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My Childhood Memories-Page 10

Chapter 16: Stories My Parent's Told Me

I would like to share with you some stories my parent's told me about their childhood as they were chlidren growing up in the early 1900's.


The Billy Goat

My father told me when he was a little boy growing up on the farm he once had a pet billy goat. He said he fixed up a little cart with wheels on it, and hooked the billy goat up to it, and he would sit in cart and the billy goat used to pull him around all over the place.

My father said he spent so much time with the billy goat that he begin to smell like the billy goat, and that his parents and the rest of his family told him to stay out of the house because he stunk just like the billy goat.


Cream and Sugar Bread

My father told me the story that when he a little he really loved cream and sugar bread. He said he liked it so much that he just couldn't get enough of it. Cream and sugar bread was a slice of bread with fresh cream poured on the bread, and then sprinkled with sugar. My mother used to make cream and sugar bread for me when I was a little boy, and I liked it too.

Well, anyway as my father told me the story, he just couldn't get enough cream and sugar bread, so one day when his parents went to town to do some shopping, he decided he would eat cream and sugar bread to his heart's content. They left him in the care of his older half sisters, but he figured he could sneak away from them.

So shortly after his parents left for town riding on their horse drawn buggy, my father said he sneaked in the house and got a couple loaves of bread, a sack full of sugar, and a tablespoon without his sisters' notice. Then he went over to the spring where the cream cans were kept to keep cold, and took one of the cans of cream. He then crawled under the thick grape arbor which grew over by the spring where nobody could see him, and started eating cream and sugar bread. My father said he ate cream and sugar bread all afternoon until he was so full he couldn't eat another bite. He said he ate the whole two loaves of bread.

By the time his parents came home later in the afternoon, my father said he was already starting to feel sick at his stomach. At supper time he told his parents he was kind of sick, and didn't feel like eating any supper. After he went to bed he said his stomach really starting hurting, and that he had never felt so sick in all his life. He said he thought he was going to die. His parents heard his moaning and groaning, and came to his room and asked him what was the matter.

My father said he then confessed to his parents about what he had done. He said his parents started laughing. He said he thought they would be angry at him, and punish him, but his father said he had been punished enough, and learned his lesson well no doubt, and would not do that again.


The Dead Skunk

My mother told me the story that when she was a little girl on the farm that there was a dispute between my mother's family and a neighbor family who lived on the farm across the road. It was not a serious dispute, but mostly just involved arguments between the children as they walked together to school, and eventually the mother's becoming involved in the dispute.

Anyway things esculated to the point where the neighbor children began playing pranks. One day when my mother went to the mailbox to get the mail, she found a dead skunk stuffed in the mailbox. When she returned home from the mailbox, and told her parents, needless to say the relationship between the two families was somewhat strained for a while.


The Skunk Encounter

I recall encountering a skunk as a small boy on the farm walking to catch the school bus down our country gravel road early one morning. The skunk was walking down the middle of the road right towards me, and fortunately I had the common sense to step to the side of the road to let it pass by. The skunk walked by and never even seemed to notice me. I remember I told my dad about the skunk encounter that evening after I got home from school. My dad said, "you did the smart thing to get out of the skunk's way and let it walk by without disturbing it."

I was well aware of a skunk's ability to defend itself if provoked, because some of our hound dogs had some encounters with skunks resulting in unpleasant consequences in the past. My dad always told me, "It pays to respect a skunk, and give it a wide berth if you ever encounter one in the wild." A skunk is not normally a mean or aggressive creature, unless it is upset or feels threatened. Skunks have a potent mode of defense that is unparalleled in the animal kingdom in the offensive and nauseating odor they release when they feel threatened.


The Mad Dog

My mother told me the story that once when she was a little girl a dog afflicted with rabies, a mad dog as they called it, came on their farm and bit some of her parent's farm animals, a horse, cow, and also a cherished shepherd dog which contracted the rabies, and eventually died of the horrible disease.

My mother said their shepherd dog was sick, but that they didn't know that it had rabies. It had a large wound on it's face where the rabid dog must had bitten it. Her mother tried to treat the shepherd with some salve to put on the wound, but the dog growled and withdrew under the house away from her mother.

My mother said their shepherd dog stayed under the house away from the family for several days, and then one night it went away from the house and out into the woods where they found it dead the next day. My mother said their shepherd dog seemed like it was aware that it was a danger to the family, and stayed under the house away from everyone so that nobody would get bitten.


The Pet Squirrel

My father told me this story about a pet squirrel his father had. It was a wild red squirrel, or fox squirrel as this squirrel species is sometimes called, that would come into the house whenever it pleased through a special little swinging doorway at the bottom of the front door that my grandfather constructed especially for the squirrel to use.

My father said when the squirrel came into the house it would climb upon my grandfather's shoulder and he would feed it nuts and other food scraps that it enjoyed. My father said the squirrel would only go to his father and no one else in the family. He said his father had a special way with animals.



During February of my mother's eighth grade of school, she became very ill with pneumonia and almost died. My mother and her two older sisters, Elizabeth and Freda, and her younger brother Raymond, had to walk to a one roomed country schoolhouse, which was a about three miles distance from their farmhouse. One morning my mother said she forgot to take her overshoes with her to school. She said the ground was frozen when she walked to school that morning, but it thawed during the day, and on the walk home from school her feet became very wet walking down the muddy road.

That night my mother said she became sick with a very high fever. The next day her parents went and got the doctor who lived in the nearby town of Fieldon, and the doctor came and said my mother had pneumonia. People weren't able to go hospitals much in those days. The nearest hospital was many miles away, and the only way to get there was by horse and buggy. Most people were treated at home even for very serious illnesses. The doctors made housecalls in those days and did what they could, but often there was not much the doctors could do.

The doctor told my mother's parents that they had to try to get her fever down, and to open all the windows in her room in an attempt to bring the fever down and also so that she could breath better, even though it was winter and very cold outside. A member of the family sat with her day and night and put cold cloths on her forehead to try to get the fever down. My father, who lived on a neighboring farm a few miles away, also came and sat with her and put cold cloths on her forehead.

My mother said she was terribly sick with the high fever and unaware of much of anything for several days until the fever finally broke.

Afterward my mother said she was very weak, and unable to walk or even get up from the bad for many weeks. She was not able to attend school and complete her eighth grade, but the teacher awarded my mother her eighth grade diploma anyway, because the teacher said my mother was such a good student.


Working As A Cowboy

My father told me stories about how when he was a young man before he got married, that he went out west and worked as a cowboy for a time. He went out west to the state of North dakota with a friend of his father, and later got work on a ranch in Montana near the North Dakota/Montana state line.

My father said he worked on the cattle ranch at a line shack one winter which was several miles from the main ranch house. While he worked alone at the line shack his job was to look after the cattle and help them out of snow drifts and see if they were okay, and getting feed and water. Someone from the ranch house would bring him supplies every few weeks he said. He said he enjoyed working on the ranch.


The Screech Owl

My father told me the story about an incident involving a screech owl that happened one time when he was in his late teens or early twenties before he was married, and still living at home on his parent's farm, and was going to a platform dance in the area. In the 1800's and early 1900's wooden platforms were built at different locations throughout the area, and young people and older people as well often attended the dances during the summer months. My mother's father Charles Kraushaar sometimes played a violin (or fiddle as it was called) at the dances, and sometimes my father met my mother there at the dances, before they were married, and danced with her, although she didn't usually attend them much.

On this particular summer evening, just before dark, my father was riding his horse to attend the dance. The dance that night was being held in the Union Forest area near the North Fork of Otter Creek, and so my father was taking a route with his horse up the hill above my grandparent's farm house, and through a field that was later to be our hayfield after my father bought the place after my grandparent's death. I'm not sure if it was a hayfield at that time.

There had been some stories at the time, told by some of the local farmers, that there might be a panther in the area. People had been hearing at night loud, screaming, squalling sounds of some sort of ferocious beast being in the area, and some people swore to seeing glimpses of the creature in the dark. Other farmers in the area told stories of their hunting dogs coming home all clawed and bleeding from encounters with some kind of fierce animal.

