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My Childhood Memories-Page 11

Chapter 17: Otter Creek Families

On this page I would like to give you some historical information I have found about Jersey County IL and the families that lived in the Otter Creek area that my parents knew, and who were among the early settlers of the Jersey County.

Jersey County lies northeast of where the great Mississippi and Illinois rivers meet. It is the former home of the Kickapoo, Menomini, Potawatomi, and Illiniwek Confederation Indians. The first European explorers to visit the area, Father Marquette and Louis Jolliet, arrived in 1673, where they encountered the fearsome painting of the Piasa bird. The present day Pere Marquette State Park, located near Grafton, is named in Father Marquette's honor.

Jersey County was founded on February 28, 1839, and was formed out of Greene County. The county was named for the state of New Jersey, from which many of the early settlers emigrated - which was itself named for the Channel Island of Jersey in Great Britain. The area quickly evolved into small agricultural communities. As the area soon began to flourish, a county government was established and a courthouse was built in Jerseyville, the county seat. The present courthouse is a magnificent architectural structure that was built in 1893.

(Note: The above information about the history of Jersey County I found at -,_Illinois


The source of the following information pertaining to the early history of Otter Creek Township I found at this Jersey County Historical Website-Jersey County ILGenWeb, copyright Judy Griffin 2002-2004. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data and images on any of this site's webpages may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for other presentation without express permission by the contributor(s).

Here is the information about families whose descendants my parents knew and often mentioned when I was a boy growing up on our farm in the Otter Creek area in the 1940's and 50's-the White, Dabbs, and Kirchner, Mcdanel, and Humiston Families that I copied from the site below. It tells where they settled near Otterville in Otter Creek township. Other families mentioned on the historical site who were early settlers in Otter Creek Township-McDow, Dougherty, Worthy, Waggoner, and Vanausdall families, I have heard my parents mention knowing of them also.


Otter Creek Township and Otter Creek

My parent's farm was located in Jersey County, Illinois in Otter Creek Township about a mile north of Otter Creek. Our farm was located about 2 miles west of where the north and south forks of Otter Creek merged to form one creek, not far from where it flowed out of Otter Creek township and entered Rosedale Township. Here is some information I found on the Jersey County ILGenWeb Historical website about Otter Creek Township and Otter Creek.---


The source of the historical information below I found specifically at this reference site on the above mentioned Jersey County ILGenWeb site about early Jersey County, Illinois history in the Otter Creek Township area where my parents and I lived-


Otter Creek

From History of Greene and Jersey Counties, Illinois, Springfield, IL: Continental Historical Co., 1885, pp. 274-301. There may be typographical errors in the transcription.

      This sub-division of Jersey county is bounded on the north by English, on the east by Mississippi, on the south by Quarry, and on the west by Rosedale. The township is well wooded, the principal prairie land being found in the eastern part and in the south row of sections. Otter Creek, with its two forks, North and South Otter, run through this township. North Otter comes in from English about the center of the cast line of section 12, and South Otter creek comes in from Quarry about the center of the south line of section 36. The two effect a junction on section 8, and thenceforward pass onward as one stream - the main Otter creek, flowing out of the township, and passing into Rosedale, at the line between sections 6 and 7. These streams, with their numerous little tributaries, serve to furnish an abundant supply of water for stock and agricultural purposes, and giving ample drainage facilities. Considerable attention is given to stockraising in this township, a number of the farmers taking an interest in the improvement of their- live stock. The eastern part of the township has the best farm land, and generally the best improved, though there are a number of good places in the west and south parts.

      The village of Otterville lies on section 11, and affords a number of business enterprises for the accommodation of the citizens of the township. There is no railroad running through it, though all parts are within easy access of railroad points. There is some hilly country in the township, but very little indeed that would resist efforts at cultivation.


The White Family

The first permanent settler within the bounds of what now constitutes the township of Otter creek was Joseph White, a native of South Carolina, but who came to this county from Kentucky, in 1821 or 1822. His two grand-sons, Daniel P. and John L., are both residents of the townships.

      Daniel P. White is a son of Joab and Maria (Randall) White, and was born in what is now Jersey county, in 1834. He was here reared, and in 1855 was married to Mary M. Terry, a native of this county, who died in 1872. In 1874 he was married to Sarah W. Moss, who was also born in Jersey county. She died in 1876, and in 1882 Mr. White was married to Mrs. Mary J. (Turner) White, widow of Louis White, of Mississippi township. Mr. White has always been a resident of this county, and always followed farming. He is the owner of a valuable and well improved farm, comprising 80 acres. He is a republican in politics, and an enterprising and worthy citizen.

      John L. White was born in Jersey (then Greene) county, Aug. 2,1823. His father, Joab White, was born in South Carolina, and his mother, Jane (Lofton) White, in Kentucky. John L. White is the oldest man, with one exception, born, raised and now residing in the territory comprising Greene and Jersey counties. He was reared here, and in 1843 was married to Martha L. Sansom, a native of Ohio, Three sons were born to them - James J., born in 1845, now living in Kansas; Lewis A., who died in 1880, and Charles Henry, now living in Mississippi township. Mrs. White died Feb. 14, 1851. Mr. White was again married, Oct. 4,1851, to Rosa J. White, a native of Jersey county. By this union, there were four daughters, three of whom are living - Susan, wife of John T. Wagoner, of Otter Creek township; Mary Jane, wife of James P. Achford, of this township, and Fannie Evelyn, living with her parents. Josephine died in 1857.

      Thomas White, in 1824, located east of Otterville, where he lived for many years.

Hiram White a farmer of Otter Creek township, was born in Clinton county, Ill., Dec. 16, 1843. He is a son of Thomas and Rebecca White, who came to Jersey county in 1845, and settled on section 26, Otter Creek township, where Hiram White now lives. Thos. White died in 1850 and his wife, Rebecca in 1884. Hiram White was married in 1868; to Julia Hill, a native of Georgia. They have three children - Nettie Delight, Iva Nellie and Elda May. Mr. White served five months in the army during the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in the 27th Ill. Inf. He was discharged for disability and returned Home. He owns 80 acres of valuable land and is engaged in general farming. He is a member of the I. O. O. F.


Note: My parents often mentioned knowing members of the White family who were probably descendants of the early White family settlers in the Otter Creek area. My parents knew the Roy White family well, and often spoke of them, and said the White family of the Union Forest area were among the earliest settlers in the area. They have their own White Family Cemetery with ancestors dating back to the beginning of Jersey County. The White children that my parents knew well were Roy, George, Nola (who married Oscar Henson), Tacie (who was my teacher at Pleasant Cove and also taught my mother at Franklin School), and Rosie White. Tacie's parents were George and Rose (Bray White. The Springman's and Henson's were also early settlers in the area. My parents knew John and Gladys (Henson) Springman, Hazel Springman, Howard Springman, and Oscar and Nola May (White) Henson. They lived near the north fork of Otter Creek near the Union Forest Church which my parents and I attended when I was a boy. Roy White and his wife both attended the Union Forest Church at the time and were in their eighties I believe.

Tacie (White) Schaaf (1896 to 1950) who was my teacher in the first grade. She died the next summer, Aug. 1950, after my first grade of a heart attack. She also taught my mother and sister before me.

Nola Henson who my parents often mentioned as being such a wonderful and thoughtful person attended the Union Forest Church there, and was very helpful and kind to people in the community. Her maiden name was White, and she was married to Oscar Henson.


The Dabbs Family

James Dabbs settled on section 9, in this township, in the spring of 1826. He was a native of South Carolina, and was married in that state, in 1802. Several years after that event they emigrated to Barren county, Ky., where they resided until 1819, when they removed to the vicinity of Wood river, Madison county, Ill., from which place they came here, as above stated. Jesse Dabbs, a son, was a resident of the county until 1875, when he died. James Dabbs and his wife, Mary, were worthy members of the pioneer band. He died a resident of the county, Dec. 19, 1841, his wife living until Sept. 8, 1852.

      Samuel Dabbs, a native of South Carolina, made a settlement on section 8, in this township, about the year 1826. His son, W. W. Dabbs, is a resident of the township still, living near the old homestead.

      W. W. Dabbs is a son of Samuel and Mary (Link) Dabbs, who were pioneers of Jersey county. Samuel Dabbs was a native of Kentucky, and his wife of Tennessee They came to Illinois in 1805, and to what is now Jersey county, in 1826, settling. upon See 8, Otter Creek township, which was the birth-place of the subject of this sketch. He was born on the 8th day of June, 1836.

He obtained his education in the common schools of that township, and there grew to manhood. Nov. 5, 1855, he was married to Catherine Worthey, a native of Tennessee. Nine children were born to them - John W., George F., Linley, Hattie E., Margaret E, Emma E., Nellie Jane, Oscar and Mary E. Mr. Dabbs owns a large farm, comprising 534 acres, and follows farming. He was engaged in, a meat market 13 years. Politically Mr. Dabbs is a republican, having voted with that party since its organization. He has held the office of school director and is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Samuel Dabbs died Dec. 12, 1853, and his widow, Mrs. Mary Dabbs, Sept. 12, 1855. Both are buried in the old cemetery at Otterville.


