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UFORC Case No.CAUS#JUN2499A001
"Oval or Round" UFOs

1) CAUS thanks Brenda Johnson (bjohnson@netaxs.com) for this report:I have some film taken about two years ago of what I think are UFOs inthe daytime. I live in the city. I was not taking UFOs, just wanted totake a picture of the sky. For some unknown reason when I looked at thefilm on the TV I saw about four or more black dots that appeared to bejutting very fast in and out of clouds. Then standing still. Some seemedto be cloaking. They were not birds. They seemed to be oval or round. No one has seen this film except for my immediate family because I don't know anyone other than you who would be interested in looking at it. I don't have a camera right now to put the film on a video tape for you so we may have to wait until I get another camera.One day not too long after that, my daughter who was nine at the time, toldme to come outside and see a UFO. It was daytime. I looked up at where shewas pointing and there was a black dot in the sky standing still. She said she did not know why she looked up but that she just felt that she should and there it was. After a few moments it moved further up into the sky and we could not see it anymore. She seemed very happy about this whole thing for some reason.Also I have seen these triangular craft that you are talking about. I sawthem about 25 years ago in Springfield, Md. There were about twenty orthirty of them flying in formation. I lived in an area that was very darkat night and a deserted field was nearby. They just seemed to be flyingslowly in formation and did not worry about detection. The lights were aseveryone else is describing. I sent a telepathic communication for one tocome closer and it did. It flew directly over my head as close as eight toten feet. It stopped, tilted, and flashed it lights in a circling fashionso that the lights went around and around. It made only a whooshing sound.Then it went back up and did all sorts of UFO type maneuvers so that I could not mistake it for anything else. They just showed off for me and I enjoyed it.

Three 'Balls' Flying In Formation

2) CAUS thanks George A. Filer Filer's Files #22 --1999; for this report: GAINESVILLE. FLA – On Friday, May 7, 1999, Cheryl *snip* and her boyfriend were traveling west on NW 39th Avenue between Main and NW 6th Streets, Alachua County. Cheryl said, "I was in the passenger seat, while my boyfriend was driving when I noticed three objects in the distance on my sid e ahead at 8:15 PM. As we got closer, I realized that they were floating, not flying. I know they were not birds since I am a bird enthusiast and have experience in bird identification. They were three "balls" dark gray to black in appearance and were in a vertical triangular formation (not a triangular flight pattern horizontal and parallel to the ground). I thought that they were perhaps balloons but decided they were rather large to be balloons and did not think three balloons would float and remain in a triangular pattern. They were the size of a small automobile. Two of the balls moved up and down. I said, "What are those three balls in the sky -- slow down!" We drove at 30 mph and slower. They flew right by in a perfect spherical shape. My boyfriend slowed down and glanced over and saw the objects, but could not get a good look. I told him to pull over. He said h e couldn't. I yelled, "Pull over." He argued, "There's no place to pull over!" He was able to drive slowly, while I kept my eye on the objects. Then they just vanished. My boyfriend said he did briefly see three objects and they were moving up and down. I called the police, but the officer I spoke with seemed skeptical. He told me to call the local TV station. I spoke to the local TV meteorologist, who said there were no weather balloons in this area. He suggested they may have been reflections from the sun. However, they were not shiny. They were dark balls and definitely solid objects. The UFO was sighted for 3 to-4 minutes at 1/4 mile.

UFOs and TST, "Round" Object

3) Thanks to Ben Field BUFOD: http://www.abcfield.foirce9.co.uk
KARNES CITY, TX -- Michael Harvey writes that in the summer of 1971, I was working the night shift for Conoco Oil Company at an open pit uranium mine west of Karnes City. I was one of six people operating Caterpillar 657B earth movers. We were down to about 210 feet deep when this incident happened. It was about 11:10 PM, just after shift change. We were getting ready to crank our machines, when the 85 acre pit lit up as if it was daylight. The light was so bright that I had to squint because it hurt my eyes. I remember hearing a high pitched hissing noise and the hair on my arms stood on end. I was so scared! I fell to the ground and started praying. I remember trying to look up, but the light was so bright I could not. After about two minutes, the light started getting dimmer and I could finally look up at it. What I saw amazed me. The object was round and the bright light was coming from the center of the bottom of the UFO. Around th e perimeter of the craft were hundreds of penlight size light beams that alternated in all colors of the spectrum. Now, I know they were laser beams .. The UFO was rising up slowly at first and then went straight up out of sigh t in about 10 seconds. I was crying and shaking and so was everyone else. Th e other shift workers thought we were crazy when we told them what had happened. But, we got the last laugh. This is how we proved the sighting actually happened. There is a vein of uranium ore that runs from George, West Texas to almost Texarkana, Texas. When determining where to place a uranium mine, the following steps are accomplished: (1) A geologist with a Geiger counter flies over the area and finds the highest radiation reading.
(2) Drilling trucks are sent out and core samples are drilled to determine the highest concentration of ore. These core samples are drilled in a grid pattern and every core sample is given a tracking number and logged in showing the concentration and amount of uranium present.
(3) The open pit mine is then laid out according to these core samples. When this UFO incident happened, we were about two feet away from a layer of hard rock called the "tap rock" that lies directly on top of the uranium ore. The uranium ore varied in depth from 6 to 18 inches and had about the same brown color as low grade coal. Two days after this incident, the tap rock was removed to expose the uranium ore. We were astounded to find that the uranium ore was now a chalky white substance that had NO radioactivity at all! There was a 250 foot diameter circle of this chalky material in the center of the pit. Outside of the circle, the uranium ore was still as potent as before the incident. Core samples do not lie. This chalky material was uranium before this incident. Many a night I have thought abou t what happened and wondered why the UFO needed the uranium?