Anyway my father said he had been hearing the stories of a possible panther being in the area, and that was in his mind as he rode along the edge of the hayfield just before dark that evening. The path my father was taking through the hayfield ran along the edge of some woods. As he was riding along, my father said all of a sudden he heard a blood-curdling scream come from the woods, and his horse reared into the air throwing my father out of the saddle and unto the ground. My father was a very good horseback rider, and the local farmers often hired him to break their wild horses, but this happened so suddenly and unexpectantly, that it caught him off guard and he was thrown to the ground.

My father said as he was rising from the ground a screech owl flew from out the woods and over his head. He said he knew then that it was the screech owl that made the sound that scared him and his horse so badly. Often when I was a boy, when we went to put up hay in the hayfield, my father would point to the very spot where it happened, and tell me the story again of the screech owl that nearly scared him and his horse to death.


The Family of Foxes

One day many years ago when I was a boy my father asked me to go search in the pasture and woods on our farm for some cows who hadn't come home to the barn lot for several days to see if they were all right. It was in the spring of the year, and as I walked along the edge of field I saw this family of red foxes on the other side of the field. I hid behind some brush at the edge of the field and watched the little foxes playing for awhile.

There were three little foxes playing in the field and the mother fox was watching them from a short distance away. The little foxes were playing just like little puppy dogs, wrestling, and chasing one another about the field. I was enthralled by the playful antics of the young foxes. Even the mother fox sometimes joined in the games with her young cubs. I sat there quite awhile watching them. It was such a delightful scene that I was reluctant to leave. I have never forgotten viewing the lovely family of foxes playing there in that field even after all these years.


Grandfather Kraushaar

My mother's father, My grandfather Charles Kraushaar suffered from excruciating back pain my mother said. He wore a large leather belt around his back to help alleviate the pain my mother said, and often when he came home for lunch from working in the fields, he would go down into the basement and stretch out and lay down on a wooden table that was down there. He said that seemed to ease the back pain somewhat. Despite the agonizing back pain he suffered from throughout his life, my mother said my grandfather Kraushaar never let his back pain interfere or stop him from doing his farm work which needed to be done.

She said my grandfather often worked late into the night plowing in the fields with a team of horses, and that he tied lanterns to the harness of his horses for them to see as they pulled the plow through the fields in the night. He also said it was cooler working at night. My mother said some of their neighbors saw the lights flickering in the distance in the night from the lanterns tied to the harness of my grandfather's horses, and thought they were seeing ghosts.

My mother's mother, my grandmother Kraushaar was Caroline (Haushalter) Kraushaar. She and my grandfather Charles Kraushaar were married 4-14-1898 in Jersey County, Illinois. My mother said her parents had numerous fruit trees on their farm and always raised a large garden. She said her mother worked very hard canning the fruits and vegetables, and cooking and washing the clothes for her family, and that she also made a lot of the clothes for my mother and the other children.


The Democrat Spring

There was a large spring named, "The Democrat Spring", on the farm where my grandparents Westfall, and later my parents and I lived. My grandfather Jasper Mifflin Westfall first bought property at the Democrat Spring in Jersey County, Illinois in the 1890s, and built a house there about 100 yards south of the spring. After my grandparents died my father Walter Edward "Ed" Westfall bought the farm, and I was born there in 1943. The spring mouth was from the base of a large hill about a hundred yards from our farm house over across our cattle and horses feed lot, and a ran in a small stream about a mile or so down to Otter Creek. The water from the spring was very cold and clear. We used the water from the spring for drinking and our household use, and our farm livestock also drank from it. Before we had electricity and piped water to the house we packed water to the house in buckets from the spring.

I don't know who named the spring, "The Democrat Spring". It was named, "The Democrat Spring", before my grandfather Westfall bought the property in the late 1890s. My father used to tell me the story about my grandfather Westfall, who was a lifelong Democrat, who told all visitors that anybody who drank from, "The Democrat Spring", and wasn't a Democrat would get sick.

The Democrat Springs is located in Rosedale Township, about three miles southeast of Fieldon, off Otter Creek Valley Road. How the spring got its name is unknown, but here are a couple of stories, taken from an old newspaper article, regarding the naming of Democrat Springs. One account maintained that the spring was named for Democrats because they generally couldn't afford buy corn liquor and, thus, had to content themselves with spring water. According to another story, a well-known "Whig" politician stopped at the spring while making a campaign tour. When he spotted three men drinking from the spring, he offered them a drink of liquor from his campaign jug. When they told him they were Democrats and would not drink with a Whig, the politician thundered, "Go back to your spring then, back to your Democrat Spring!"


Grandfather Westfall

My father said his father, my grandfather Jasper Mifflin Westfall got up at 4 a.m. every morning and made everyone else in the family get up at that early hour also. He said his father would go to bed early at night, just after dark, at the same time the chickens went to roost, and get up early the next morning, just at the time the rooster commenced crowing. He said my grandfather Westfall used to say, "I go to bed with the chickens, and I get up with the chickens."

My father told me the story that once when he was a boy, a guest from the city came to stay at my grandfather Westfall's farmhouse overnight. When my grandfather got everyone up at 4 o'clock the next morning, including the guest, the guest came to eat breakfast prepared by my grandmother Westfall with the rest of the family. After eating the guest exclaimed, "that was a very nice midnight snack. I think I will go back to bed now."

My father said my grandfather Westfall was a very good gardener and orchardist, and that he grew huge watermelons and pumpkins, and a large grape arbor over by the spring, and also planted a large orchard of apple trees and a grove of nut bearing trees. My father said they had plenty of apples for their family and also sold a lot of apples and cider to their neighbors. The apple variety my grandfather Westfall grew in his orchard was the Ben Davis Apple, an apple not grown much today, but which was a popular apple variety at the time. My grandfather Westfall also had a large grove of walnuts, pecans, and butternuts.

After my Westfall grandparents passed away my parents bought their farm and I was born there. Most of the apple trees in the orchard that my grandfather Westfall had planted had died off by the time I was a little boy. I remember there were still a few of the old Ben Davis apple trees still living along the hillside back of the house. My parents still referred to a hill and hollow in the pasture a short way from our farm house as the Orchard Hill and Orchard Hollow, even though there were no apple trees there anymore.

My grandmother Westfall had also planted numerous peach trees from peach seeds she had saved around the house and yard. These are called peach seedlings and are smaller trees with smaller peaches than the peaches orchardists grow from grafted trees, but they are hardy little trees and produce large crops of sweet flavored peaches. There were a number of the little peach seedling trees that my grandmother Westfall had planted still alive around the yard when I was boy, and my mother made delicious pies from them.

My father's mother, my grandmother was Frances (McCaulley) Westfall. She and my grandfather Jasper Mifflin Westfall were married in 1893 in West Virginia. My father said his mother worked very hard canning the fruits and vegetables, and cooking and washing the clothes for her family.


The Fight

I heard my dad tell the story about a terrible fight when he and my mom and little sister Mildred were attacked while riding in their car by several men in 1929. I found a newspaper article about the fight and a hearing that was held. My parents lived in the Illinois river bottoms where my dad had rented a farm near the Nutwood or East Hardin area at that time. The Grays and Dahns who were involved in the fight with my father lived nearby. There was some kind of dispute before the fight I remember my dad said. I don't remember all the details about what the fight was about. Later in 1931 my parents moved to the farm in the Fieldon, Illinois area near where my Westfall grandparent's lived. ------- JERSEYVILLE, June 29, 1929 — (Alton Evening Telelegraph Newspaper) — The case of the People of the State of Illinois against Edward Gray on charges of assault with a deadly weapon, mayhem, and threats, filed against him by William Dahn following a fight several night ago near the Greene county line, by Justice Thatcher from Friday morning was continued to Tuesday, July 9 because several witnesses failed to appear. Gray is out on a $2000 bond and his brother, William Gray, who is charged with having aided his brother in the fight, is on a $1000 bond. The arrests grew out of a fracas between Dahn and Edward Westfall, who were riding in an automobile with Mrs. Westfall and daughter, Mildred, and the Gray brothers, who were on horseback. The Grays, it Is charged claimed the men in the car tried to run over them, and demanded that the car stop. According to reports when Westfall stopped the machine the Grays got off their horses and attacked him with knives. Dahn came to Westfall's aid and the four men engaged in a heated struggle during which it is charged Westfall "was obliged to bite a piece from the ear of Gray" in order to make him release his hold on the knife with which he was attacking Westfall. Gray however, stated that the ear was wounded when Westfall's wife hit him with a piece of gas pipe during the fight. The two Grays and Dahn all received scars during the battle and the former two crossed the river to Hardin where their wounds wore dressed by a physician, while Westfall and Dahn came on to Jerseyville to file complaints against them.


