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what is insanity, really? look around you, you can't tell me that the majority of the people on this planet are not, at the very least, slightly neurotic, if not full-blown "psycho".....

i'm beginning to think everyone is insane. the real question is not : "are you insane?" but "do you dare show it?"

we laugh at crazy street people 'cause we think they're crazy then we go home and obsessively, compulsively try to annhilate microscopic organisms from our doorhandles. or, if we don't, we watch glowing boxes that instruct us to do so, to be paranoid about anything from germs to minor skin irritations and we don'

we wallow in slimy pools of self-induced hypochondria we obsess over weight, natural skin conditions, proper facial configurations, fresh breath, whiteness of teeth, our freakin' abdomens all those things that may not be all that important in the end.

we drive ourselves into compulsive frenzies of buying more and more products designed to become obsolete in a year or two so we have to buy more

we create new psychological illnesses for ourselves so that we don't have to think about anything painful likewise we create new drugs to cope with things like stress and the inability to concentrate without really wondering why we can't concentrate, meanwhile we wage war on drugs while dosing our children with ritalin among other things.

who is insane?