Note: My parents, who are passed away, knew the Dabbs family of the Otterville area well, and a lot about their family history. I remember them telling me the Dabbs family were among the first settlers of the Jersey County, IL area.

My parents had a farm a few miles from Dabbs Hill in the Fieldon, IL area. We lived in Otter Creek township. I remember when I was a boy in the 1950's with my parents on the farm in the Fieldon Area, we often drove up Dabbs hill. We knew Sherman Dabbs, Arthur Dabbs, Kearney Dabbs, and Morris Dabbs and their families well. They were descendants of William and Catherine (Worthy) Dabbs mentioned in the article above by Jersey County historical website as early settlers of the Otter Creek area.

They all lived at that time on Dabbs hill or nearby. Arthur Dabbs was married to my mother's cousin whose maiden name was Frances Gropple. She was my mother's Aunt Kate's daughter. Aunt Kate was a sister to my mother's mother Caroline Haushalter Kraushaar. Frances had been married before to a man whose last name was Walker. Arthur Dabbs had been married before also. They lived at the foot of Dabbs Hill, in a small house just a little to the north of the main road. I remember my parents and I went to visit Frances and Arthur at their farmhouse there by Dabbs Hill when I was a little boy, and she was sick and in a wheelchair after having one of her legs amputated due to diabetes at the time.

Morris Dabbs was our Otter Creek township Road Commissioner at that time. Arthur Dabbs was a brother to Lester Dabbs. Linley Dabbs the son of William and Catherine (Worthy) Dabbs was their father. Lester Dabbs was Sherman Dabbs's father. Morris Dabbs and Kearney Dabbs were cousins to them also. Their father William Oscar Dabbs was a brother to Linley Dabbs. Morris's elderly parents were still alive at that time. My parents knew them and other Dabbs family members well.

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The Kirchner Family

      Charles R. Kirchner, a farmer of Otter Creek township, is a son of George C. and Elizabeth (Thurston) Kirchner, natives of Prussia, who came to America in 1825. Charles R. was born in Jersey county in 1850. He here grew to manhood, receiving his education in the district schools of English township and the graded schools of Jerseyville. In 1870 he was married to Charlotte Hinson, a native of this county. They have three children - Lula Bell, Harry Wesley, and Della Leo.

Mr. Kirchner owns a farm of 120 acres, located on Sec., 15. Mr. and Mrs. Kirchner are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. George C. Kirchner improved one of the first farms in English township, located on Sees. 31 and 32. George Kirchner died Dec. 11, 1881, and his wife, Elizabeth, in the fall of 186.5. Both are buried in the Jerseyville cemetery.


Note: My parents often mentioned knowing members of the Kirchner family who were probably descendants of the early Kirchner family settlers in the Otter Creek area. My father went to school with some Kirchner children I think I heard him say, or at least he knew them well. Their parents were Henry and Rose Springman Kirchner. The Kirchner children were Ed, George, Elmer, Rosie, Emma, Nellie, Margaret, Louise, and Alice (who married Justus Russell, his first wife), and Julie. They lived in the Rosedale Township area.


The Humiston Family

   Linus Humiston, of Otter Creek township, is a son of Jason and Margaret (McNeal) Humiston, the former a native of Wallingford, Conn., and the latter, of Morgantown, W. Va. Linus was born in Washington county, O., in 1825. He remained in that county until 21 years of age, engaged in farming and carpentering. He obtained a good education in the public schools, and taught school one term of four months, in Ohio. In Sept., 1847, he came to Jersey county and settled in Otterville, where he has ever since resided. He has followed teaching school and carpentering. He was employed about 10 years as teacher of the Otterville school. In Feb., 1864, he enlisted in the 124th Ill. Inf., and served till July 17, 1865, when be was transferred to the 33d Ill. Reg., and was mustered out Dec. 6. 1865. He participated in the following battles: Benton, Yazoo City, Clinton, Jackson Cross Roads, Miss., and Spanish Fort, Ala. Mr. Humiston was married in 1873, to Ellen Spangle, a native of this county, and daughter of Andrew Spangle, of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Humiston have two children - Andrew Jason and Luther Burton. Jason Humiston, father of the subject of this sketch, died in Ohio, Nov. 20, 1854, and his wife, Margaret, March 31, 1849, in the same state. Here is some more information about the early history of Otter Creek Township.


Note: My parents mentioned knowing members of the Humiston family who were possibly descendants of the early Humiston family settlers in the Otter Creek area. When I was a boy there was a very large farm called the Humiston farm just across Otter Creek to the south. At that time the farm was owned by 2 elderly Humiston sisters who lived elsewhere. My Uncle Lon used to farm it for them at one time. It was very remote and the road wasn't too good I remember. The road crossed Otter Creek, but there wasn't a bridge, so if the creek got up you couldn't get in or out.


The McDanel Family

McDanel and his wife settled in Otter Creek township in the fall of 1828, on Sec. 7, where he lived for many years. He constructed a dam and mill for sawing lumber on Otter Creek in 1828, and two years later a mill for grinding corn. Mr. McDanel came here from Madison county, and died in Sept., 1859, leaving a large landed estate. His wife, Rachel (Cooper) McDanel, died May, 1861. Gregg McDanel built a large flouring mill at Upper Grafton, in 1857, through the persuasion of Henry Shaff, a young miller, which proved a disastrous failure. His son, Charles McDanel, resides on the old homestead.       Charles McDanel is a son of Gregg and Rachel (Cooper) McDanel, who settled in Madison county in 1820. They removed to Jersey county in 1828, locating on Sec. 7, Otter Creek township, where Charles now resides. Gregg McDanel died in Sept., 1859, and his wife in May, 1861. Both are buried in the Noble cemetery. Charles McDanel was born in Madison county, Ill., in 1827, and was one year old when his parents settled in this county. He was reared to the occupation of farming, also worked in a saw and grist mill. He received a good education, attending the district school and afterwards Shurtleff College, at Upper Alton. In November, 1865, he was married to Amanda Dabbs, who was born in Otter Creek township. Mr. and Mrs. McDanel are the parents of eight children - Sarah Leonora, Rachel A., Charles G., Georgiana, Ada Maria, Mark L., William R., and Grace Adella. Mr. McDanel is one of the most extensive land owners in Jersey county, having 1,400 acres, and carries on general farming. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M. Mr. McDanel has spent almost his entire life in this. township, and has witnessed its development. He has contributed his full share toward effecting the transformation from a scene of natural wildness to a country of comfortable homes and a land teeming with wealth and material prosperity. These solid comforts of life have been secured by the industry and sacrifice of those early settlers, and among them Mr. McDanel is now in the enjoyment of an abundant competency and can spend his remaining years in peace and happiness.


Note: My parents mentioned knowing members of the McDanel family who were possibly descendants of the early McDanel family settlers in the Otter Creek area. When I was a boy there was a very large farm called the McDanel Farm just to the east of our farm near Otter Creek that was mostly in timber. My father and I used to go coon hunting there sometimes. I don't know if the McDanels owned the farm at the time or not. Often in those days farms were still called by the name of the original owner even though someone else had bought the farm, and the original owner had not lived there for many years.


The Grimes Family

Philip Grimes came to this county in the spring of 1818, and erected a cabin until his death in 1827 on Section 2, of what is now known as English township. He brought his family here from Upper Alton and installed them therein. At this place, on the 20th of January, 1820, was born Jarrett T., his son, who is supposed to be the first white child born within the limits of the county, now living. Philip Grimes resided in the cabin until 1822, when he purchased the improvements of Thos. Lynn, on section 23, of the same township, and moved there. Mr. Grimes was born August 26,1782, in Virginia, and was united in marriage to Polly Boyd, June 4, 1808, in Davidson county, Tennessee. Mrs. Grimes was a native of that county and state, born March 10, 1700. She died September 29, 1853, and Mr. Grimes, October 4, 1851. (Note: the above information is from the Jersey and Greene County, Illinois History book.)

Here is more information about the Grimes Family from the Jersey County Genealogy Trails (Pioneer Families) website page - Grimes Family - Philip Grimes was born in Oldtown, Va., in 1782, and moved to Tennessee in 1808, where he married; enlisted in the War of 1812, was with General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, moved to Wood River, Madison Co., Ill., in 1816; in fall of 1818, he built a log cabin on section 2, English Township; in 1819 moved there, and January 20, 1820, his son, Jarrett T. Grimes, was born. In the fall of that year, he sold his improvement to Jehu Brown, and removed to section 23 of the same township, where he lived until his death in 1851. Jarrett T. Grimes lived with his father until manhood, and was a close neighbor during his father's life. Thus it will be seen that he lived thirty-one years in intercourse with his father, having the benefit of learning the early history of the country, the habits, trials, and experiences of the people from one who had lived through them. Jarrett T. Grimes, the son, died July 11, 1915, at the age of ninety-five years, five months, and twenty-one days, leaving children, grandchildren, and neighbors, to perpetuate this stream of information. Philip Grimes was born before the Treaty of Versailles was signed, ending the Revolutionary War, and six years before Washington was first elected president of the United States, and in addition to participating in so much history making he had ample opportunities, to learn the previous history of his country from his ancestors.

