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Approaching Paradise: Manila Memories Submerged in Seattle

           i struggle as i search in vain for paradise lost
a confusing wave of endless conversation
   merging and molding, molding and moaning
assimilating and obscuring
   after melting in that great black pot
filled with the stars like the ones i used to see in your eyes
filled with the stripes like the ones that used to shelter
                                       only the imprisoned
only the unfortunate whose words became liquid and spilled out of their mouths
onto my paper as i, an impressionable youth, absorbed them all until i came to 
the conclusion that i only had to hear what i wanted to hear even though you 
pleaded with me to listen to the undistinguishable sounds made by the praying 
chanters - no, wait - chanting prayers holding their heads and rocking slowly 
to themselves while the ragged homeless sleep undisturbed in the church at 
Baclaran where i go to buy scapulars because my friends asked me for 
pasalubongs and i being eager to please readily agreed because i could spare a 
mere ten pesos apiece
	i reminisce on this as i think about the cancellation of A.S.A.P. my 
Filipino variety show that linked me to the islands every Saturday at 12 
midnight and whenever i watched it i felt sick to my stomach as my heart told 
me i want to go home i want to go home
	but my brain contradicted you were just there in the summer and when 
             you were there you still complained of wanting to go home
	you wanted to go home
             well here you are and now you want back to the tropics
	back to your jungle roots
back to another type of paradise       
           and this is your home my mind said to me as i could not establish 
what it was that i wanted it was either the red, white, and blue of an American 
flag or the red, white, and blue of a Filipino one
	when i'm here i want there when i'm there i want here there is no place
with the best of both worlds tied in a knot of contradiction when a beggar 
stands outside the car window carrying the type of baby for which you see Sally 
Struthers ask for donations...on channel 7...only twelve cents a day...
	i am sorry
	how can i help you
	i am sorry...
		which is the same feeling i got when that lady came up to my 
father downtown and asked for fifty cents for coffee so she could sit in a 
Denny's all night because she was cold but what do you do when the same evening 
there is an exposé on Hard Copy or was it Inside Edition about this 
professional panhandler who has put three daughters through college and who has 
a house bigger than ours for waking up every morning at eight and sitting on a 
street corner holding out a paper cup to passers-by or when my tita says that 
we might not want to give very much money to the old lady with the emaciated 
cheeks and skin hanging off her bones because she could have possibly rented 
that baby for the day in order to incite more pity and therefore collect more's all about those BeNjAmInS baby...which is what Puff Daddy told us 
right when he got famous right when all those people were worshiping him as a 
god and i bought his CD not because i liked it but because i figured it would 
add prestige to my collection and i kept thinking that i should at least try to 
sell it or something seeing as how i never listened to it but at least i got it 
in Manila so i saved a few bucks on total cost...
                   and i'll bet you an eternity that our paradise was not mine 
not even yours just a tropical island jungle paradise which happy couples look 
at in a myriad of travel brochures but they choose instead to go to Acapulco or 
Jamaica because those places don't induce as much guilt...but i want to stay 
here because i drink coffee and love the rain though coffee has been compacted 
for my convenience into corner stands and giant bookstores where the employees 
all smile the same manufactured grin as they ask how i am doing today even when 
i know that they don't really care whether or not i've just had the most 
entirely terrible horrible no good very bad day of my life and i wonder why 
they have nametags when no customer ever seems to call them by their first 
names...sort of like those salesgirls in Manila who appear out of nowhere and 
surround you like circling vultures waiting to devour their next victim...i 
mean customer...and they follow you around for seemingly no reason...which 
leads me to wonder if they work on's just as well, i suppose. 
and now they have a chain of Starbucks Cafés in Makati and we would pass them 
and i would feel empty inside waiting for August 22nd to come so i could climb 
aboard and fly back to the city where Starbucks and grunge and i was born...and 
as i think of grunge i remember a time when a girl from Kansas asked me why i 
didn't wear flannel shirts and carry a picture of Kurt Cobain in my 
wallet...and i told her that grunge died in '94 along with Nirvana's lead 
singer and i was only eleven years old, not mature enough to appreciate the 
angst expressed in HERE WE ARE NOW...ENTERTAIN US...which was the only Nirvana 
song i ever knew aniwaize.
         i struggle as i search for paradise lost
