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Forever, Lissy - For You
(this was written for a classmate of mine, Alyssa Ann "Lissy" Moore, who had cystic fibrosis and cancer. i personally did not know her very well, because she was only in one of my classes. But from what i saw of her and from the stories of other people, i have come to know that she was a pure, kind, loving soul who held no animosity towards anyone for her diseases and other hardships. She passed away in the early morning of March 06, 1998. She was fifteen years old.)
My pain, i'm afraid, makes me selfish
but why do i worry for myself when there is you
You are only a child, like me
but a million times stronger than ever i will be
The sun is setting on your years
but i've always been a night person
The tears of all are falling freely
but do we know which: for life or for death?
Your plight brings us together
but that is what you do when you're around
You set an example for us, your friends
but what an extreme way to set the example
You taught us love, compassion, and honor
which may not heal you
but will allow us to heal each other

We miss you, Lissy.

Copyright © March 6, 1998 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.