Philip Grimes's son Jarrett Trammel Grimes's obituary - GRIMES. Jarrett Trammel Grimes, 95, was born January 20, 1820 son of Philip & Polly Grimes. He was 1 of 10 children all of whom are now dead. Phillip Grimes a native of Oldtown, VA, was in the war of 1812 and in the battle of New Orleans under Ben Andrew Jackson. He was discharged July 17, 1815. His mother Polly Boyd Grimes, a native of TN, was of french descent. Jarrett’s parents came to IL in 1816, settling near Upper Alton in Madison county. Two years later they moved to a farm 5 1/2 miles northwest of Jerseyville where he was born. He went to pioneer schools. Married Charity (Brown) Grimes November 29, 1838. She was a native of St. Charles county, MO. They were also parents of 10 children, 4 living; 10 grandchildren; 15 g-grandchildren and 4 g-g-grandchildren. His wife d. in 1876. The death of his son James, November 1914, was a hard blow to him. He leaves Miss Isabel and Florence at home; Mrs Mary Hartwick and Edward Grimes of Montgomery Co. Miss Gertrude Grimes daughter of the late Phillip Grimes, the eldest child of Mr & Mrs J T Grimes, who also resides in the home. He was made a Master Mason March 3, 1869, and Royal Arch Mason December 12, 1871. He was a member of the Baptist church. The county loses its oldest citizen with the death of Jarrett Grimes. Burial was in Grimes cemetery near his home.


The First Cemetery

The Otterville cemetery is located on the northwest quarter of Sec. 14, on land lying within the corporation limits. It was formerly called the Noble cemetery, being on land belonging to William Noble. The first interment made there was that of the mortal remains of Daniel White, oldest child of Josiah White, who died in the fall of 1829. This was also the first burial in the township, The plot of Otterville cemetery was filed for record May 28, 1877.



      The first school taught within the limits of what now constitutes Otter Creek township, was presided over by Mrs. Caroline Ripson. It was opened in the Summer of 1832, in the cabin built for Ezra Hurd, who had died the fall before. The district is now in good shape, most of the schoolhouses being commodious and neat structures, and well kept up. An excellent standard of tutors is held and the teachers are quite up to the mark, in all respects.

      The first school house in the Pleasant Grove district was erected in 1870, and was 16 x 20 feet in size. The first teacher was Mary Jane Slaten. The present building was put up in 1875. It is 16 x 24 feet in size, and cost $300. The first teacher was Alice Hughes. Mrs. Kate B. Owens is the present teacher.

      Grant school house in district No. 2. was erected in 1883. It cost $450. Kate McKinstry taught the first term of school in this building.

      The school building in district No. 3, known as Buckeye school house, was erected in 1880, by John C. Lewis, contractor. The building is 20 x 36 feet in size, and cost $500. The enrollment in this school is 35. The teacher is Ned Yerkes.

      Liberty school house, in district No. 4, was built in 1885, at a cost of $500. In size it is 20 x 36 feet. The enrollment is 20.

      Shiloh school house was built in 1872. It is a frame building 22 x 32 feet in size, and cost $1,200. There is an enrollment of 75 in this school, with an average attendance of 40. S. T. Cannedy is the present teacher.


First Items

The first death was Daniel, son of Josiah White, born in 1828.


The first marriage was that of William McDow and Delilah Waggoner, in the spring of 1830. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Joseph Basey, a Methodist minister, on the farm now owned by Edward Howard.


Josiah White's oldest child, Daniel, died in the fall of 1829, and was buried in what was known as the Noble cemetery, now the Otterville cemetery. This was the first death in the township, and the body was the first interred in that cemetery.


The first grist mill in the county run by water power, was erected by Gregg McDanel in 1828, and was located in Otter Creek township, on section 7, on the south bank of Otter creek. It was built in 1830. A saw mill had been built by the same party, in 1828, on the opposite side of the creek. The dam was afterwards washed away, and both mills went down. The first justice of the peace was Gilbert Douglas, Sr., elected in 1824, His son is a resident of Des Moines, Iowa.


The first constable was Jay Montgomery Hurd, elected in 1833.


The first resident physician was Dr. Silas Hamilton, who located here in 1830.


The first school was taught by Mrs. Caroline Ripson, in the summer of 1832.


The first store in the township was opened at the forks of Otter creek, in 1832, by Woodberry Massey, who met with such a tragic fate, three years. afterwards, at the Dubuque lead mines.


Village of Otterville

      This is one of the oldest towns in Jersey county. It is located on section 14, the principal part being on the west half of that section. It was surveyed and platted by Geo. I. Foster, county surveyor, Oct. 6, 1866, and the plat was filed for record August 14, 1867, although the place is, really, many years older than that would seem to indicate.


Dr. Silas Hamilton and the Hamilton Primary School

In the early 1800's, having failed at conducting a slave plantation in a humane way, Dr. Silas Hamilton, moved north from Mississippi and freed his slaves. In 1830, he settled in Otterville, IL with three of his former slaves, George Washington and another couple. When Dr. Hamilton died in 1834, he left provisions in his will for the building and funding of a private school. This school became the first free integrated school in the United States. Dr. Hamilton left $4,000 for the construction and operation of a building for educational and religious purposes. The school was originally built in 1835. The stone-built school was opened in 1836, and the tuition-free education for local students attracted families to the area. The school was razed in 1872, and was rebuilt and enlarged, with the original stones at the base. and the present building was erected in 1873. After Dr. Hamilton's death, George Washington lived with the Gilbert Douglas family and became a successful farmer imbued with a strong sense of community spirit. When he died in 1864, he left a sizable estate with provisions for a monument to Dr. Hamilton and a trust fund for the education of "colored persons, or Americans of African descent." The trust fund is still in existence today. Dr. Hamilton, George Washington and Gilbert Douglas are buried in a crypt at the corner of Main and Hamilton. This is the only instance in the United States where a master and a slave are buried side by side. The monument to Dr. Hamilton is located next to the school and is the only monument dedicated to a master by his slave. The Otter Creek Historical Society holds an annual event in September to raise money to refurbish the school, which is in need of considerable repair. The school was placed on National Register of Historic Places in 1998.

Josiah H. White

Josiah H. White was born 21 Oct 1802 in Pendleton Dist., SC, and died 13 Oct 1860, Otterville, Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Twp., Jersey Co., IL. He married Elizabeth Carrico 6 Oct 1826 in St. Charles Co., MO. She was born 14 Sep 1808 in Owensboro, Daviess Co., KY, and died 17 Jan 1882 in Jersey Co., IL. She was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Twp., Jersey Co., IL. Her parents were Dennis Sylvester Carrico and Jane Clark.

Josiah White's parents were Joseph White born ABT 1778 in Chatham Co., N.C. (called Orange Co. then), Pendleton Dist., and Elizabeth "Betty" Self born 1778 in GA, daughter of Vincent Self. She was 1/4 Cherokee Indian. Josiah White's grandparents were Carolus White Sr. born Aug 1727 in Penn. or New Castle, Del., and Margareta Van Culen born 4 Dec 1729. Margareta Van Culen's father was Reigner Van Culen born in Chester Co. PA, died in New Castle Co., PA, married Annika\Ann Tossa\Tussey 13 Nov 1728 in Old Sweds Church, Wilmington, Del. Margareta Van Culen's grandparents were Johan Van Culen born Abt. 1621 in Plum Ck. Ridley Twp, Chester Co. PA, (now Deleware Co), and Anna Grelsson\Corneilius daughter of Johan Grelsson\Corneilius born Abt 1625 in Finland. He came on the ship Mercurius in 1656, to New Sweden, PA. His wife's last name was Johnsson. Josiah White's great grandparents were David White born 1703 in County Donegal, Ireland, moved to Octerranra Ck., Nottingham Twsp. Fagg's Manor, died abt. 1767 in Pennsylvania, and Gierke Cornelius born 1708 in New Castle, Newcastle Co. Delaware, married: 17 Sep 1724 in Holy Triniity, Old Swed's Church, New Castle, Wilmiugton, Delaware. Josiah White's great great grandparents were Moses "Old Moses" White born 1665 in Ballygowan,Towland, Ballymore Parish Country Antrim, Ireland, and Mary Campbell born abt. 1668 in Donegal Co. Ireland. Josiah White's great great great grandfather was Adam White born abt. 1627 in Inveraray, on Loch Fyne, Argyll, Scotland, and (wife's name unknown) born abt. 1630 in Scotland.

Children of Josiah White and Elizabeth Carrico were-Daniel White born 26 Jul 1827 in Greene Co., IL (now Jersey Co., IL ), died Sep 1829, buried Noble Cem., Jersey Co., IL; Mary White born 13 Jul 1829 in Jersey Co., IL, died ca. 12 Dec 1860 in Jersey Co., IL; Sarah White born 5 Feb 1832 in Jersey Co., IL, d. ca. 8 Dec 1853 in Jersey Co., IL; Thomas White born 7 Mar 1834 in Jersey Co., IL, died ca. 8 Dec 1853 in Jersey Co., IL; Elizabeth Jane White born 19 Apr 1837 in Jersey Co., IL, died 16 Jul 1925 in Wood River, Madison Co., IL; Margaret White born 27 Feb 1839 in Jersey Co., IL, died 8 Feb 1921 in Jersey Co., IL; Priscilla Emaline White born 18 Sep 1841 in Jersey Co., IL, died 22 Apr 1864 in Jersey Co., IL; George Washington White born 18 Feb 1844 in Jersey Co., IL, died 12 Dec 1906 in Jersey Co., IL; John Calvin White born 12 Apr 1849 in Jersey Co., IL, died 3 Jun 1873; and Nancy J. White born 1854.