4.)CAUS thanks Bill Hamilton for this report: Well, Skywatchers, we had a little excitement again in Palmdale, CA.We seemed to have a feeling that something was in the air (punintended). I received a phone call around 9 PM while I was onthe computer. My wife was on her way to look at the sky withher binoculars (there must have been a disturbance in the force)when the phone call came in from a lady residing about 20 blockseast of us.Margaret heard her dog and the neighbors dogs barking and wentoutdoors to investigate. The night was clear and the stars bright.The temp was about 55 and the wind was blowing from the West.Her attention was drawn to a box-like (square) formation ofyellow-white lights moving silently overhead about 2 blockseast of her position. Suddenly the lights broke up and rushedoff in different directions. The square formation consisted ofabout 3 lights on a side.I grabbed my "stuff" and headed out the back door. I immediatelynoticed something I had not seen in some time -- a rapidly blinkingred and white strobe. The strobe frequency is higher than thatof conventional aircraft. What sets these type of aerial objectsoff from normal aircraft is their movement. They zigzag and "jump"from side to side and even in a backward direction (as if a drunkdriver is behind the controls). These jumps are sometimes quitelarge and will sometimes leap right out of the binoculars' field ofview. This is not (I repeat not) an optical illusion. I have shownthese jumpers to skeptical pilots who are baffled by the movements.I have actually seen the structure on one of these jumpers intwilight once and it looked like a dark chevron-shape that disappearedand reappeared as it jumped from position to position.We also saw the Air National Guard C-130s flying their loop over theAntelope Valley and their movement is continuous, smooth, and slow.By that time, the jumper was out of sight. I could not get videocamrolling fast enough to catch it this time, but I will catch it oneof these times.If anyone else has seen these jumpers with rapid red and white strobes(and sometimes the strobe lights seem to split far apart), I wouldbe interested in hearing of it.


MEXICO PUEBLA – On June 1, 1999, three UFOs were filmed by Mexican Television ove r the city of Puebla in broad daylight. Mexican television has shown at least three UFOs hanging over the city of Puebla southeast of the Mexican capital. Judging by the film shown by "Atsteka" television the UFOs were visible in the sky for around five minutes. The phenomenon had been watched on Monday morning by dozens of people. They said, the UFOs, were rather large, and were lined up in space eight kilometers wide. The UFOs had a silver color, a round shape and emanated a powerful light. One of them quickly disappeared, while the other two moved southwest, flying at a very high speed. Mexican Civil Aviation officials have not given any explanation of the incident yet. Channel 9 in Chile also carried the video report as part of its breaking new s reports of UFO sightings over South America. Thanks to Guillermo Alarcon.

Pentagonal UFO

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and Shanil Virani *snip* for this report: On Friday, April 30th, a friend and I were in the middle of the desert in New Mexico, just near the Very Large Array (VLA). We were just out in a car listening to the radio when we noticed a pentagonal-shaped"aircraft" with red lights along the periphery (since it definitely did not like any aircraft I've everseen) hovering motionless and without making any sounds. Intrigued by this "object" we began to watchit for the next few minutes. Soon afterwards, however,we noticed a very large beacon of green light coming from the "aircraft" and illuminating the ground below.Startled, we began to panic and ran to our car. We immediately started our engine, turned our headlights and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.Perhaps seeing that the aircraft was not alone in thearea, "they" quickly turned off their lights and just as quickly as they came, they disappeared. When we gotback home, we noticed the location they were hovering above coincided with a cattle ranch. Who knows whatthey were up to. We didn't think about it too much until we overheard on the radio one night about one of Nostradumus' predictions. He said that on the seventh month of 1999, the antichrist would make his presence known. This sent a cold shiver down our backs. Was this pentagonally shaped aircraft a sign that the antichrist is already here and Armageddon is at hand? Please, if any others in the New Mexico area saw it orif any of the radio astronomers at the VLA were able to record this alien aircraft, get a hold of us. UFORC CASE No. CAUS#MAY2499G001 (SEE ALSO CAUS#MAY2499B001-2)

Triangular UFOs Volume I
Triangular UFOs Volume II
Flying Saucer Reports


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