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Scenario 2

The Watchtower at Ennyillis

Staring out of one of the slits, the young Malien let out a yelp. "Dark Elves, hundreds of them! A vast army, my lord!"

Chullain looked out. Sure enough, an army of Dark Elves was making its way towards the watchtower. He let out a sigh. Now was no time for panic, now was time for action. "Malien, run to the villiage and warn the people. Run with all your strength, boy. We shall remain here. There are few of us, and we are certainly doomed, but I would rather be slaughtered than be responsible for this army taking the villiagers as slaves." As Malien left the tower and ran as fast as an Elf could, Chullain and the other Elves in the watchtower slowly donned their armour, whispered a prayer, and prepared to meet their end.

This scenario represents the brave stand of Chullain against a vast Dark Elf army, as he tries to delay them in order to allow the nearby villiages to prepare for their arrival.


A watchtower should be set up on a hill inside one half of the table. Otherwise, there should be no buildings. No woods should be used, only hills and rivers.


The Dark Elf player may select 2000 points of troops. The only troops which cannot be used are Witch Elves and the Cauldron of Blood. The Dark Elves are led by Kalad Kalegth, who may either ride a Cold One or a Dark Pegasus. There is no restriction on the cost of Magic Items.

The High Elf player may select 1000 points of troops. He may not use: Dragon Princes, Tiranoc Chariots or Pheonix Guard. The High Elves are led by Chullain, who may be on foot or horseback. Chullain may carry one magic item of any points cost, and one of up to 50 points value. The High Elves may in addition have one magic banner, but otherwise no magic items are allowed.

Chullain costs 110 points. He rides on a Barded Elven Steed and carries a sword, shield and wears Heavy Ithilmir Armour. His profile is as following:

 M    WS   BS   S    T    W    I    A    Ld
5    6    6    3    4    3    7    3    10


The High Elves must deploy first anywhere inside their half of the table. The Dark Elves must deploy on the opposite table edge.


The game lasts until one of the armies is entirely destroyed.

Who goes first

The Dark Elves get the first turn.

The Messenger

Before the game the High Elf player should decide whether he wants the messenger to move at a normal pace, fast or extremely fast.

If he chose extremely fast, at the end of the High Elf players second turn, and then every subsequent High Elf turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5 or a 6, Malien, the High Elf messenger has arrived in the nearby villiage and has warned the citizens of the presence of Dark Elf raiders. One the roll of a 1 or a 2, however, he has injured himself and will not reach the village in time, do not roll again.

If he chose fast, at the end of the High Elf players third turn, and then every subsequent High Elf turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, Malien, the High Elf messenger has arrived in the nearby village and has warned the citizens of the presence of Dark Elf raiders. One the roll of a 1, however, he has injured himself and will not reach the village in time, do not roll again.

If he chose a normal pace, at the end of the High Elf players fourth turn and every subsequent turn, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5 or a 6, he has arrived in the nearby village.


Chullain and his men know that they are going to die, and will therefore automatically pass all psychology tests they are called on to make. They can, however, still be broken in hand to hand combat, but will automatically rally in the subsequent turn if not destroyed.


Ignore the usual victory conditions. The High Elves gain one point at the end of each turn they have troops remaining, plus 5 extra points if the messenger reached the villiage. If the High Elves have 9 or more points, they have won. If the Dark Elves have been wiped out, it is automatically a High Elf victory.

If the High Elf player wins, he may spend an extra 150 points on Spearmen, Archers, Ellyrian Reavers or Shadow Warriors. If he wins by destroying the Dark Elf army, he may also include Chullain free of cost. (Although he must pay for any magic items).

Go to Scenario 3