(1) Josiah and Elizabeth (Carrico) White's son George Washington White was born 18 Feb 1844 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 12 Dec 1906 in Jersey Co., IL of heart trouble. He married 10 Oct 1874 Rosa/Rosina Miranda Bray born 18 Apr 1854 in Jersey Co., IL, died 26 Nov 1926 Jersey Co., IL, daughter of Elijah Bray. Children of George Washington White and Rosa/Rosina Miranda Bray were-Lewis Allen White born 9 Dec 1870 in Jersey Co., IL, died 1879 Jersey Co., IL; Vesta Alfretta "Tina" White born 7 Apr 1876 in Jersey Co., IL, married William Franklin Scott; Nola May White born 6 Feb 1878 in Jersey Co., IL, died 22 Jun 1956 Jersey Co., IL, married Oscar Norton Henson; Leroy Marion White born 17 Aug 1880 in Jersey Co., IL, died 22 Nov 1968 Jersey Co., IL, married 1st Lucy Mildred Queen, married 2nd Nannie Bell (Lawson) Robbins; Nellie Emeline White born 1 Aug 1882 in Jersey Co., IL, died 19 Sep 1950 in Ottervillle, Jersey Co. IL, married George Washington Springman; Rosa Jane White born 30 Apr 1885 in Jersey Co., IL, died 1947 in Jersey Co. IL, married Stephen Thomas Healey; George Leslie White born 12 Jul 1887 in Jersey Co., IL, died 30 Jun 1924 Jersey Co., IL, married Eva Edith Hill; Nettie Van Culen White born 21 Feb 1890 in Jersey Co., IL, died 5 Oct 1967 in Jersey Co. IL, married Lyman Lester Gowling; John William White born 9 Dec 1892 in Jersey Co., IL, married 1st Edith Cope, married 2nd Lillie Floor; and Tacie Evelyn White born 9 Sep 1896 in Jersey Co. IL, died 25 Aug 1950 in Jersey Co., IL, married Charles Louis Schaaf.


1a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Vesta Alfretta "Tina" White was born 7 Apr 1876 in Jersey Co. IL, and died 8 Apr 1908 in Otterville, Jersey Co. IL of heart failure in a buggy on streets of Jerseyville, IL. She was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married William Franklin Scott 12 Oct 1898 in Jersey Co. IL. He was born 31 May 1875 in Hardin, Calhoun Co., IL, and died 11 May 1911 Calhoun Co., IL. Children of William Franklin Scott and Vesta Alfretta "Tina" White were-Marion Scott born 17 Aug 1899; Charles William Scott born 25 Aug 1901 in Jersey Co. IL, died 18 Feb 1931 Jersey Co., IL; Pearl Rexford Scott born 16 Jun 1903 in Jersey Co. IL, died 3 Jun 1980 Jersey Co., IL, married Anna Mae Henson; Oscar Raymond Scott born 16 Jan 1905; Ross Archibald Scott born 7 Aug 1906 in Jersey Co. IL, died 1981; and Theodore Roosevelt Scott born 17 Feb 1908 in Jersey Co. IL, died Sep 1970 Madison Co., IL.


(1aa) William Franklin Scott and Vesta Alfretta White's son Pearl Rexford Scott was born 16 Jun 1903 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 3 Jun 1980 in Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married Anna Mae Henson 2 Jun 1923 in Jersey Co., IL. She was born 15 Jun 1902 in Madison Co., IL, and died 2 Feb 1985 Jersey Co., IL. She was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. Children of Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson are-Edward William Scott, Robert Lee Scott, Betty J. Scott, and George Dale Scott.


(1aaa) Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's son Edward William Scott was born Jan. 4, 1924, in Jerseyville, IL, and died July 31, 2013 in Jersey Co., IL. He married Elizabeth Jacqueline "Betty" Kasinger and they had these children-Jacqueline Diane Scott, Judy Yvonne Scott, Vicki Lynn Scott, Robin Dayle Scott, LuAnn Kay Scott.


Pearl and Anna (Henson) Scott's son Edward William Scott's obituary - Edward William Scott, 89, died at 7 a.m. Wednesday, July 31, 2013, at his home. He was born Jan. 4, 1924, in Jerseyville, and was son of Pearl and Anna (Henson) Scott, now deceased. He married Betty Jacqueline Kasinger June 12, 1948, at the home of her parents in Godfrey. He retired from Illinois Department of Transportation after 20 years of service, 13 years with the Highway Department and seven years working on the Joe Page Bridge. He also worked 26 years with Gledhill Construction and 16 years as Road Commissioner for Rosedale Township. Edward enjoyed fishing, trapping and coon hunting with his Special Dog "Scott Rosie Babe." He was a member of and steward with 525 Teamsters.

Survivors include his wife, Betty Jacqueline Scott; children, Jacqueline LeDuc of Jerseyville, Judy (Vince) Espinosa of Carrollton, Vicki (Kent) Smith of Jerseyville, Robin (Mike) Green of Grafton, LuAnn Dahn of Jerseyville and her companion Sig Wittman of Dow; 16 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren, five great-great-grandchildren; sister, Betty (Gene) Niemeyer of Jerseyville. He was preceded in death by his parents, grandson, Cole Dahn, son-in-law, John LeDue; brothers, Robert Scott and Dale Scott. Visitation will be from 4-8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 2, at Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home where funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 3. The Rev. Phillip Grable will officiate. Burial will take place at Fieldon Cemetery. Memorials may be to Blessing Hospice or American Diabetes Association. Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's son Edward Scott's wife Betty Jacqueline (Kasinger) Scott's obituary - Betty Jacqueline Scott, 87, died at 9:16 a.m. Friday, May 15, 2015, at Jerseyville Nursing & Rehab Center. Born November 10, 1927, in Alton, the daughter of Oral and Louise (Minnick) Kasinger. Both deceased. She married Edward W. Scott on June 12, 1948. He died on July 31, 2013. Betty was a homemaker and LPN. She was a member of Rosedale Methodist Church, Jersey County Home Ext. and Jersey County Garden Club. She was very strong in her Christian Faith, loving her grandchildren, gardening, flowers and birds. She was on the first PTA board established at Fieldon Elementary School, Park Interpreter at Pere Marquette State Park, a Member of the American Coon Hounds Association, winning many awards showing Black & Tan Coon Hounds. Survivors include her daughters, Jacqueline LeDuc of Jerseyville, Judy (Vince) Espinosa of Carrollton, Vicki (Kent) Smith of Jerseyville, Robin (Mike) Green of Grafton and LuAnn Dahn and her companion Sig Wittman of Grafton; 16 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren and several great-great-grandchildren; sisters, Nancy (Roy) Hyman of Godfrey and Patricia (Lyle) Laslie of Godfrey. Preceded in death by parents; husband; grandson, Cole Dahn; son-in-law, John LeDuc; sisters, Beverly Kelly and Sharon Ray; brothers, John and Glenn Kasinger. Visitation: 4-8 p.m. Tuesday May 19, 2015, at Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where Funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, 2015, with Rev. Roger Czaia officiating. Burial: Fieldon Cemetery. In Lieu of Flowers, Rosedale Methodist Church or American Diabetes Association or American Heart Assoc. Arrangements by Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in Jerseyville.


Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's son Edward Scott's wife Elizabeth Jacqueline "Betty" (Kasinger) Scott's mother E. Louise (Minnick) Kasinger's obituary - E. Louise Kasinger, 100, died at 12:40 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2012, at Jerseyville Nursing and Rehab. She was born Feb. 20, 1911, in Paris, Ill., the daughter of Henry and Emma Daisey (Brennaman) Minnick. On March 26, 1927, she married Oral Kasinger, who preceded her in death on Jan. 28, 1972. She worked as an inspector with the Olin Corporation and was a member of Cherry Street Baptist Church in Alton. She is survived by three daughters, Betty Scott and her husband, Edward, of Fieldon, Patricia A. Laslie and her husband, Lyle F., and Nancy Hyman and her husband, Roy, all of Godfrey; numerous grandchildren; great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren; and daughters-in-law, Dorothy Kasinger of Rosewood Heights and Wanda Kasinger of Alton. She was preceded in death by two sons, John and Glen Kasinger; two daughters, Beverly Kelly and Sharon Ray; two brothers and four sisters. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13, at Gent Funeral Home in Alton, where visitation will continue from 10 until time of service at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 14. The Rev. Joseph Ferriera will officiate. Burial will be at Valhalla Memorial Park in Godfrey. Memorials may be made to American Diabetes Association or American Cancer Society. Additional information and online guestbook may be found at


(2aaa) Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's son Robert Lee Scott was born 19 Aug 1925 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 14 May 1981 in Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married Mildred Pauline Reedy. He married Katie Ontis. Children of Robert Lee Scott and Mildred Reedy are-Garrel "Gary" Scott; Ronald Lee Scott born 10-30-1944 in Jersey Co., IL, died 12-22-1984 in Jersey Co., IL; Joyce Ann Scott; Marcia Scott; Janice Scott; Phillip Scott; and Carla Jean Scott born 20 Feb 1959 Jersey Co., IL, died 22 May 1993 in Madison Co., IL. Children of Robert Lee Scott and Katie Ontis are-Sandra Scott; and Robert W. Scott born abt. 1949 prob. IL, died 1967 in Moro, IL.