The Restaurant

This is an article about a disturbance that may have involved my father Walter Edward "Ed" Westfall. My dad and mom used to operate a restaurant on Belle Street in Alton, Illinois at that time in the 1920s when they were first married. I don't recall my dad mentioning that particular incident, but I think it was likely him referred to in the article. --- From The Alton Evening Telegraph Newspaper, April 26, 1922 -Walter “Ed” Westfall - Hurls Bottles at Antagonist, Then Is Fined - The energy with which Walter westfall counter attacked, following an alleged peace disturbance, last night, resulted in Westfall’s being fined, as well as the man he accused of disturbing his peace. Westfall said Martin Willoughby disturbed his peace. The scene of the disturbance being laid in a restaurant on Belle Street. He filed a charge against him, and Willoughby was fined $5 and costs in public court. But that wasn't all. In his counter attack on Willoughby, Westfall picked up some bottles in the restaurant and hurled them at his antagonist. The bottles hit the pavement and broke. Officer J. W. Neely charged Westfall with breaking glass on the streets and Westfall, the complainant, became Westfall the defendant, to the extent of $10 and costs, also levied in public court.


A Motorcycle Cop

My father said he worked for a time as a motorcycle cop in the 1920's when he and my mother lived in Hartford, Illinois. He said his motorcycle had a sidecar on it, and that one time my mom and my sister Mildred, who was a little girl at the time, rode in the sidecar of the motorcycle with my father all the way up to visit his parents on their farm near Fieldon in Jersey County, Illinois.


McClusky, Illinois

My dad said his father worked for a farmer in the McClusky area in Jersey County for several years when he first moved to Jersey County, Illinois, and the family lived in a house there that they rented from the farmer. It was a large farm or several farms with a lot of cattle owned by the Dabbs family I believe my father said. That may have been where my grandfather raised some of the money to buy the farm at the Democrat Spring. While he was working there my dad said his father was also working at building the farm house at the Democrat Spring so the family could move there. In fact my dad said that he and uncle Lon were born there in the McClusky area, and not at the Democrat Spring. My dad said the farm was located somewhere to the west of McClusky not far from a branch of Otter Creek.


Hill People

I often wondered why my grandfather Westfall chose to move to Jersey County, Illinois. I thought maybe it was because he liked the area. My dad said his father liked the area around the Democrat Spring because of all the hills there, and that it reminded him of his home state of West Virginia which has a lot of big hills. He said his father liked living in the hills. My dad liked living in the hills and I like living in the hills too. My dad said us Westfalls were hill people.

Anthony Goetten

Anthony Goetten was born in Region, Westfalen, Germany. Anthony married Christina Ulrich (1796-1889), and they had 5 children. He passed away in Region, Westfalen, Germany. Children of Anthony Goetten and Christina (Ulrich) Goetten were-Joseph Goetten (Unknown-1890); Helena Goetten (1822-1915); Casper Goetten (1824-1877); Charles Goetten (1825-1903); and Gertrude Goetten (1830-1914).

Helena Goetten

Helena Goetten was born in Germany on 1822 to Anthony Goetten and Christina Ulrich. Helena married Frederick Bertman born 05-17-1821, Ahmen, Prussia, died 1882 in Jersey County, IL. She passed away on 1915 in Jersey County, Illinois. They are both buried in St. Francis cemetery Jerseyville, Jersey County, IL. Children of Frederick Bertman and Helena (Goetten) Bertman were-Fred J. Bertman (1856-1928); John F. Bertman; Nellie B. Bertman; William A. Bertman; Mary Goetten; Setta Goetten; and Minnie Goetten.


Helena (Goetten) Bertman's husband Frederick Bertman's obituary - BERTMAN, Frederick, born 05-17-1821, Ahmen, Prussia, died 1882, buried St. Francis cemetery. Frederick Bertman, Sr, was born May 17, 1821 at Ahmen, Prussia. He came to us and located in Alton in 1845. In 1848 he married Helena (Goetten) Bertman. They lived in Jerseyville. His widow and children survive: Setta, Minnie, John, Mary, Fred, Nellie and Will. Funeral was from St. Francis church, with burial in Catholic Cemetery. Pall bearers: Peter Dolan, James Fitzgerald, Peter Dardinger, John W. Davis, J. Brokamp and J. Lynn.


(1) Frederick Bertman and Helena (Goetten) Bertman's son Fred J. Bertman's obituary - BERTMAN, Fred J., born 17-03-1856, Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois, died 02-13-1928. Fred J. Bertman, 70 yrs, 10 mo, 26 days, d. at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nellie B. Porter, 306 W. Pearl, Feb. 13, 1928. He was born March 17, 1856, in Jerseyville, the son of Frederick & Lena (Goetten) Bertman, natives of Germany. His early education was obtained in the public schools of Jerseyville. He also attended school at St. Louis for a time. He assisted his father in the store of the latter until his death when he closed the business out, the office of deputy sheriff requiring his full attention. He served as deputy for a period of 2 years. He became affiliated with the banking firm of Shephard & Company, but later left that position to accept a public office. The greater portion of his career was spent in filling various offices of trust in the community to which he was called by his fellow citizens. He was active for many years in both county and city politics. He served 2 terms as collector for Jersey Township and 3 terms as deputy county treasurer. He was a member of the city council of Jerseyville for 9 years. He was elected to the Office of Justice of the Peace in 1911 and has continued to fill that office ever since. In 1879 he married Sarah Frances (Massey) Bertman, who was a native of Jersey county. Her death occurred Feb. 17, 1881. She was a daughter of Henry C. & Catherine (Fitzgerald) Massey. To this union 1 son was born, Henry C., who died in infancy.


Fred J. Bertman, Jr.'s wife Sarah Frances (Massey) Bertman's obituary - BERTMAN, Sarah Frances (Massey), born 08-03-1857, Jersey County, Illinois, died 02-1881. Sarah Frances Bertman, 2nd daughter of Henry C. Massey, was born in Jersey County March 8, 1857. She married Fred Bertman, Jr, May 7, 1879. Funeral from St. Francis church, Rev. Father Harty.


(2) Frederick Bertman and Helena (Goetten) Bertman's son John F. Bertman's obituary - BERTMAN, John F., born, Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois, died 01-1928, buried St. Francis cemetery. John F. Bertman, 76, businessman of Rockbridge, died Thursday at his home there. He was born in Jerseyville, a son of Frederick John & Helen (Goetten) Bertman, who were early residents of Jerseyville. He married Marie (Massey) Bertman May 27, 1875. They were parents of 11 children and 7 survive; Mrs. George Mayob of Marshall, MO, Mrs Garret Welch of Plainview, IL, Mrs. Marie Campbell of Pittsfield, IL, Mrs. James Heavener of St. Louis, MO, Mrs. E. Q. Slone of Carrollton, Roy A. Bertman of Rockbridge, IL and Henry E. Bertman of Marshall, MO; 9 grandchildren and 1 sister, Mrs. Nellie B. Porter of Jerseyville. He was a successful business man and citizen of Rockbridge for 40 yrs, as manager of Stanard-Tilton Elevator, member of Board of Education, Mayor of Rockbridge and Village Trustee. Services were held at Holy Ghost church, the services in Rockbridge being held at his home by Rev. Enright. The body was brought to the residence of Mr. Bertman's sister, Mrs. Nellie Porter, on W. Pearl St. in Jerseyville. Pallbearers were: George Mayob of Marshall, MO, Garrett Welch of Plainview, IL, James Heavener of St. Louis, MO, E. A. Slone of Carrollton, Joseph Brew of Pittsfield, IL, and Fred Eck of Jerseyville.


