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No More White Picket Fences

"Things are falling apart,"
Will Yeats said to me.
divorce splitting families
incarceration do i see
loss of moral integrity 
hastened by the passionate intensity
of stereotypes
and tv

half a century
of this society
has persisted
no resistance
because the best with conviction
are shot down by the worst.
are you willing to stand up now?
am i?

American ideals
ever since revealed
have been drifting, slowly drifting
into oblivion

                 June Cleaver doesn't live here anymore.

and i'm hurting, hurting, hurting
because i overcompensate but can't annihilate
regulate or anticipate the hate
that is theirs, yours, mine
on my own

"things are falling..."
things are changing. 
high rises climb the sky
as we stand watching quietly by
reaching for emancipation
from blank and pitiless assimilation
praise not allowed
heads meekly bowed
running into the humid night
first fight
last flight.
my right 
your right.

             a second coming.

"things are falling..."
things have changed.
mere anarchy has already fallen and is 
loosed upon my world
your world
the center will not hold
leaving us defenseless. more white picket fences.

Copyright © March 30, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.