(1aaaa) Robert and Mildred (Reedy) Scott's son Garrel "Gary" Scott's obituary - TUCSON, ARIZONA — Garrel "Gary" Scott of Tucson, Arizona, passed away suddenly on Saturday, March 19, 2016. He was born in Fieldon, Illinois, on June 27, 1943. Gary is survived by his beloved wife of 53 years, Joan, and his four daughters, Tracey Loomis, Coral Stanley, Julie Brewer and Amanda LaBlue, and his grandchildren, Kate Jansen, Emma Baird, Sarah Stanley, Lauren LaBlue, Madeline LaBlue, Jackson LaBlue, Olivia Brewer, and great-grandson Mason Jansen. He is also survived by his mother, Mildred Scott, sisters Joyce Scott Pieper, Marcia (Susie) Holden, Janice Sunderland and brother Philip Scott. Gary was also preceded in death by his brother Ronald Scott and sister Carla Jean Scott Breitweiser. Gary joined the United States Air Force at the age of 17 and was on active duty for eight years. He met is wife, Joan while stationed at RAF Chelveston England. He was also stationed in France and South Carolina. Ultimately, he finished his Air Force career at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Gary had a career at the Arizona Air National Guard 162nd Fighter Wing starting as a crew chief and retiring in 2001 as Chief Master Sergeant. He was a proud member of the unit when the 162nd Fighter Wing achieved five Air Force Outstanding Unit Citations. His contributions included mechanical transitions of the F100 to the F102 Delta Dagger interceptor aircraft, the unit's conversion to A7s, and eventually the unique dual training mission of the F16 and A7 aircrafts. He had a passion for hunting and travelling in his RV with his beloved wife, Joan. During his retirement years, they traveled to all 50 states. He spoiled their German Shepherd Kaptain "Kappy" with nightly treats of black jelly beans. Funeral arrangements will held at 10 a.m., Friday, March 25 at East Palm Lawns Mortuary. In lieu of flowers, please make donations in memory of Garrel to the Disabled American Veterans.


(3aaa) Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's daughter Betty J. Scott married Frederick E. Niemeyer and they had these children-Michael Niemeyer, Richard Niemeyer, Rhonda Niemeyer, Marsha Niemeyer, and Lorna Niemeyer.


Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae (Henson) Scott's daughter Betty J. (Scott) Niemeyer's obituary - Betty J. Niemeyer, 85, died at 3:20 p.m., Friday, Jan.17, 2014, at Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation after a period of declining health. She was born in Jersey County on Aug. 30, 1928, one of four children born to the late Pearl R. and Anna M. (Henson) Scott. She married Frederick Eugene Niemeyer on June 7, 1949, at the Methodist Parsonage in Grafton, and they have shared nearly 65 years together and raised a family that consisted of five children. For many years, she was a devoted member of the Rosedale United Methodist Church, but after moving to Jerseyville several years ago, joined the Peace United Church of Christ, where she currently was a member. In her early years, Betty was employed at the International Shoe Factory in Jerseyville and Pere Marquette State Park in Grafton, but after her marriage and the birth of her children, chose to stay at home at raise her family. She was a loving devoted woman, he gave everything she had to her family, and was deservedly recognized as Jersey County Mother of the Year.

Surviving are her husband, Fred Niemeyer of Jerseyville; her five children and their spouses, Mike and Mary Niemeyer of Jerseyville, Dick and Rose Niemeyer of Fieldon, Rhonda and John Schilling of Bethalto, Marsha and Denny Steckel of Jerseyville, Lorna and Rick Hagen of Fieldon; 17 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; three sisters-in-law, Betty Scott and Marilyn Scott both of Jerseyville, and Mildred Scott of Nutwood. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two twin great-granddaughters, Halley and Hannah Mueller; and three brothers, Dale Scott, Edward Scott and Robert Scott. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21, at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Rev. Ted Engelsdorfer will officiate. Burial will be in the White Cemetery in rural Jerseyville. Memorials may be given to the Activity Department at the Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center.


Betty J. (Scott) Niemeyer's husband Frederick Eugene "Gene" Niemeyer's obituary - Frederick Eugene "Gene" Niemeyer, 91, died at 9:30 p.m., Saturday, January 23, 2016 at Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. He was born in Jersey County, on January 2, 1925, the only child born to Fred and Mary Alice (Watson) Niemeyer. He grew up in Grafton, and at the age of 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy, serving in Hawaii, Guam and the Palmyra Islands. He was honored, at the age of 89, to be included in the Greater St. Louis Honor Flight, which flew to Washington D.C. to tour the war memorial monuments as well as Arlington Cemetery. He was employed at the Clark Oil Refinery in Hartford for many years, retiring as a boilermaker, and was an accomplished mechanic and carpenter, who loved to camp, fish, ride ATV's and the many times spent with family. He married the former Betty J. Scott on June 7, 1949 at the United Methodist Church parsonage in Grafton, and they shared nearly 65 years together prior to her death on Jan. 17, 2014. Surviving are his five children and their spouses, Mike and Mary Niemeyer of Jerseyville, Dick and Rose Niemeyer of Fieldon, Rhonda and John Schilling of Bethalto, Marsha and Denny Steckel of Jerseyville, and Lorna and Rick Hagen of Fieldon; 17 great-grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandson; his longtime caregiver and niece, Mary Scott of Fieldon; and two sisters-in-law, Mildred Scott of Fieldon and Marilyn Scott of Jerseyville. He was preceded in death by his father, Fred Niemeyer; his mother and stepfather, Mary Alice and Lawrence Kurten; two infant twin great-granddaughters, Halley and Hannah Mueller; three brothers-in-law, Dale Scott, Robert Scott and Edward Scott, and his wife, Betty. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 27 at Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 28. Rev. Ted Engelsdorfer will officiate. Burial will be in the White Cemetery in rural Jersey County, with the Jerseyville American Legion Post 492 conducting military graveside rites. Memorials may be given to the White Cemetery Fund.


(1aaaa) Frederick Eugene and Betty J. (Scott) Niemeyer's daughter Lorna Rae (Niemeyer) Hagen's obituary - Lorna Rae (Niemeyer) Hagen, 57, died at 10:12 p.m., Friday, June 7, 2019 at her residence under the care of BJC Hospice and surrounded by her loving family, after a nine month courageous battle with cancer. She was born in Jerseyville on December 14, 1961, and was the youngest of five children born to Frederick Eugene and Betty J. (Scott) Niemeyer. She attended the Fieldon Elementary, Illini Junior High School, and graduated in 1980 from Jersey Community High School in Jerseyville, where she participated in the JCHS Band, intramural basketball, drama club and the CO-OP program. On August 16, 1980 at the Peace United Church of Christ in Jerseyville, she married Rick Hagen. Together, they have been blessed with 38 years of marriage, and the joys of raising their three daughters, and the blessed rewards of their grandchildren. In her early years, Lorna was a hospital volunteer, a groundskeeper at Pere Marquette State Park in Grafton, a clerk at the Fieldon Post Office, Secretary at CIPS in Jerseyville, and was a former co-director of the Jersey County Fair Pageant. She retired in December 2016 from the Jersey County Health Department after 25 years of dedicated service, filling various roles as a Data Entry Clerk, Administrative Assistant and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. A pillar of the Jersey County community, Lorna was active in many organizations. She was a member of the Jersey County Historical Society, and was a devoted member of the Fieldon United Church of Christ, where she served as the former church secretary, organist, Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School Director, and served as a Supply Lay Speaker for the Illinois South Conference United Church of Christ. Prior to her cancer diagnosis, Lorna had begun classes at the Eden Theological Seminary in Webster Groves, Mo., to pursue her passion of serving the Lord. She will be best remembered for her unwavering faith, compassion for others, and devotion as a wife, mother and grandmother. She was a beautiful person who enjoyed the simple things in life, particularly country living. She was the bright light and provider of spontaneous fun for her family and friends, who always knew just what people needed, if when they didn't. Surviving are her husband, Rick Hagen of Fieldon; her three daughters and their spouses, Lindsey and Tim Becker of Jerseyville, Jana and Luke Brooks of Springfield, and Mindy and Geoff Schulte of Fieldon; her four very special grandchildren, Bryce and Carson Becker of Jerseyville and Rowyn and Blair Brooks of Springfield; two brothers and sisters in law, Mike and Mary Niemeyer of Jerseyville and Dick and Rose Niemeyer of Fieldon; two sisters and brothers in law, Rhonda and John Schilling of Jerseyville and Marsha and Denny Steckel of Jerseyville; 14 nieces and nephews and their spouses, Michelle Niemeyer, GIna and Ben Kallal, and Ryan and Cathy Niemeyer all of Jerseyville, Trista and Jon Parmentier of Dardenne Prairie, Mo., Tara and Jake Mueller, Wendy and Brad Tonsor, Kelly and Mitch Downey all of Jerseyville; Katie and Doug Lumpkin of St. Louis, Mo., Scott and Arielle Niemeyer of Jerseyville, Cassie Schilling of Mt. Vernon, Dawn and Stote Reeder, Dale and Beth Steckel, Jamie and Scott Bechtold, and Kristen and Dave Liston of Jerseyville. Lorna is also survived by her mother in-law, Sharon Hagen of Fieldon; two brothers in-law and a sister in-law, Ron and Malea Hagen of Fieldon, and Randy Hagen of St. Louis, Mo. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her father in-law, Raymond Hagen; her grandparents, Frederick Niemeyer, Mary Alice and Lawrence Kurten and Pearl and Anna Scott; two infant nieces, Halley and Hannah Mueller; and three uncles, Dale Scott, Robert Scott, and Edward Scott and his wife, Betty. Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Visitation will continue from 9 a.m., Wednesday, June 12, 2019 until time of funeral services at 10 a.m. at the Peace United Church of Christ in Jerseyville. Burial will take place in the Fieldon Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Fieldon United Church of Christ or to the Jersey County Historical Society. Lorna's family would like to thank her sister in-law, Malea Hagen and her niece, Mary Scott for their tender loving care, BJC Hospice, Mercy Breast Center, her medical team, Peace United Church of Christ, Fieldon United Church of Christ and all those who continuously offered words of encouragement, prayers and sent cards of well wishes during this journey. Condolences may be shared at