in the midst of rambling mp3s and my sister's laughter i cannot concentrate i 
cannot see how do you expect me to listen to you when i cannot even hear myself 
let alone remember the pain or learn the history...? you act shocked and gasp 
in disbelief when you are informed of my blend of colors but you try to cover 
your surprise when all i wanted was to be able to respect you
		as i sat in a pew every Sunday morning making paypay with the 
fan as the priest preached to me in Taglish which i didn't alwaize understand 
because he was too close to the microphone and his words came out muffled like 
those of my Chinese grandfather who interrupted my daily silence with phone 
calls containing only an inquiry of how i was...that's all...and of course i 
couldn't tell him how two months was too long in a place that i loved but was 
not my home...not my home...though it has its own benefits i missed my mother i 
missed my father i missed my friends i missed being able to walk down the 
street and not be stared at as a cultural oddity, a sideshow freak who the 
lalakes in Megamall automatically thought was easy because they could tell i 
was they'd ask me for my phone number while one of their cohorts 
slipped behind and tried to feel me...not like "can y'all feel me..." but you 
	and it was then that i decided i would never go back to the mall alone.
because inside at four in the morning i'd curl up in my grandfather's chair in 
the only airconditioned room in the house at that time of night and write to 
release my anger write to release my pain write to release my frustration write 
to hide my loneliness from the world
		words that i hoped would sustain me until the end of the summer.
words that in no way expressed how ecstatic i felt when i finally understood 
that Johnson and Johnson commercial or how grateful i was when my aunt gave me 
her tagalog-ingles ingles-tagalog dictionary from the seventh grade or the 
satisfaction that came on the night of the father-daughter dance when my dad 
asked me what was wrong and i could tell him sasabihin ko sa iyo mamaya po 
because i didn't want the girl next to me to understand...and if that's hiding 
behind a culture then i am sorry because it was something i needed to do, 
though it gave me an odd sense of breaking the laws of life and then needing 
someone to post my bail
        i am sorry
	how can i help me now
	i am sorry...
		for not knowing exactly who to blame just as you lay the blame 
on me i can lay the blame on myself even though i am not sure if it is entirely 
my fault or maybe partly yours for giving me the notion that it is a peaches 
and cream world and then i come to find out that it is really more like seaweed 
and gravel it hits me like a head-on collision which is an impact of full force 
that almost hurts physically but not as bad as running around in circles and 
slipping and tripping and falling and hearing the snap that came when i broke 
my leg and i had to be carried as a helpless baby and i cried and cried because 
they couldn't get a hold of my nanay and my daddy was in Hawaii on business and 
i felt so lost, so lost...and when they finally gave me the anesthesia i 
remember feeling like i was falling onto a bed of clouds and floating down the 
hall into a huge sterile white room with a cold metal table and being too 
drugged to be out of it to feel least not from the 
emptiness of medicine. when it rains when i cry the tears fall down and i make 
no move to stop the barrage of imagery the figurative language that comes so 
easily with every essay but no one ever asks me to write about conflict so i 
had to make it up for myself so i could write and do it by hand so you have 
more time to think about what comes next in this lifetime
				in my search for paradise lost swimming in the 
crystal clear blue waters at Matabungkay and the fish swirl around me and i can 
see all the way to the bottom of the ocean
		all the way to the bottom of the ocean
which is something that could never happen here because the water in our
man-made lakes is so dirty so very dirty but walking around Greenlake when you 
are three years old you don't notice the filthy water your only goal is to feed 
the ducks for tuppence a bag and if Mary Poppins is practically perfect in 
every way why can't i be too like the citizens of Argentina thought of Evita 
the opposite of what citizens thought of Imelda the lady with the electric 
dancing shoes as i took a tour of Malacañang Palace
            i didn't get it
                  it didn't hit me
            i didn't get it
                  i didn't understand
i wanted to stay there yet i wanted to come home come back to cheeseburgers and 
milkshakes from a land of rice and toyu that stinks up the house on a Sunday 
morning but tastes uy sarap naman for Sunday dinner.

	i struggle as i search for paradise lost not today but tomorrow not 
tomorrow but today or was it yesterday when i couldn't figure out what it was 
that i was missing as songs ran through a jukebox in my head i just wanted 
comfort all i wanted was a peace place 
                      a paradise 
	where quiet could produce energy
	and the energy could change the world

Copyright © February 06, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.