(3) Frederick Bertman and Helena (Goetten) Bertman's son W. A. Bertman's obituary - BERTMAN, W. A., died 01-1926. W. A. Bertman, 65, died in Chicago. Funeral was at St. Mary's Alton. He was the son of Frederick & Helena Bertman. He married Bertha Lambert of Alton and was in the coal business in Alton. He played with White Huzzar Band. He leaves his wife and 3 daughters, Mrs. J. J. Fox, Mrs J. A. Wentz, and Mis Louise Bertman; 1 son, A. W. Bertman; 1 sister, Nellie B. Porter; 2 brothers Fred J. and John F.

Gertrude Goetten

Gertrude Goetten was born in Region, Westfalen, Germany on 1830 to Anthony Goetten and Christina Ulrich. Gertrude married John Flamm (1832-1891) and they had 6 children. They are both buried in St. Francis Cemetery, Jerseyville, Jersey County, IL. Children of John and Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm were-John Flamm (1863-1926), Charles Flamm (1857-1942), Wilhelmina Flamm (1860-Unknown). Louis Flamm (1865-1931), Harry Flamm (1867-1957), and William Andrew Flamm (1869-Unknown).


Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. Mrs Gertrude Flamm, 85, died recently. Funeral services were held from Holy Ghost church, Rev. E. Echard officiating. Surviving are 1 daughter, Minnie Steckel of Jerseyville; 5 sons, John, Harry, Louis of Jerseyville, Charles of Alton and William of St. Louis, MO.


Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm’s husband John Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. John Flamm, 59, was born in Metzingen Konegreich, Wuttenburg, Germany, April 13, 1832 and died in Jerseyville. Funeral from church of Holy Ghost with Rev. Marks. Mr. Flamm came to Jersey in 1853 and worked at harvesting for Mr. G. Berkenmeyer and then worked at the cooper trade with L. C. Thurston. In 1854 he worked for Frederick Bertman, October 4, 1855, He married Gertrude (Goetten), a sister of Mr. Bertman's wife. He opened a clothing shop, then a saloon with C. Oehmsteadt. In 1866 went into business with R. Hund and opened a saloon in the basement of the Villinger building. Later went into business with C. Poettgen in the Goecke building. He entered the army as a musician in the 6th Missouri Infantry, August 22, 1861 and was discharged May 12, 1862. He then joined Lowe Post, GAR on May 23, 1884.


(1) John and Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm's son John F. Flamm’s obituary - FLAMM. John F. Flamm, 62, lifelong resident of Jersey County, died July 27. His wife preceded him in death on March 15, 1925. Surviving are Miss Mary and Agnes Flamm, Mrs. Mary Sears, Minnie Henson, Leo Francis, John Ward and Robert Charles Flamm all of Jerseyville, 1 sister, Wilhelmina Steckel; and 4 brothers, Charles, Harry and Louis of Jerseyville and Wm. A. of St. Louis.

(Note: John F. Flamm married Catherine Murphy who was a sister to James Francis Wahl's wife Nora (Murphy) Wahl. Their son James William Wahl married my 1st cousin Helen (Hewitt) Wahl. Helen's mother Freda (Kraushaar) Hewitt was a sister to my mother Lovie (Kraushaar) Westfall.)


(1a) John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm’s son John William Flamm’s obituary - FLAMM. John William Flamm, 57, of Delmar, Godfrey, died at John Cochran veterans hospital, St. Louis. Funeral mass was held at St. Patrick church, Grafton with Rev. Patrick Morrow, celebrant. Interment was in St. Francis cemetery, Jerseyville. A WWII veteran, he was born January 10, 1919 in Jerseyville, a son of John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm. He owned and operated a barber shop in Grafton for a number of years and had barbered in N. Alton. Surviving are his widow, Lucille M. (Bowen) Flamm, whom he married in March 1942; 2 daughters, Mrs. Dale (Joyce) Harmon, Grafton, and Mrs. Dennis (Pam) Maxeiner, Godfrey; 2 sons, Lonnie Flamm and John W. Flamm III, Godfrey; 2 grandchildren; 1 brother, Robert Flamm; and 4 sisters, Mrs. Frank (Margaret) Stites, Alton, Mrs. Teresa Sears and Mrs. Cleve (Minnie) Timpe, Jerseyville and Mr. S. William (Agnes) Harmon, Kane. Visitation was from Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Grafton. Memorials may be given to American Cancer Society.


(2a) John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm’s daughter Teresa (Flamm) Sears’s husband Roy M. "Tuke" Sears's obituary - Sears JERSEYVILLE - Roy M. "Tuke" Sears, 70, of 409 Baxter St., Jerseyville, died at 8:50 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph's Hospital, Alton. He was born in Jersey County on Aug. 4, 1901 and was retired from the International Shoe Co. Surviving are his widow, Teresa Flamm Sears; three sons, Donald, Ralph and Charles, all of Jerseyville; two daughters, Mrs. Hubert F. (Becky) Allen and Mrs. George (Dorothy) Stringer, both of Jerseyville; and a brother, John H. Sears of Alton; 12 grandchildren and two great - grandchildren. Funeral services will be at Gubser Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday and burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. The Rev. Rodney Gillespie of Lawrenceville, IL. will officiate. Friends may call after 2 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.


(1aa) Roy "Tuke" and Teresa (Flamm) Sears’s son Ralph "Tag" Sears’s obituary - Ralph "Tag" Sears, 82, died at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 29, 2013, at Jerseyville Manor Born Dec. 10, 1930, in Jerseyville, Ill., the son of the late Roy "Tuke" and Teresa (Flamm) Sears. He married Marie Carlton on Dec. 6, 1952, at the Kane Baptist Church. He was a retired Aircraft Electrician from McDonnell Douglas and Boeing. He was a member of The Eagles, Elks, VFW, Jerseyville American Legion #492 where he served as Color Guard for many years. He was an Air Force Veteran serving in Korean War, 1948 to 1952. Surviving are wife, Marie Sears; daughters, Diane and Dan Droege of Jerseyville, Pat and Mark Goetten of Fieldon and Barb and Steve Randolph of Jerseyville; grandchildren, Steven (Toni) Goetten, Julie Goetten, Cori Goetten, Stacie Droege, Kristin Droege, Tony Randolph, James Randolph, and Jenny Randolph; great-grandchildren, Peyton and Colby Goetten; sister, Dorothy Stringer of Jerseyville Preceded in death by parents; sister, Betty Allen; brothers, Donald, Ronald and Charles Sears. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, at Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Graveside Service will be 10:30 a.m.Tuesday, Dec. 3, with Military Rites by Jerseyville American Legion Post #492 at Grimes-Neely Cemetery. Mr. Dick Thurston will officiate. Memorials may be made to Jerseyville American Legion Post #492 Color Guard. Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.


(3a) John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm’s daughter Wilhelmina "Minnie" (Flamm) Timpe's obituary - TIMPE. Died 13-06-1985. A funeral mass for Wilhelmina "Minnie" Timpe, 79, was celebrated Saturday am at Holy Ghost church with father William Hembrow as celebrant. Burial was in Oak Grove cemetery. She died at 6:45 pm June 13 at St. Anthony's hospital in Alton. She was born November 1, 1906 in Jersey County to the late John & Katherine (Murphy) Flamm and married Cleve Timpe April 28, 1955; he died April 5, 1980. Mrs. Timpe was a member of the Holy Ghost church. She is survived by 1 brother, Robert Flamm of Jerseyville; and 3 sisters, Teresa Sears of Jerseyville, Margaret Stites, Alton, and Agnes Harmon, Kane, nieces and nephews. The Holy Ghost school has been named as a memorial.


