No.CAUS#MAY2499B002 

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and John Alexander for sending us this report:Major UFO Sightings In the famous 'Surrey Corridor' in British ColumbiaStrange Lights Reported Over White RockBy Tom Zytaruk; The Surrey Now 5-25-99 >From a galaxy far, far away? White Rock appears to have enjoyed a special preview of Star Wars this past weekend, as four independent sources are claiming to have seen strange goings on in the night sky there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. North Delta resident Graham Conway, president of UFO*BC, is quite impressed with the number of unexplained sightings. "I don't understand what's going on," he said. "For some reason there's a lot of activity going on in White Rock. This is such a collection of such good eye witness stuff." A man reportedly ran into the Ocean Beach pub about 10 PM Friday, "stuttering like mad" that he'd seen a huge blue plasma ball cruising over Semiahmoo Bay. "He said it was monstrous," said UFO tracker Bill Oliver, of Guildford. "He was rattled big time." Whatever it was cast such a bright light it lit up the sea beneath and "apparently acted in an intelligent manner," said Conway. The thing apparently cruised over the bay, around Kwomais Point and "out of sight." Then on Saturday, the really interesting stuff began. Two young women and a girl, South Surrey residents, were at the McDonald's restaurant on Johnston Road when they claim to have seen a huge boomerang-shaped object with eight lights on front, at about 10 PM. Shaking with fear, they watched it move "very, very slowly" for about eight seconds before it took off. Conway said the experience left the 11-year-old girl crying and one of the women, 18, so disturbed she slept with her light on the following two nights. About five minutes after that sighting two women were standing on White Rock pier when they claim to have seen a wedge-shaped object 'a flying triangle' traveling below the tree level. They watched it for about three or four minutes as it headed across the bay, away from White Rock. Then on Sunday, about 10:15 PM, Jen Pieschel and her boyfriend Kevin Pearce saw a wedge-shaped object flying over Highway 99, near the Crescent Road turnoff. They saw it had blue and red flashing lights, and then spotted an amber flash, like a flare, from a second craft. "We saw something weird," Pieschel said. 'We just want to know what it was.' They searched the Internet and found something like what they saw: An F-117A Nighthawk stealth bomber. Only thing is, Stealths can't hover. Or can they? The sightings this past weekend weren't the first such sights in the White Rock/South Surrey area, either. Richard Desilets of Aldergrove was near Zero Avenue and Pacific Highway earlier this year when he saw what looked like "two headlights" blinking on and off just above a set of power lines. 'It sounded like a plane, like a turbine motor, but very, very quiet,' he said. "It just slowly took off." In spite of the four sightings this past weekend, Transport Canada, NAVCAN, Vancouver International Airport's Traffic Control tower, Surrey and White Rock RCMP, the weather office, National Defence, and Vancouver Planetarium astronomer David Dodge either hadn't heard of anything unusual, or didn't know what to make of it. Dodge noted though, that the US Whitby Island naval base it not far away from White Rock. "If it's a military thing, they don't keep me informed," Dodge said. Still, an official at the naval station told the NOW the wedge-shaped objects aren't theirs. "There're pretty cool, but we don't have them here," he said. The UFO*BC sightings hotline is 878-6511.

2)UFORC thanks CAUS and John Edmonds *snip* for this report:5-25-99 beginning at 2:43 am and ending at 3:16 am three triangular objects were seen traveling from the North and arriving in the Southeast corner of the Rainbow Valley area of Arizona. The objects repeatedly moved away and then back to the area and at times were in such close proximity they appeare d to be connected. All three objects moved up, down and side to side in a flutter motion until they suddenly disappearing with no warning or in any particular motion. The objects appeared so close to the mountains below, at times, they may hav e landed briefly. I could not from my vantage clearly discern any great detail, however I was clearly able to view the triangular shape evident by angles joining at the corners and two visible flat fields being a top and bottom. As my point of view was at least one to two miles from the contact from the objects, I am guessing they must be quite large. A complete electrical failure coincided with this event. I witnessed this event becaus e the animals on my ranch became frantic and woke me out a sound sleep. My horses, birds, and dogs became so agitated, I thought we either had a wild animal or human prowler on the premises. No evidence of either was discovered as I made a sweep of the property. It was at this time I viewed the arrival of three objects and their subsequent activities.

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and Jeff Rense for this report: A week ago, a local man, "Kirk," phoned to tell me he had justseen, once again, a huge black triangular-shaped object passdirectly over his home at an altitude of only a few hundred feet just a couple miles from our studios. Kirk states he has seen these enormous craft 7 or 8 times usually between 9:30 and 10:30 PM PT during the last few months. He describes them as having a number of small lights on the leading edges of the triangle shape.His 14 year old son saw the object and was also clearly agitated and a bit frightened when I talked with him on the phone.On one occasion, a couple days prior to this sighting, Kirk saidthe big craft flew over his home three times...in one evening. Thethird time he saw it pass overhead, he said he stood up and thoughtin his mind very clearly..."I see you! I know you're there!"Immediately, as if whatever was in the craft had 'heard' him, theobject made an immediate sharp turn and headed back toward Kirk'shouse in what he says was a clearly descending flight path. "Thatmade the hair on the back of my neck stand up. That was enoughfor me!" he said, "I turned and walked from the back patio intothe house and locked the door."CAUS Comment: Jeff Rense has refused, even after three requests, to divulge the identity of the witness. I am not even sure the witness requested anonymity. So here we have an excellent sighting by a person who could possibly help CAUS in its lawsuit against the DoD, but beCAUS of a lack of cooperation is not. Bravo Jeff! UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUN899B001