(4aaa) Pearl Rexford Scott and Anna Mae Henson's son George Dale Scott was born 12-12-1939 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 1-13-1998 in Jersey Co., Il. He was buried in Rosedale Cemetery, Rosedale Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married Marilyn Blackorby an they had these children-Kenneth Scott, Greg Scott, and Kevin Scott.


(2a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Nola (or Nolie/Nolia) May White was born 6 Feb 1878 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 22 Jun 1956 in Otterville, Jersey Co., IL. She was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married Oscar Norton Henson 9 Jan 1901 in Jersey Co. IL, a son of Frank and Sarah (Landon) Henson. He was born 2 Jan 1874, and died 8-13-1950 in Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. Children of Oscar Norton Henson and Nola May White were-Georgia Mae Henson born 6 Nov. 1901 in Jersey Co., IL.; Virginia Henson born 1909 in Jersey Co., IL; and Gladys Muriel Henson born 1-4-1910 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 5-19-2006 in Jersey Co., IL, married John W. Springman.


(1aa) Oscar and Nola May (White) Henson's daughter Gladys Muriel Henson was was born 1-4-1910 in Jersey County, and died 5-19-2006 at Greenwood Manor Nursing Home in Jerseyville, IL. She married William and Emma (Dabbs) Springman's son John W. Springman. He was born 10-8-1893 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 4-19-1965. He married Gladys Henson 12-26-1931. She and her husband John W. Springman are both buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL. John and Gladys (Henson) Springman had 2 children-Roger Springman (deceased), and Stanford Springman of Jerseyville, IL.


Oscar and Nola May (White) Henson's daughter Gladys Muriel (Springman) Henson's obituary - Gladys Springman, 96, died at 10:13 p.m. Friday, May 19, 2006, at Greenwood Manor Nursing Home in Jerseyville. She was born Jan. 4, 1910, in Jersey County to Oscar and Nola May (White) Henson. She married John W. Springman on Dec. 26, 1931, in Jerseyville. He died April 19, 1965. She had been a member of the Union Forest Church in Jerseyville. Survivors include one son, Stanford Springman of Jerseyville. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Roger Springman; one grandson, Eric Springman; and one sister, Georgia Warner. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m Monday at Alexander and Gubser Funeral Home and from 9 a.m. until services at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Charity Christian Center, both in Jerseyville. The Rev. Wilbur Cain will officiate. Burial will be at White Cemetery. Memorials may be given to the White Cemetery.


(3a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's son Leroy "Roy" Marion White was born 17 Aug 1880 in Jersey Co. IL, and died 22 Nov 1968 in Jersey Co. IL. He was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married 1st 7 Jan 1904 Lucy Mildred Queen born 19 Oct 1884. He married 2nd Nannie Belle (Lawson) Robbins June, 28, 1926, born 27 Feb 1887 in Wayne Co., MO. Leroy "Roy" Marion White and his 1st wife Lucy Mildred Queen had a daughter Mildred Marie Queen White born 1906 in Jersey Co., IL. Leroy "Roy" Marion White and his 2nd wife Nannie Belle Lawson had a son George Washington White born November 9, 1928 in Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL. He died December 23, 2014 in Jersey County, IL.


(1aa) Roy M. & Nannie Belle (Lawson) White's son George Washington White's obituary - George Washington White, 86, died 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at Jersey Community Hospital. He was born November 9, 1928 in Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL. He was the son of Roy M. & Nannie Belle (Lawson) White. He married Ada M. Varney January 8, 1954 in Jerseyville, IL. She died November 2, 2001. He Retired after 40 years as a body shop worker, 25 of those years at Jersey County Motors, and 15 years at Sunderland Motor Company both in Jerseyville. He had a Partnership in White Salvage 1977-2012. He was a former member of Union Forest Church and Jerseyville Moose Lodge. He was a U.S. Air Force Veteran serving his country for 4 years. Survivors: son and daughter-in-law, George “Steve” & Beth White of Jerseyville; daughter and her husband, Elizabeth & Carl Campbell of Jerseyville; grandchildren, Brandy Barnett & Brittany Campbell; great grandchild, Lexa Barnett. Preceded in death by: parents, wife, and infant son. Visitation will be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday December 28, 2014 at Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in Jerseyville. The funeral will be at 2:00 p.m. Sunday December 28, 2014 at Alexander & Gubser Funeral Home in Jerseyville with graveside Military Rites by Jerseyville American Legion Post #492. His burial will be at White Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The White Cemetery.


(4a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Nellie Emeline White was born 1 Aug 1882 in Jersey Co. IL, and died 19 Sep 1950 in Ottervillle, Jersey Co., IL. She married George Springman born in 1878 in Jersey Co., IL, a son of Henry and Augusta (Schaaf) Springman. He died 11-27-1947 in Jersey Co., IL. Both are buried in White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL.

Children of George Springman and Nellie White were-Howard Springman born 1904 in Jersey Co., IL, died 1968 in Jersey Co., IL; and Eva Mae Springman born 07-07-1907 in Jersey Co., IL, died 09-23-1990 in Jersey Co., IL, married Woodrow W. Carstens born 11-26-1912, died 01-29-1987 in Jersey Co., IL.


(5a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Rosa Jane White was born 30 Apr 1885 in Jersey Co., IL, and died in 1974 in Jersey Co., IL. She was buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married Stephen T. Healey 3-1-1903 in Jersey Co., IL. He was born in 1879 in Jersey Co., IL, a son of Stephen and Alvina (Schaaf) Healey. Children of Stephen T. Healey and Rosa Jane White were-Wesley S. Healey born in 1903 in Jersey Co., IL, died in 1973 in Jersey Co., IL, married Mildred G. Wiist 9-3-1925 in Jersey Co., IL, born 1906, died 1991; Hazel Alvina Healey born in Jersey Co., IL, married Harold Medford; Harry P. Healey born 09-27-1907 in Jersey Co., IL, died 08-31-1983 in Jersey Co., IL, married Georgie M. Grable 7-3-1935 in Jersey Co., IL, born 06-07-1909, died 1994; Colonel Raymond Healey born 1912 in Jersey Co., IL, died 1982 in Jersey Co., IL, married Ida Lois Brueggemann; and Mary Lou Healey born in Jersey Co., IL, married Jimmie A. Kanallakan.

To go to a page for more information about Stephen and Rosa Jane (White) Healey's family click here-Stephen and Rosa Jane (White) Healey's family


(6a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's son George Leslie White was born 12 Jul 1887 in Jersey Co. IL, and died 30 Jun 1924 in Jersey Co. IL. He married 5 Aug 1908 Eva Edith Hill born 3 Nov 1891, and they had these children-Helen Leone White born 10 May 1909, and Vesta Eileen White born 22 Dec 1916.


(7a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Nettie Van Culen White was born 21 Feb 1890 in Jersey Co. IL, and died 5 Oct 1967 in Jersey Co. IL. She married Lyman Lester Gowling born 5 Jul 1893, and they had a daughter Virginia Rose Gowling born 6 Jun 1908.


(8a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's son John William Whitewas born 9 Dec 1892 in Jersey Co., IL. He married Edith Cope . He married Lillie Floor. He had a son Stewart White born 21 Oct 1917.