Wilhelmina "Minnie" (Flamm) Timpe’s husband Cleve Timpe’s obituary - TIMPE. Died 04-05-1980. Services for Cleve Timpe, 66, of 1134 N. Warren, Jerseyville will be conducted at 2 pm Tuesday at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville, Father William Hembrow and Father Patrick Morrow officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery. He died at 11:35 pm April 5, at Jersey Community hospital after an extended illness. He was born September 17, 1913 in Illinois, a son of Charles & Agusta (Bunse) Timpe and was a retired pipe fitter from Shell Oil. His survivors are his wife, the former Minnie Flamm whom he married April 28, 1955 at Holy Ghost church; and his father, Charles Timpe, Jerseyville. His mother and 1 brother preceded him in death. Visitation will be from 4-9 pm Monday at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. The American Cancer Society has been named as a memorial.


(4a) John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm’s daughter Agnes Flamm married William C. Harmon. William C. and Agnes (Flamm) Harmon had 3 children-Joyce Elaine Harmon, Jan Harmon, and Judith Harmon.


(1aa) William C. and Agnes (Flamm) Harmon's daughter Joyce Elaine (Harmon) Berry's obituary - Joyce Elaine Berry, 68, died at 3:56 p.m., Sunday, January 17, 2010 at Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis after a sudden illness. She was born in Kane on Sept. 19, 1941, one of three children born to the late William C. & Agnes (Flamm) Harmon. Joyce was raised in Kane and graduated in 1959 from Jersey Community High School. Prior to her marriage and family, Joyce was employed at Oettles Grocery and for her aunt Minnie, at Timpe Grocery both in Kane. Her marriage to Larry K. Berry to place on Aug. 14, 1960 at the Kane Baptist Church, and together they were the proud parents of two sons, and soon would have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Surviving are her husband, Larry of Jerseyville; two sons & daughters in law, Gregory & Ramona Berry and Christopher & Carol Berry all of Jerseyville; seven grandchildren, Claire Agnes, Adam, Emily Joyce, Cole, Grace, Maria and Connor Berry; one sister & brother in law, Judith & Kenneth Marshall of Jerseyville; a brother & sister in law, Jan & Karen Harmon of Bethalto; his brother in law & sister in law, Tom & Mary Berry of Wake Forest, NC; sisters in law & brothers in law, Doris Moreland of Indianola, Carole & James Terpening and Marilyn & Norman Daniels all of rural Carrollton. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her mother in law & father in law, Kenneth & Garnet Berry. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Kane Baptist Church with Rev. Chuck Keene officiating. Burial will be in the Kane Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Kane Baptist Church where she was a member.


(1aaa) John F. & Catherine (Murphy) Flamm’s great grandson and their son John William Flamm's grandson, and his daughter Pam (Flamm) Maxeiner’s son Kyle Eugene Maxeiner's obituary - BLUE SPRINGS, MO., Kyle Eugene Maxeiner, 31, passed away unexpectedly Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011. Visitations will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Sat., Oct. 1, at Speaks Suburban Chapel, 18020 E. 39th St., Independence, Mo., and will continue from 4 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 3, at Gent Funeral Home, 2409 State St., Alton. Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4, at the West Alton First Church of God in West Alton, Mo., with interment at Ebenezer Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to a trust fund being established for Kyle's children. Kyle was born Nov. 20, 1979, in Alton and graduated from Alton High School in the Class of 1998. He then earned his B.S. in engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology and was a member of the H.P.V. Team while at the university. He was an engineer for Alliant Tech Systems at the Lake City Plant. He enjoyed hunting and boating, but most of all he loved his family. Kyle was preceded in death by his grandparents, John and Lucille Flamm and uncle, Lonnie Flamm. He is survived by his wife, Chrissy Maxeiner, daughter, Maggie Christine Maxeiner, and son, Brady Eugene Maxeiner, all of the home; parents, Dennis and Pam Maxeiner of Brighton; sister, Kristi Futhey and husband, Andrew, of Alton; grandparents, Kenneth and Christina Maxeiner of Brighton; nephews, Gabriel and Lucas Futhey and Riley Gray; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Beth and Jim Samples of Jerseyville; brothers-in-law, Jack Gray and wife, Wendy, of Reno, Nev., and Danny Gray and wife, Beth, of Jerseyville; special great-aunt and great-uncle, Alta Faye and Bob Tuetken of Temple Terrace, Fla.; and many other family member who loved him.


(2) John and Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm's son Charles Flamm's wife Mary Margaret (Eageny) Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. Mary Margaret Flamm, 84 years, 4 months, 19 days, of Jerseyville died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon, August 13, at the home of her daughter & son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fiedler in Batchtown, where she had spent the past 3 weeks. She had been in failing health for some time. Mrs. Flamm was a daughter of the late Michael & Mary (Cohen) Eageny, and was born in Franklin Furnace, NJ, March 24, 1866. The deceased was the widow of Charles Flamm. Surviving are 3 daughters, Mrs. Lynn J. Miller and Mrs. Helen Palmer of Jerseyville and Mrs. Paul Fiedler of Batchtown; 2 sons, James A. Flamm of Jerseyville and Joseph Flamm of Springfield; 5 grandchildren; 1 g-granddaughter; 2 sisters, Mrs. Catherine Grigsby and Mrs. Nellie Fuller of Alton. The body was brought to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miller where friends called. Services were held at Holy Ghost on August 16. Rev. Fr. C. R. Horn of Dalton City officiating. Burial was in St. Francis cemetery.


(3) John and Gertrude (Goetten) Flamm's son Harry Flamm married Nettie Simpson. Children of Harry and Nettie (Simpson) Flamm were-Carl William Flamm, Myrtle Luella Flamm, Paul Flamm, John Elston Flamm, and Inez Flamm.


(1a) Harry and Nettie (Simpson) Flamm's son Carl William Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. Carl William Flamm, 76, of Jerseyville, died June 14, at Jersey Community hospital. Services were held at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Interment was in Oak Grove cemetery. He was born on September 25, 1898 in Batchtown, a son of Harry & Nettie (Simpson) Flamm and had been a forestry foreman at Illinois Power Co. Surviving are his widow, Mae (Angelo) (Walton) Flamm; 1 son, William of Grafton; 1 daughter, Mrs. Margie Meuth of Jerseyville and several grand children. Flamm was a member of Moose Lodge and International Brotherhood of Electric Workers. His first wife, Florence (Cory) Flamm, died in 1965, his parents, 2 sisters, and 2 brothers preceded him in death.


Carl William Flamm's wife Florence Marie (Cory) Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. Florence Marie Flamm, 58, wife of Carl Flamm of RR 2, Jerseyville, suffered a fatal heart attack September 30 as she was preparing the evening meal at her home. Her death came as a great shock to her family and friends. She had worked that day at the music shop where she was employed as a clerk. A lifelong Jersey County resident she was born August 4, 1907, in Jerseyville, the daughter of Lester J. Cory & the late Mae (Post) Cory. She was a member of the Moose Auxiliary and was a past state President of the Demolay Mothers. Her only brother, John Cory of Jerseyville, died suddenly less than 3 months ago, and her mother also preceded her in death. Surviving are her husband, 1 daughter, Mrs. Paul Meuth of Kane, 1 son, William L. Flamm of O'fallon, 10 grandchildren; her father, Lester J. Cory of Jerseyville and 1 sister, Mrs. Marian Armentrout of Hayward, CA. Funeral services were October 3, at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Rev. Fr. P. P. Heinen officiated and burial was in Oak Grove cemetery.


(2a) Harry and Nettie (Simpson) Flamm's daughter Myrtle Luella Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. Miss Myrtle Luella Flamm 55 years, 3 months, 5 days, of RR 2, Fieldon, Thursday pm at Bethesda hospital in St. Louis. Funeral services were held November 24, at Holy Ghost church with requiem mass celebrated by Fr. Paul P. Heinen and burial was in St. Francis cemetery. Miss Flamm was born in Batchtown, August 15, 1903, a daughter of the late Harry Flamm and Nettie (Simpson) Flamm. She had been in ill health for several months. Surviving are 2 sisters, Mrs. Thomas L. (Inez) Gaffney of Medora, and 2 brothers, J. Elston and Carl W. Flamm, both of Jerseyville.

