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Behind the Scenes at Fushigi Yuugi

Disclaimer- I only own Agent Hana Spaz.

Hi! I'm Agent Hana Spaz! Recently, I've had the chance of going behind the scenes of Fushigi Yuugi and interviewed Miaka and Tamahome/Taka. ^_^
Me:So, Miaka, are the rumors true about you and Nuriko?
Miaka: Nani!! of COURSE not! *grabs Tamahome's hand* Tamahome is the only hunky guy for me.
Me:And Tamahome, is it true that you and Miaka are engaged???
Tamahome:*blushing* um...well, yeah. It is. *big grin* Ya hear that, Hotahori?!?!MIAKA'S MINE!!!!!!! *evil laugh*
Me:uuuhhhh.... ok. Well, this is it for now. More questions and answers soon to come! =P

Me:OK, we're (actually) back! *nervous laugh* Ummm....Miaka, why, on our last interview, did Tamahome say that to Hotahori?
Miaka:Oh, Tamahome's name is Taka now! He doesn't remember Hotahori! Only me.*big, goofy smile*
Me:I...see. Taka, how are you faring with your memory loss?
Taka:What memory loss?
Me: Nevermind Taka. *whispers to Miaka;"you never TOLD him?!?!"*
Miaka:*whispers back;"he never asked!"*
Me:Well, that's it for now. Check back next time for when I pull up figures of and from the past!!
Me:We're BACK! I decided to bring both Nuriko and Tasuki on the show as well. =)
Nuriko: Hello all you wonderful males in the audience.
Tasuki: You are one sick guy, Nuriko.
Nuriko: I know!
Me:So, Tasuki, I hear you like to cuss and hate women.
Tasuki:You bleep got that bleep right.
Me:*surprised at such colorful language*And Nuriko, do you REALLY go for guys and,yet, Miaka?
Nuriko: Miaka and I are like sisters!
Tasuki:Shut the bleep up! You're a bleep guy!!
Me: Uh...Tune in next time for a wrestling match!!

Me: After quite a few months, we're actually (believe it or not) back! And for our promised wrestling match, we have Tasuki and Mr. Satan [Mr. Satan (ucky!) is from DBZ].
Mr. Satan: YAAAAA!!!! I'm gonna win!!!
Tasuki fries Mr. Satan on the spot.
Me: Arigato, Tasuki!!!!! ^_^
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DISCLAIMER: I don't own anyone. OK? Great. Akira Toriyama owns DBZ and I have no idea who owns FY. Now go sue someone else!