(9a) George Washington White and Rosa Miranda Bray's daughter Tacie Evelyn White was born 9-9-1895 in Jersey County, IL. She died 8-25-1950 in Jersey County, IL. She is buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL. She was a school teacher in the Jersey County, IL area for many years. She married George Edward and Sarah Ellen (Powers) Schaaf's son Charles Louis Schaaf. He was born 9-22-1889 in Jersey County, IL. He died 9-23-1952 in Jersey County, IL. He is buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL. He married Tacie E. White 5-19-1917 in Jersey County, IL. Charles Louis and Tacie (White) Schaaf had a son George Edward Schaaf born 2-26-1918, died 12-28-1961. He is buried at White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey County, IL.

(2) Josiah and Elizabeth (Carrico) White's daughter Sarah White was born 5 Feb 1832 in Jersey Co., IL, and died in 1890 in Jersey Co., IL. She married George McCann 25 Nov 1847 in Jersey Co., IL. He was born abt. 1830 in IL. Children of George McCann and Sarah White were-Harriet C. McCann born 1849 in Jersey Co., IL; Jane McCann born 1853 in Jersey Co., IL; Josiah McCann born 1856 in Jersey Co., IL; and George M. McCann born 1859 in Jersey Co., IL.

(3) Josiah and Elizabeth (Carrico) White's daughter Elizabeth Jane White was born 19 Apr 1837 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 16 Jun 1925 in Jersey Co., IL. She married George W. Stamps 4-8-1857 in Jersey Co., IL.He was born 14 Jan 1837, and died 22 Jan 1918 in Jersey Co., IL. They are both buried in White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. He was a son of George Stamps born abt. 1801 in SC, and Frances Henson born abt. 1803 in VA. Children of George W. Stamps and Elizabeth Jane White were-Albert Josiah Stamps born 19 Dec 1858 in Jersey Co., IL, died 15 Sep 1923 in Jersey Co., IL, married Mary E. Richey; Rowena A. Stamps born 02-14-1861 in Jersey Co., IL, died 04-15-1939 in Jersey Co., IL; and Rosa H. Stamps born 12 Dec 1865 in Jersey Co., IL, died 25 Mar 1935 in Jersey Co., IL, married James W. Fosha.


(1a) George W. Stamps and Elizabeth Jane White's son Albert Josiah Stamps was born 19 Dec 1858 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 15 Sep 1923 in Jersey Co., IL. He married Mary E. Richey 10-18-1882 in Jersey Co., IL. She was born 02-13-1863 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 02-21-1917 in Jersey Co., IL. They are both buried in White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. Children of Albert Josiah Stamps and Mary E. Richey were-Clara P. Stamps born in in Jersey Co., IL; Leroy J. Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL; George Leslie Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL, died 07-09-1957 in Jersey Co., IL, married Amelia Zahn; Mary F. Stamps born 12-03-1901 in Jersey County, IL, died 10-03-1974 in Peoria, IL, married Leslie E Bridges; Beulah Alberta Stamps born 8-11-1906 in Jersey Co., IL, died 8-13-1993 in Jersey Co., IL, married George Vawter; and there were 4 other children whose names I have not been able to identify.


(1aa) Albert Josiah Stamps and Mary E. Richey's son George Leslie Stamps was born in Jersey Co., IL, and died 07-09-1957 in Jersey Co., IL. He married Amelia C. Zahn 10-18-1915 in Jersey Co., IL. She was born in Jersey Co., IL, and died 17 May 1973 in Jersey Co., IL. They are both buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jersey Co., IL. Children of George Leslie Stamps and Amelia C. Zahn are-Albert Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL, married Grace Walker; Edith Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL; Lucille Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL; Kermit Z. Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL, died 7 May 1994 in Jersey Co., IL, married Anna Murray; Loyal A. Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL, died 3 Jun 1983 in Jersey Co., IL, married Irene L. Schloeman; and Victor Stamps born in Jersey Co., IL.


(1aaa) George Leslie Stamps and Amelia C. (Zahn) Stamps' son Albert Stamps' wife Grace (Walker) Stamps' mother Mabel Edna (Tucker) Walker's obituary - Died 11-04-1976. Mabel Edna Walker, 60, of Jerseyville, died April 11 at her home. She was born November 20, 1915 in Rosedale, a daughter of William & Iva Grace (Harrison) Tucker. Surviving are her husband, Ralph Walker; 4 daughters, Mrs Albert (Grace) Stamps and Mrs David (Alice) Roth of Brighton, Mrs Curtis (Jesse) Fee, E Alton, Mrs Juanita Lauck, Springfield; her mother, Mrs Iva Tucker of Jerseyville; 7 grandchildren; and 4 g-grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs Paul (Velma) Meyer and Mrs Herb (Marie) Scott of Jerseyville; 2 brothers, Freeman Tucker of Godfrey and Gale Tucker of E Alton. Her father, 1 daughter, and 2 brothers preceded her in death. Memorials may be given to Illinois Kidney Foundation, Springfield Liaison, Springfield, IL.


George Leslie Stamps and Amelia C. (Zahn) Stamps' son Albert Stamps' wife Grace (Walker) Stamps' father Ralph Walker's obituary - Died 21-09-1978. Ralph Walker, 68, of Jerseyville, died at Jersey Community hospital. He was an operating engineer of heavy equipment. Walker was born March 25, 1910 in Illinois, the son of Lewis & Gertrude (McCann) Walker. He married Mabel Tucker, July 4, 1932 and she died April 11, 1976. Surviving are 4 daughters, Mrs Grace Stamps, Brighton, Mrs Jessie Fee, Cottage Hills, Mrs Juanita Lauck, Springfield and Mrs Alice Roth, Jerseyville; 1 sister, Mrs Hilda Blasa, Dow; 8 grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren, 5 g-grandchildren and 2 step-g-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by 1 daughter and 1 brother. He was a member of Jerseyville Moose Lodge #695, Piasa Cage Bird Club and Missouri Cage Bird Club. Visitation and services were held at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville on September 23. Rev Louis Kapplerf officiated and burial was in Oak Grove Cemetery.


(1aaaa) George Leslie Stamps and Amelia C. (Zahn) Stamps' granddaughter and their son Kermit Z. Stamps' daughter Judith Kay (Stamps) Crone's obituary - Died 20-04-1984. Judith Kay Crone, 39, of Alton died unexpectedly at 10:20 a.m. April 29 at St. Luke's Hospital - West in St. Louis County. She was born Aug. 26, 1944 in St. Louis, daughter of Kermit and Anna Murray Stamps of Jerseyville, and had worked in the office of Alton Packaging Co. for 11 years. She is survived by her husband, Roger Crone whom she married June 29, 1963 in Jerseyville; three daughters, Kathy, Kristen and Kimberly, at home; her parents and a sister, Karen Brunaugh of Aiea, Hawaii. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, May 4, at the College Avenue Presbyterian Church, Alton, with the Rev. George Humbert officiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. The College Avenue Presbyterian Church has been named as a memorial. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 Thursday at Smith Funeral Home, Alton.


(2aaa) George Leslie Stamps and Amelia C. (Zahn) Stamps' son Loyal Stamps's wife Anna (Murray) Stamps' father Melvin Louis Murray's obituary - Died 08-13-1968. Dated 8/15/68: Melvin Louis Murray, foreman of the press department of the Democrat News, died unexpectedly at six-fifty o'clock Tuesday morning, August 13, at the Jersey Community Hospital where he had been admitted for medical care on Saturday. Murray, though not feeling well, had continued on the job until three-thirty o'clock the previous Thursday afternoon. Visitation hours are at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home where the rosary will be recited at eight o'clock on Thursday evening. A requiem mass will be celebrated at nine-thirty o'clock Friday morning at St. Francis Xavier church with Father Francis Lee as celebrant. Burial will be in St. Francis cemetery. Mr. Murray, a son of the late John and Katherine Graner Murray, was born in Jersey County, January 26, 1910. His age at time of death was fifty-eight years, six months, and seventeen days. He was educated in the Jerseyville school system and was graduated from the Jersey Township High School with the class of 1928 which held its fortieth graduation anniversary on Sunday. Mr. Murray had made reservations to attend the reunion before becoming ill. Mr. Murray, or "Buck" as he was better known to friends and business associates, joined the staff of the Democrat News in October, 1942, and had remained continuously in the employ of the newspaper firm since that time. In addition to his printing occupation, Mr. Murray worked for a number of years on a part-time basis at the Stadium Theatre. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Adelia Hughes Murray; three sons, Robert L. Murray of Jerseyville, David L. Murray of Decatur, and Richard T. Murray of Godfrey; six grandchildren, one brother John Murray of Dow; and four sisters, Mrs. Jack Leak of San Rafael, California, Mrs. Loyal Stamps of Jerseyville and Mrs. Edgar Halliday of East Alton. A son, Francis Aaron, died in infancy.


(3aaa) George Leslie and Amelia (Zahn) Stamps' son Victor L. Stamps' obituary - Victor L. Stamps, 86, died at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 25, 2010, at Edwardsville Nursing and Rehabilitation. Born May 9, 1923, in Jersey County, he was the son of George Leslie and Amelia (Zahn) Stamps. He retired on May 1, 1983, as a pricing manager for Union Pacific Railroad after 36 years of service. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was a member of the VFW Post 1308 and the Alton Eagles 254. On March 31, 1956, in Hernando, Miss., he married the former Helen Ruth Pickerel. She survives.