----------(3a) Harry and Nettie (Simpson) Flamm's son John Elson Flamm's obituary - FLAMM. John Elston Flamm, 71 years, 10 months, 24 days, a retired farmer and WWI veteran, died Monday evening at Jersey Community hospital. Requiem mass was celebrated at Holy Ghost church. Rev. Fr. Robert L. Heintz officiated and burial was in St. Francis cemetery. Visitation and rosary were Wednesday evening at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Mr. Flamm had resided with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Flamm of Route 2 Jerseyville. He was born in Batchtown, March 16, 1897, a son of the late Harry & Nettie (Simpson) Flamm. He had made his home in Jersey County for 59 years and was a member of Holy Ghost church, Jerseyville KC, Worthey Post, American Legion, and Eagles Lodge. Surviving are Mr. & Mrs. Flamm, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, 1 brother, Paul and 2 sisters, Mrs. Thomas (Inez) Gaffney and Luella Flamm.

(Note: For more information about the Goetten Family visit this page on my genealogy website at- The Goetten Family

Thomas Kinsman Mathews

Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews was born Apr. 12, 1875 in Jersey County, Illinois, and died Jan. 23, 1969 in Saint Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri. Thomas married 1st Katherine Olive "Katie" Snider (1881-1917) on 01 Jan 1899 in Calhoun County, Illinois. She died Mar, 21, 1916 at the age of 37. Thomas married 2nd Daisy Thompson (1881-1940). She died Sept. 30, 1940 when she was 59. Thomas married 3rd Ruth Ida Ramsey. At the time of his death at Firmin Desloge Hospital, Thomas was 93 years, 9 months and 11 days old. He was buried next to both of his wives and shares a stone with them. His burial was at Hardin Cemetery, Hardin, Calhoun County, IL. Children of Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews and his 1st wife Katherine Olive (Snider) Mathews were-Clarence L. Mathews (1903-1908); Willard R. Mathews, born 29 Mar 1901, Hardin, Calhoun Co., IL, died 24 Apr 1973, St. Anthony's Health Center, Alton, Madison Co., IL. (Age 72 years); Velma M. Mathews, born 20 Dec 1902, Jersey Co., IL, died 20 Oct 1986, San Bernardino, CA. (Age 83 years); Mabel M. Mathews, born Abt 1904, died Aft 1925 (Age ~ 22 years); Mildred E. Mathews, born Abt 1906, died 6 Feb 1979, Bethalto, Madison Co., IL. (Age ~ 73 years); and Beulah R. Mathews, born 29 Dec 1912, Grafton, Jersey Co., IL, died 20 Jan 2008, St. Paul's Nursing Home, Belleville, St. Clair Co., IL. (Age 95 years)


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's obituary - Alton Evening Telegraph 24 Jan 1969 page - Fieldon-Thomas Kinsman Matthews, 93, of Rte. 1, Fieldon (Nutwood), died at 10:25 a.m. Thursday at the Firmin Desloge Hospital in St. Louis, MO., where he had been a patient for eight days. The retired farmer was born April 15, 1875, in Jersey County. He married Ida Ramsey Matthews , who survives. In addition to his widow, he is survived by one son, Willard of Alton; three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Worsham of Bethalto, Mrs. Velma Broadman of Onteria, Calif., and Mrs. Beulah Zapp of Mascoutah; six step-children; 19 grandchildren; and 35 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one daughter and one son. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville, the Rev. A.J. Maggos of Alton officiating. Burial will be in Hardin Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Saturday.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's 1st wife Katherine Olive "Katie" (Snider) Mathews's was born Aug. 25, 1881 in Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Mar. 21, 1916 in Jersey County, Illinois. The daughter of John A. Snider (1860-1939) and Mary Hyatt (1858-1943), "Katie" married Thomas K. Mathews on 01 Jan 1899 in Calhoun County, Illinois. At the time of her death, Katie was 37 years, 6 months and 25 days old. She was buried on 24 Mar 1916 and was survived by her husband, Thomas, who later remarried.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's 1st wife Katherine Olive "Katie" (Snider) Mathews's obituary - Mrs. T. K. Mathews who died at her home near Grafton, was taken to Hardin Friday morning on a yacht for burial. Mrs. Mathews had only been a resident of this city tor a few weeks, having moved from Hardin. She was taken sick with pneumonia a few days ago, which proved fatal. She leaves to mourn her death a young husband, four daughters and one son, besides many other relatives.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's 2nd wife Daisy (Thompson) Mathews's Daisy (Thompson) Mathews was born Feb. 26, 1881 in Rosedale, Jersey County, Illinois, and died Sep. 30, 1940 in Rosedale, Jersey County, Illinois. The daughter of Andrew Jackson Thompson and Elizabeth Smith, Daisy was the second wife of Thomas K. Mathews. At the time of her death, Daisy was 59 years, 7 months and 4 days old. She was buried on 02 Oct 1940 and was survived by her husband, Thomas, who passed away in 1969.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's 2nd wife Daisy (Thompson) Mathews's obituary - Funeral rites for Mrs. Daisy Matthews, wife of T. K. Matthews, who died Monday morning at her home In Rosedale township, Jersey County, will be conducted on Wednesday at 2 p. m., in the Nutwood Church, the Rev. C. C. Kirchner of Alton officiating. Burial will be in Hardin cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Matthews besides her husband are three brothers, Broken, Elaine and Grant Thompson, and one sister, Miss Delia Thompson, all of Rosedale; also a step-daughter, step-son and 16 step-grandchildren.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's 3rd wife Ruth Ida (Ramsey) Mathews's obituary - MATHEWS. Died 01-08-1975. Final services for Mrs. Ruth Ida Mathews of Rural Route 1, Fieldon were conducted Friday afternoon, January 10, from Jacoby Funeral Home where visitation was held. Her death occurred at 10:21 a.m. on January 8 at Jersey Community hospital. Interment was in the Hardin cemetery. Rev. A. J. Maggos officiated. She was born in Dickerson County in Virginia, September 24, 1896, the daughter of Wade and Cordelia Porter Ramsey. Mrs. Mathews was a member of the Pentecostal Church of Nutwood. Her husband was the Late T. K. Mathews. She is survived by four Sons, Paul and Robert Reedy of Bethalto, Bruce Reedy of Eccles, West Virginia and Cletus Reedy of Jacksonville; and two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Scott of Fieldon and Mrs. James E. (Freda) Mullins of Blair, West Virginia; two grandchildren; 39 great grandchildren and a brother, Robert Ramsey of Texas. Her parents, husband and a son preceded her in death.


Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews's brother Frank Mathews's obituary - HARDIN, Died July 22, 1968 — Frank Matthews, 88, died at 4 a.m. today at Jersey Community Hospital. A native of Jersey County, he was born Sept. 11, 1879. Surviving are three daughters, Miss Ruby Matthews of Texas, Mrs. Goldie Snider of Kane, and Mrs. Eva Jean Schaaf of Fieldon; a son, Leo of Hardin; and a brother, T. K. Matthews of Fieldon. Friends may call at the C. C. Hanks Funeral Home, Hardin, after 2 p.m. Tuesday. Services will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home, with burial in Hardin Cemetery.


(1) Thomas Kinsman (T. K.) Mathews and his 1st wife Katherine Olive (Snider) Mathews's son Willard R. Mathews, was born 29 Mar 1901, Hardin, Calhoun Co., IL, and died 24 Apr 1973, St. Anthony's Health Center, Alton, Madison Co., IL. (Age 72 years). He married Gertrude Hercheneroeder, born 1 Oct 1904, St. Louis, Missouri, died 11 Jan 2001, D'Adrian Convalescent Center, Godfrey, Madison Co., IL (Age 96 years). They married 7 Aug 1923 at St. Patrick's Church, Alton, Madison Co., Illinois. Children of Willard R. and Gertrude (Herkenroeder) Mathews were-Tom Mathews, Dorothy Mathews, Ralph Mathews, Carol Mathews, Richard W. Mathews, and Ruth Mathews.


