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Best of Friends

After the first week of introducing Seffy to Daphne, we found them snuggling together like they had been from the same litter.

When the two kitties were determining dominance, my husband and I were afraid they were going to kill each other. I picked up a book and started reading out loud about the dominance ritual. As I read it, the cats were perfoming it. The last step was for the dominant cat to lay on her side and the other one was to step up to her and sniff her acceptance. Daphne and Seffy ended up on the couch for this stage. Daphne slowly layed on her side and proceded to fall off the couch. She did this twice before my husband and I lent a helping hand by holding her front end up even with the couch when she layed down. This dominance ritual could have lasted for weeks if we didn't step in.

To this day we can not believe the klutz, Daphne, is the dominant cat.

The End!

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