1) UFORC thanks CAUS and Larry A. Bell *snip* for this report: The sighting took place in August 1972 while I was anchored at Fourth ofJuly Cove on Santa Catalina Island. There were two of us on a 27 foot woodensailboat and the time was approximately 1:00 am. The weather had beenovercast all day and remained so into the evening.As I was starting to fall asleep something told me to look up and out of thecabin of the sailboat. This was the second time I had experienced this exact feeling in respect to a UFO sighting. Right above the cove the clouds had parted into a huge circle. In the center of the circle was a triangular shaped object moving at a high rate of speed erratically within the cloud opening. There was no sound whatsoever. The object had a white light on eachcorner and appeared to be a charcoal gray in color. I woke up the person Iwas with and together we watched the triangle continuously moving forward,sideways and up and down within the opening for about two minutes.All of a sudden the object left the opening and disappeared up and out ofsight at an unbelievable rate of speed. The hole in the cloud cover closed up very soon after the object left. The person I was with could not believe what we had witnessed as he did not believe in any type of UFO or paranormal phenomenon. The next day I asked several of the boats anchored within thecove if they had seen the object and apparently we were the only ones tohave witnessed this particular event.I hope this is beneficial in furthering your efforts and the disseminationof information.

1) UFORC thanks CAUS and J.N. for this report: I have seen this triangle but because of my past experience I hesitate to put anything in writing and sign my name to it. I am currently a consultant to foster care group homes and as such, have to have good relationships with many government officials within local to federal agencies and cannot do anything that would jeopardize my standing. I would submit an affidavit if my identity could be protected, but I can tell you, it makes me very nervous to think I could be called as a witness at some future date. Also, I can't actually recall what year this was -- sometime between 1994 or 1995. It was when we were experiencing those "sky quakes" here in Los Angeles. I do recall it was on a Thursday between10 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. It was a solid triangle shape. I've seen the pictures of what is believed to be Aurora, and it didn't look like that to me. It had no wings and no cut out parts, it was a solid triangle. What was most striking tome was that it seemed to have, for lack of a better way to describe it, a "cloaking device" as I felt it's presence before I saw it--it just appeared above me, and then it just disappeared. The other thing that stands out in my mind is how the atmosphere seemed to become really dense, almost condensed all around me and I felt somewhat pressurized. It was really close--almost directly overhead--but it was difficult to see details because of the way the pressure effected my eyes which I had to shield as I looked upward. It did appear to begun metal gray in color and I did see what I took to be an observation window(round) in the center of the triangle, but it could have been a spot light. There were what appeared to be lights around the sides, but I can't be sure they weren't smaller windows. That's about all I can recall other than I never saw it leave, it just disappeared and the air was once again normal. I've told my story before, but never in a public way. As I said, I would add it to the affidavits you are collecting, but I'm not sure I can risk my career which has been a longtime in creation. UFORC CASE No.CAUS#JUL199B001

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and Mitchell for this report: In 92 I saw a triangle. It came from behind me and I saw it come over me. It had to be as big as two football fields. It had lights on all corners and a cluster of lights in the middle. It came overhead and startled me and as it came it moved slowly. It didn't make a sound. It wasn't that high up...around 800-900 ft in the air. The size was mind blowing. I wasn't scared...just a question came to mind, how something that big could move that slow? I watched it for a few minutes and the weird part of the whole event was that when the UFO went away about 6 or 8 helicopters came overhead. I heard them coming and saw them follow the UFO until it was out of sight. I was 16 then when I went to tell my parents, they told me I was seeing things. But I still remember every detail of the object. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL199B002

3) UFORC thanks CAUS and Terry Kimbrell for this report: On the night of Sat. 5/8/99 at approx. 10:27pm ET my 16 yr. Old niece and myself witnessed the "glide-over" of an unidentified boomerang-shaped object over Hartsville, South Carolina. We were stargazing outside my father-in-law's home, when my niece suddenly exclaimed WOW! When I looked up after checking her direction of sight, I saw a "darker than night" boomerang-shaped shadow glide silently (no sound at all) overhead. Even though my field of view was brief, the outline was very distinct. The object had rounded edges, with 7 yellow-gold lights lining the front edge (one at the front, 3down each leg). The lights gave off no reflection on the object, just points of light, like they might be recessed into the object. I lost sight after the object passed over the roof of the house. This was what I witnessed. The first sight was by my niece (who used to be a skeptic about UFO's) who saw the object at approx. 40 degrees above the horizon. She saw 5 patterns connected together in a V-shape (I did not see the patterns). They were a dull gray, reflecting the city lights in the distance from below. The shape of the patterns from her drawing (she made the drawing on my request within minutes of the sighting) were concave arcs on the front and convex arcs on the back. She did not see the 7 lights, that is one reason I think they were recessed in the object and I saw them when it was directly overhead. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#JUL199B003

UFORC THANKS CAUS (www.caus.org) and George Filer (MUFON) for those Triangular-U.F.O. REPORTS!



This page was updated and links checked on March 27, 2000

*T-UFO is one abreviation for "Triangular U.F.O.s"


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