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s t i r r i n g . i t . u p

i want to be famous.

i want to sing onstage and buy Oscar-worthy dresses 
  and have someone else do my makeup and work for good causes.

i want to write.

i want to publish novels and books and anthologies and have my bio 
  posted all over the net and be written about in Seventeen magazine.

i want to make a difference.

i want to show others the results of hatred, racism, discrimination. 
  i want to create controversy, educate the ignorant, and deliver perfect 
  comebacks to every insult at that time, not two days later.

i want to wear a huge diamond.

i want to be internationally known and have to fight for my privacy 
  and i want to get pedicures every week and feel secure because i 
  am able to afford them. i want to have mine be a household name.

i want to change the world.

(but most of all, i just want to cause a stir.)

Copyright © March 21, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.