Please complete the following application. Fields marked as (Optional) are not required, but recommended. Your application will be reviewed by our staff, and upon approval, a complimentary guest pass will be sent to you at the email address that you provided below. Please mention the UFO Resource Center somewhere in your report, preferably in the credits and/or bibliography section. Please send us a copy of your report so that we can post it on our web site! (Optional)

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  Please select a student
package that that suits your needs*
(If this is a donation), please specify the amount you would like to contribute:
To Apply for your Guest Pass
By submitting this form, you agree to the TERMS OF USE agreement, as outlined by uforc.com
*Please be specific about the amount you would like to send, so that we can match the amount submitted to paypal with your particular membership plan, f.o.b. Thank you!

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