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Anime Fan Fiction

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Rules and Guidlines for submitting 'fics.

other people's fics. ^_^
Carol's stories

Confessions [G]
This is a Trunks/Pan story.^_^

Jennifer's Stories

Untitled [G]
If you want the rest of her story, try e-mailing her.

Read it!
Wolfy Pup is changing his story.
Luna's Story

Luna and Artimas: Together Forever? [G]

Cher's Stories
Untitled [PG]
A Misplaced Bond [G]
Bulma the Sayain [PG-13]
The voices....a love story [PG-13]

My fan fics
Grand Dutchess of the Saiyajin [G]Revised Story [PG]
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 3
Part 4coming soon

I'll Never Forget
As the Sun Smiles [G]

This would be DBZ w/ me, the author, as a human (OK, you can get over your shock now) and one of the main characters. Enjoy! ^_^
Chapter One

Pan: Getting Through the Pain [G]

Bulma's Thoughts-poem [G]

A True Nightmare - Sailor Moon [G]

Behind the Scenes at Fushigi Yuugi [G]
Discontinued (However, I'll continue it if ppl want to send me in ideas. All due credit will be given.)

The Day I Met Washu -Tenchi Muyo [G]