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between what i see and i say
between what i say and what i keep silent
between what i keep silent and what i dream
between what i dream and what i forget
                     - Octavio Paz 

Phenomenal Woman

Still I Rise
both written by the US poet laureate, Ms. Maya Angelou.

Excerpts from Jack Kerouac's "Pomes All Sizes"

Thursday, August 05, 1999. - if this is not your first time here, you will notice that the table of poems published on this site is HELLA shorter. it's because i had been thinking for a while that quite a few of my poems on here were either old and obsolete or they were just really badly written...and i had been meaning to delete them since i decided that but i just hadn't gotten around to it till now. so they're gone now, and i feel a hell of a lot better. it was, frankly, embarrassing to keep them on here.

January 3, 2001 - please understand that i have not updated this page in a LONG time and therefore my most recent (and i'd like to think, better) materials are not available here. hmm...i have a lot...and i mean a lot...of love poetry that is not even touched upon with these pieces. what can i say? i'm a busy girl...and a lazy one too. sorry...i'll work on it if i find a chance. if you really want more, email me and i'll send them directly to you. at least i'm nice.

Mestiza The True Pinay
Hindi Puede No More White Picket Fences
The Real Asian Pride For Lissy
Rainstorms and Street Life Stirring It Up
A Silent Chorus Caridad
Quiet Down Jack's Mic Check
Little Easier Shooters
Mirror Mirror more to come

Approaching Paradise: Manila Memories Submerged in Seattle

hang yourself, poet, in your own words.
otherwise you are dead.
                     - Langston Hughes

Copyright © 1997-2000 Angela Carmina Martinez Dy.
Unless quoted otherwise, these pieces are all original, written and copyrighted by me. So if you would like to use them, please contact me and ask my permission first. My e-mail address is Thank you.

p.s. this page is alwaize being updated, so check back often. oh, and feedback is welcomed.

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Many Thanks To: all the inspirations and teachers in my life, especially 
                God, my family and friends, and most recently 
"It was only with you that i realized who i am..." 
and Chicago's I Was Born With Two Tongues. Special thanks to Tongues for the poetry quotes (from your chapbook; i hope you don't mind). one love...ikalat muna...pass it around.