(Note: Mathews-Herchenroeder Nuptials Announcement - From Alton Evening Telegraph 8 Aug 1923 - Mathews-Herchenroeder Nuptials Tuesday Night. The marriage of Miss: Gertrude Herchenroeder to Willard Mathews was an event of last night taking place at seven o'clock at the parsonage ot St, Patrick's church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Francis B. Kehoe and was witnessed a small gathering of relatives Miss Mabel Mathews of St. Louis, a sister ot the groom, and Ollle Fortschneider, the bride's cousin, were the attendants. Miss Herchenroeder was attired in a gown of white satin fashioned with net and pearls, and wore a hat of Spanish lace. Miss Mathews was gowned in peach blow organdy. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Henry Kipp of Union street and is a charming young woman. On account of the illness of Mr. Kipp, the bride's step father, the wedding was very quiet . Following the wedding a supper was served at the Kipp home to eighteen guests. The supper table decorated with gladioli and a large wedding cake. Among those at the supper were the groom's father, T. K. Mathews, his sisters, the Misses Mabel, Beulah and Chelca Mathews, and his cousin, Miss Ione Hamilton, all of whom came up from St. Louis for the wedding.)


(1a) Willard R. and Gertrude (Herkenroeder) Mathews's son Richard W. Mathews was born 1 Jun 1927 Alton, Madison Co., and died 30 Aug 2003 at St. Louis University Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. He was buried 3 Sep 2003 at St. Patrick's Cemetery, Godfrey, Madison Co., Illinois. He married Kathryn Prullage. Children of Richard and Kathryn (Prullage) Mathews were-Cathy Mathews, Mark Mathews, Steven Mathews, Teresa Mathews, and Timothy Mathews.


Richard W. Mathews's obituary - Alton Telegraph 1 Sep 2003, ALTON - Richard W. Mathews, 76, died at 12:15 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30, 2003, at St. Louis University H ospital. He was born June 1, 1927, in Alton to the late Willard R. and Gertrude (Herkenroeder) Mathews. He married the former Kathryn "Kaye" Prullage on May 30, 1953, at SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Alton, where the family has remained long-time members. A graduate of Marquette Catholic High School, he received a business degree from Washington University and was employed 39 years at Union Electric, retiring in 1989 as a safety supervisor. He volunteered for Project Read Illinois Youth Camp and coached numerous youth baseball leagues. He was a member of Alton Wood River Sportsmans Club, the Fraternal Order of Eagle s Alton Lodge 254 and the Alton Motor Boat Club. In addition to his beloved wife of 50 years, he is also survived and will be missed by his children and their spouses, Cathy and Steve Gore of St. Charles, Mo., Mark and Paula Mathews of Dow, Steve and Michelle Mathews and Teresa DeGrand, all of Godfrey, and Tim Mathews of Caro lina Beach, N.C.; brother and sister- in-law, Tom and Mary Helen Mathews of Godfrey; sister and brother-in-law, Dorothy and Herman Boren of Godfrey; brother and sister-in-law, Ralph and Mary Catherine Mathews of Bethalto; a sister, Carol Ann Martinez of Austin, Texas; grandchi ldren, Matt Gore, Katie Gore, Mark Gore, Sean Gore, Sarah Mathews, Daniel Mathews, Ryan Mathews, Shane Mathews, Tommy DeGrand and Meghan DeGrand; other extended family and many dear friends. Besides his parents, a sister, Ruth Jun, and a granddaughter, Jenna Mathews, preceded him in death. Visitation will be 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Staten-Fine Funeral Home in Alton. A funeral Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated at 10 a.m. Wednesday at SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Alton, with Father Roger Schoenhofen, O.M.I., as the celebrant. Burial will follow at St. Patrick Cemetery in Godfrey. Memorials may be made to SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church or to Project Read, care of 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, IL, 62035.

Henry (Tappmeier) Toppmeyer, Sr.

Henry (Tappmeier) Toppmeyer, Sr. was born Apr. 18, 1825 in Prussia, and died Nov. 14, 1892 in Illinois. Henry was born about 1825 in Prussia where he married Maria "Mary" (1827-1891) (maiden name unknown) around 1850. They were the parents of at least 1 child before they came to the states sometime between 1852 and 1854. Their youngest 5 children were all born in Illinois, where Henry worked as a farmer in Calhoun County. Henry became a naturalized American citizen on 14 Nov 1860 in Calhoun County. The family surname seems to have been originally spelled Tappmeier. However, all of the descendants of Henry and Mary spelled the name Toppmeyer. At the time of his death, Henry was 67 years, 6 months and 27 days old. He was buried next to his wife, Mary, who passed away in 1891. They were both buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Brussels, Calhoun Co., IL. Children of Henry and Mary Toppmeyer were-Anna C. (Toppmeyer) Stahl Benken (1852-1914); Maria "Mary" (Toppmeyer) Arnold (1854-1888); Catherine (Toppmeyer) Kamp (1859-1925); Henry Toppmeyer, Jr. (1859-1873); Bernhardt W. Toppmeyer, Sr. (1863-1941); and Frank Xavier Toppmeyer, Sr.


(1) Henry and Mary Toppmeyer's son Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. was born Mar. 14, 1863 in Deer Plain, Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Jan. 24, 1941 in Calhoun County, Illinois. The son of Henry and Mary Toppmeyer, "Barney" married Anna "Annie" Nolte (1863-1942) on 22 Nov 1887 in Calhoun County, Illinois. He was a farmer, and they were the parents of 5 children. At the time of his death, Barney was 77 years, 10 months and days 10 old. He was buried on 27 Jan 1941 and was survived by his wife, Annie, who passed away in 1942. They were both buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Brussels, Calhoun Co., IL. Children: 4 sons, 1 daughter. Children of Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer were-Joseph Henry Toppmeyer (1888-1918); August Toppmeyer (1890-1975); Bernard A. Toppmeyer (1893-1972); Catherine Toppmeyer (1895-1987); Frank Xavier Toppmeyer (1899-1983).


(1a) Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer's son Joseph Henry "Joe" Toppmeyer was born Jul. 31, 1888 in Deer Plain, Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Oct. 6, 1918 in Brussels, Calhoun County, Illinois. The oldest child of Barney Toppmeyer and Anna Nolte, "Joe" was born and raised on the family farm in Calhoun County, Illinois. Joe served in the United States military during World War I. He was assigned to Camp Custer in Battle Creek, Calhoun County, Michigan. [Note that the obituary says he was stationed at Camp Grant in Rockford, Illinois. The stone is engraved "CAMP CUSTER, MICH."] While in the service, Joe contracted malaria. His Illinois death certificate indicates that he died of the disease in Brussels, Calhoun County, Illinois. At the time of his death, he was 30 years, 2 months and 6 days old. Joe was buried on 12 Oct 1918. He was survived by his mother and father.


