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(if there ever was)
a . s i l e n t . c h o r u s

lips held together by the matrix i fall as 
     i am not able to speak 
wandering wild full of the information that has
led to my self-revelation
"excuse me, did you say revolution again?"
the interior walls cry hope for liberation
which is never found only lost
and never found
unsung anger against imperialistic domination 
has no release but bubbles over
like boiling water in the pot
of life. 
  the melted wings of Icarus remind me 
of my ideals that seep, sinking slowly 
to the sea without a chance or way or the possiblity of
just letting it all go 

::just call me angel of the morning, angel

slap my cheek when you leave me, why don't you
but before deliverance is offered during
my manila season i am shunned by 
mainstream culture and 
no one knows why but it's just like
injustice is served as paths converge
and beats of beatniks merge 
into a soul longing for a traffic jam
reverting back to Kerouac as we live it's live
and highfive and handjive
so can you decide where the sidewalk
of memory lane ends
or curves and bends
and turns and twists backward to
grasp and to tightly clasp it 
in her hot little fist but when it opens
there's nothing there...
only air.

     i cite someone from a time far away 
whose sense of senselessness and hope through
hopelessness and love. through. peace.
has molded the abstract and discovered
the invisible inside of me 
for, as Nata said, "it was only with you that
i realized who i am" yet with no unity
realizations lose all but face value

     i be you be we be like Motrin IB 
ibuprofen for the throbbing hearts and heads
and ears and mouths of those with tongues
but without voices and 
time does less than fly but more than wish to move 
if it's true that history
repeats itself than
can i crawl under the covers with you because now i'm
our masterpieces are not that to us but without them
we would be lost.

Praise the Peace Praise the Peace
as one who watches approves 
disapprovingly but loves
because comic book gutter analyzations 
lead me to believe in you and me
that we will be renewed
reborn and saved

sing-songing through the streets
releases pent-up patriarchy and 
anarchist beliefs
i can see the line of the horizon coming down on me
i can see the horizon coming down on me

but this is my test.

your mission registers completed
yet you bide the time before you 
reveal who you be
    then turn

::and slowly walk away
  from me

  and slowly walk away
  i won't beg you to stay
  with me::

Copyright © April 22, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.