Pvt. Joseph Henry "Joe" Toppmeyer's Obituary - MESSENGER OF DEATH CALLS JOSEPH H. TOPPMEYER TO HIS ETERNAL HOME - Joseph Henry Toppmeyer ended his earthly pilgrimage at Camp Grant, Rockford, Ills. Sunday October 6, 1918 after a week's illness from pneumonia. Death is at all times sad and particularly it is so when it removes from earth one so young and happy. Sorrow clutches our hearts to know that Joe was taken so early from our midst to dwell in his eternal home. Joseph Henry Toppmeyer was born in Deer Plain, Ills. July 31st, 1888 and departed this life at Camp Grant, Ills. October 6th, 1918 having attained the age of 30 years, 2 months and 6 days. He was one of five children that came to bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Toppmeyer. On Sept. 5th Joe left with a contingent for Camp Grant and on Sept. 25th he was taken seriously ill. His parents were notified and his father left immediately for Camp Grant. All that could be done was done but to no avail. He suffered much during his last illness and death came as a blessed relief. Joe was just in the prime of his life. He was a young man of splendid habits, very industrious and was liked by all who knew him. He has made the supreme sacrifice and by his death, we have lost one of our best citizens. He was a devout member of the Catholic Church. The remains were laid to rest in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Brussels Saturday morning October 12, 1918 at 9 o'clock after a Requiem High Mass by Rev. Fr. A. J. Stengel. A large crowd of sorrowing friends followed the remains to its last resting-place. To the heartbroken parents, brothers and sisters we extend our heartfelt sympathy. A friend. (Unknown Calhoun County newspaper; October 1918)


(2a) Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer's son August Toppmeyer was born Oct. 28, 1890 in Calhoun Co., IL, and died Jul. 1, 1975. The son of Barney W. Toppmeyer and Anna Nolte, August married Ida Held (1895-1982) on 21 Oct 1925 in Calhoun County, Illinois. They were the parents of 2 children. At the time of his death, August was 84 years, 8 months and 3 days old. He was survived by his wife, Ida, who passed away in 1982. They were both buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Brussels, Calhoun Co., IL. Children of August and Ida (Held) Toppmeyer were-Jerome Toppmeyer and Robert Toppmeyer.


(1aa) Carl J. & Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder's daughter Barbara J. (Schmieder) Toppmeyer's husband Jerome A. Toppmeyer's obituary - JEROME A. TOPPMEYER, BRUSSELS — Jerome A. Toppmeyer, 83, died at 5:12 p.m. Friday Aug. 1, 2014, at Highland Health Care in Highland, Ill. Born July 15, 1931, in Brussels, he was the son of the late August and Ida (Held) Toppmeyer. He married Barbara J. (Schmieder) Toppmeyer Oct. 1, 1955, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Westwoods, and she survives. He was a farmer and orchardist. A Korean army veteran, he served from 1952-1954. He served as a motion picture photographer. Survivors include his wife, and two sons: Dr. Randy (Sue Ann) Toppmeyer of Bethalto and Alan (and companion Michelle) Toppmeyer of Brussels; two grandchildren: Kelly (Matt) Olmsted and Adam (Sarah) Toppmeyer; three great-grandchildren: Emersyn and Everly Olmsted and Piper Ann Toppmeyer; brother-in-law, Johnny Schmieder; two sisters- in-law: Mary Toppmeyer of New York and Geraldine Becker of Jerseyville; numerous nephews and nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Robert Toppmeyer. Memberships included St. Mary's Catholic Church in Brussels, Brussels American Legion, where he served as treasurer for over 35 years, past president of the Brussels School Board, and the volunteer Fire Department in Brussels. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Monday Aug. 4, at Hanks-Gress Funeral Home in Brussels. A prayer service will be at 8 p.m. that evening. Funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2014, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Meppen. Fr. Don Roberts will be officiating. Burial will be at St. Mary's Cemetery in Brussels with full military rites. Memorials may be to St. Mary's Catholic School, American Cancer Society or Masses.


(3a) Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer's son Bernard A. Toppmeyer was born Feb. 14, 1893 in IL, and died Feb. 17, 1972. The son of Barney W. Toppmeyer and Anna Nolte, Bernard served in the United States military during WWI. After the war, Bernard married Louise R. Keim (1903-1967) on 28 Oct 1924 in Calhoun County, Illinois. Bernard died 3 days after his 79th birthday. He was buried next to his wife, Louise, who passed away in 1967. They were both buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Brussels, Calhoun Co., IL. Children of Bernard A. Toppmeyer and Louise R. (Keim) Toppmeyer were-Winfred or Wilford Bernard Toppmeyer (1927 - 1927), Myrlin (Toppmeyer) Hillen, W. Bernard Toppmeyer, Diann M. (Toppmeyer) Baalman, and Donald Toppmeyer.


Bernard A. Toppmeyer's wife Louise R. (Keim) Toppmeyer was born Dec. 28, 1903 in Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Mar. 18, 1967 in Richmond Heights, St. Louis County, Missouri. The daughter of Henry J. Keim and Thresia Funstein (sp?), Louise married Bernard A. Toppmeyer on 28 Oct 1924 in Calhoun County, Illinois. They were the parents of 4 children, including 1 son who died in infancy. Louise suffered from poor health for an extended time before her death. She was a semi-invalid and patient at Jersey Community Hospital in Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois before entering St. Mary's Hospital in St. Louis County, Missouri. At the time of her death, Louise was 63 years, 2 months and 18 days old. She was survived by her husband, Bernard, who passed away in 1972. In addition to her husband, Louise was survived by 2 daughters, Myrlin and Diann; 1 son, Donald; 8 grandchildren; 2 brothers, George and Joseph Keim; and 4 sisters, Catherine Evans, Tillie Schulte, Minnie Wilschetz and Rose Aceto. Visitation was held at the C. C. Hanks Funeral Home. The Parish Rosary was recited at 8:30 p.m. on 20 Mar 1967. A Requiem Mass was sung at 10 a.m. the following morning at St. Mary's Church in Brussels.


(1aa) Bernard and Louise (Kiem) Toppmeyer's son Donald J. Toppmeyer's obituary - Donald J. Toppmeyer, 86, passed away at 5:53 am Thursday March 24, 2016 at the Jersey Community Hospital. He was born on April 10, 1929 in St. Louis, MO the son of the late Bernard and Louise (Kiem) Toppmeyer. Donald married Carmen T. (Johnes) on October, 22 1949 in Batchtown and she preceded him in death on May 6, 2004. He retired from the Bank of Calhoun County after 50+ years of service as the Executive Vice-President and Chairman of the Board, and was a member of the K of C in Hardin. He was an amateur arborist, enjoyed dancing, hunting, fishing, gardening, farming and the great outdoors. He was an avid St. Louis Cardinals fan and loved his cat “Shooter”. Donald was a devoted father, grandfather, uncle and friend and will be missed by his loving family. He is survived by two daughters; Laura and her spouse Joe Liszewski of O’Fallon, MO, and Lavona Toppmeyer of Jerseyville; two sons and their spouses; Greg and Carole Toppmeyer of Virden, and Jeff and Beth Toppmeyer of Hardin; five grandchildren, two step-grandchildren, one great grandchild, three step great grandchildren, two sisters; Myrlin Hillen of Champaign, and Diann and her spouse Norman Baalman of Meppen; two sister in law’s, Shirley and Dorothy Johnes; and one brother in law, Kenny Sievers; a special friend, Shirley McCauley, and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and his wife. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 pm Monday, March 28, 2016 at the Hanks – Gress Funeral Home in Hardin. A Mass of Christian Burial will be at 10 am, Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at St. Norberts Catholic Church in Hardin with Fr. Don Roberts as celebrant. Burial will follow at St. Norberts Catholic Cemetery in Hardin. Memorials may be made to: St. Norbert’s Catholic School or Masses. Hanks-Gress Funeral Home in Hardin is in charge of arrangements.


(4a) Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer's daughter Catherine "Katie" Toppmeyer was born Jul. 15, 1895 in Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Jul. 3, 1987. "Katie" was the only daughter of 5 children born to Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer and Anna "Annie" Nolte. Katie lived with her parents in Calhoun County, Illinois and never married. Katie died 12 days before her 92nd birthday. She was buried next to her parents and shares a stone with them.


(5a) Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer, Sr. and Anna (Nolte) Toppmeyer's son Frank Xavier Toppmeyer was born Feb. 2, 1899 in Golden Eagle, Calhoun County, Illinois, and died Feb. 3, 1983 in Golden Eagle, Calhoun County, Illinois. The son of Bernhardt W. "Barney" Toppmeyer and Anna "Annie" Nolte, Frank married Mary Telkamp (1903-1980) on 26 Nov 1930 in Brussels, Calhoun County, Illinois. Frank died the day after his 84th birthday. He was buried next to his wife, Mary, who passed away in 1980. They were both buried in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Brussels, Calhoun Co., IL.

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