Also surviving are two sisters, Edith Ernst and husband, Walter, of Minnesota and Lucille Sibley of Austin, Texas; a niece, Barbara Allen of Dorsey; and several other nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Kermit, Albert and Loyal Stamps. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 28, at Gent Funeral Home in Alton where funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, April 29. The Rev. Andre Dobson will officiate. Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery in Jerseyville with military honors by the VFW Post 1308. Memorials may be made to Calvary Baptist Church or to a charity of choice. Online guestbook and information may be found at


Victor L. Stamps's wife Helen Ruth (Pickerel) Stamps's obituary - Helen Ruth (Pickerel) Stamps, 93, passed away at 1:55 a.m. Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at Eunice Smith Home in Alton surrounded by her nieces, nephews and a very dear friend Donna Heil. Born September 4, 1923 in Jerseyville, she was the only daughter of George Wesley and Mary Ethel (Lorain) Pickerel. Helen was a member of Calvary Baptist Church in Alton and retired from Illinois Bell after 32 years of service. She was an avid doll collector and enjoyed spending time with her many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. She touched many people throughout her life. Heaven has gained a beautiful doll. Helen was preceded in death by her husband of 58 years, Victor Stamps and also by four brothers; Jack, Darrell, Floyd and Donnie Pickerel. Visitation will be from 11:00 a.m. until time of funeral service at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, August 19, 2017 at Calvary Baptist Church in Alton. Reverend Andre’ Dobson will officiate. Burial will be at Oak Grove Cemetery in Jerseyville. Memorials may be made to Calvary Baptist Church. Gent Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


(2aa) Albert & Mary Elizabeth (Richey) Stamps' daughter Mary F. Stamps was born 12-03-1901 in Jersey County, Illinois, and died 10-03-1974 in Peoria, IL. She was buried at Swan-lake Memory Gardens in Peoria, IL. She married Leslie E Bridges, June 4, 1925. He was born 07-17-1895, Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois, and died 05-08-1971 in Peoria, IL, buried Swan-lake Memorial Gardens. Children of Leslie E. Bridges and Mary F. Stamps were- Leslie A. Bridges, Alberta Bridges, Marjorie Bridges, and Levita Bridges.


Albert & Mary Elizabeth (Richey) Stamps' daughter Mary F. (Stamps) Bridges' obituary - Mary F. (Stamps) Bridges, born 12-3-1901, Jersey County, Illinois, died 10-03-1974, buried Swan-lake Memory Gardens. Mary F Bridges, 74, of Peoria Heights, died Oct. 3, at St. Francis hospital in Peoria. She was born Dec. 3, 1901 in Jersey county, the daughter of the late Albert & Mary Elizabeth (Richey) Stamps. She married Leslie E Bridges, June 4, 1925. He died May 1971. Funeral services for Mrs were held Oct. 7 at Wilton Morturary Chapel, Rev. Ray Harrison officiating, and burial was at Swan-lake Memory Gardens. Surviving are 1 son, Leslie A Bridges of Peoria; 3 daughters, Mrs. John W (Alberta) Stear, Washington; Mrs. Don (Marjorie) Gillan, Groveland; and Mrs. Kenneth (Levita) Blount, Peoria; and 1 Sister, Mrs. Beula Vawter, Camp Verde, Ariz. She was preceded in death by 3 brothers and 4 sisters.


Mary F. (Stamps) Bridges' husband Leslie E. Bridges' obituary - Leslie E. Bridges, born 07-17-1895, Jerseyville, Jersey County, Illinois, died 05-08-1971, buried Swan-lake Memorial Gardens. Leslie E Bridges, 75 yrs, 9 mo, 21 days, of Peoria, a native of Jerseyville, died at St. Francis hospital in Peoria where he had been a patient for 24 days. Funeral services were held at Wilton mortuary chapel in Peoria with Rev. Ray Harrison officiating. Burial was in Swan Lake Memory Gardens near Peoria. He was a son of the late Henry W & Clara (Chance) Bridges and was born in Jerseyville July 17, 1895. Mr Bridges was a veteran of WWI. He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion Peoria Post No 2 and member and past President of Carpenters Local 183 of Peoria. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Mary (Stamps) Bridges to whom he was married in Jerseyville on June 4, 1925; 1 son, Leslie A Bridges of Peoria; 3 daughters, Mrs. John (Alberta) Sear of Washington, IL, Mrs. Don (Majorie) Gillan of Groveland and Mrs. Kenneth (Levita) Blount of Peoria; 10 grandchildren; and 1 brother Fred Bridges of Jerseyville. 3 brothers and 2 sisters are deceased.


(3aa) Albert & Mary Elizabeth (Richey) Stamps' daughter Beulah Alberta Stamps was born 8-11-1906 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 8-13-1993. Her burial was in White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married George Roy Vawter, Sr. He was born in 1899, and died January 6, 1986 in Troy, MO. His burial was in White Cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. Children of George Roy Vawter, Sr. and Beulah Alberta Stamps are-Theadore E. Vawter, George R. Vawter Jr., Ruby A. Vawter, and Lavaun O. Vawter.


Beulah Alberta (Stamps) Vawter's husband George Roy Vawter, Sr.'s obituary - Born 1899. Former Jersey County resident George Roy Vawter, Sr., 87, of Winfield, Missouri died at 6:34 am Monday, January 6, 1986, at the Lincoln County Memorial Hospital in Troy, Missouri following a lengthy illness. He served as minister of various churches from 1932-1972. From 1935-1938 he pastored the Union Forest church in Jersey County. A Navy veteran, born in Shannon County, Missouri, he was the son of the Late Oliver Wesley and Effie May (Lowe) Vawter. He married the former Beulah A. Stamps, who survives. Surviving in addition to his wife are 2 Sons, Theadore E. Vawter of Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania and George R. Vawter Jr. of Tampa, Florida; 2 daughters, Ruby A. McCory of Chesapeake, Virginia, and Lavaun O. Vawter of Marina Del Rey, California; 8 grandchildren; and 1 Sister, Hazel Mayfield of Scott City, Missouri. Visitation will continue on Friday from 11 am until time of services at 1 pm at the Union Forest church. Burial will be in White cemetery, west of Jerseyville.


(2a) George W. Stamps and Elizabeth Jane White's daughter Rosa Helen Stamps was born 12-15-1865 in Jersey Co., IL, and died 3-25-1935 in Jersey Co., IL. Her burial was in White cemetery, Otter Creek Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married James W. Fosha 12-23-1896 in Jersey Co., IL. He was born 1-28-1869, and died 2-23-1949 in Jersey Co., IL. He was a son of Edward Fosha and Mary Elizabeth (Gordon) Fosha. His father Edward Fosha was a Civil War veteran. His mother remarried to Emanuel Dabbs after her 1st husband Edward Fosha's death and they had a son Clarence Dabbs. James W. Fosha's burial was in White cemetery in the Union forest vicinity, Jersey Co., IL. Children of James W. Fosha and Rosa Helen Stamps were-Albert A. Fosha born 12-27-1897 in Jersey Co., IL, died 11-19-1987; Allen A. Fosha born in 1897 in Jersey Co., IL, died in 1959; James Gordon Fosha born 12-9-1906 in Jersey Co., IL, died 8-9-1964; Themla F. Fosha born 1904 in Jersey County, IL, died 08-13-1989 in Alton, Madison Co., IL, married Harry Brummell; and Rev. Harry R. Fosha born 9-13-1899 in Jersey Co., IL, died 4-18-1977 in Beardstown, Cass Co., IL, married 1st Faye Matthews, married 2nd Emma Jane Reining.


Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's obituary - ALTON EVENING TELEGRAPH - James Fosha Dies At Home of Son! Retired Refinery Employe Was 81 - James Washington Fosha, 81, retired Standard Oil Co. employe, died at 8 a.m. today at the home of his son, Alien A. Fosha, 717 East Madison Avenue, Wood River, where he had been brought a week ago following a paralytic stroke suffered at his farm home in Otter Creek Township, Jersey County. Mr. Fosha, who was the father of Albert A. Fosha of Alton, assistant superintendent of Wood River Oil & Refining Co., and of Mrs. Harry Brummell, and Allen A. Fosha, Wood River, had resided in Wood River from 1914 until his retirement at Standard Oil in 1933. Another son, James G. Fosha, resides nt Fleldon. Born Jan. 28, 1868, on a farm in Jersey County, Mr. Fosha was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fosha. He resided in Jersey County until moving to Wood River in 1914 and after his retirement had returned to the farm home. He had been paralyzed since 1933, but with exception of the paralysis which confined him to a wheel chair had been in good health until suffering the fatal attack about a week ago. Surviving in addition to his four children are his wife, Mrs. Rosa Fosha; two brothers, Robert, Grafton, and Pearl, Jerseyvllle, and a half-brother, Clarence Dabbs, Belleville. He also leaves 12 grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Funeral rites will be conducted Saturday at 2 p. m. in Wood River Assembly of God Church by the Rev. George Vaters of Pelln, la. Burial will be in White cemetery near Otterville. The body is at Jacoby Bros, funeral chapel, Jerseyville, where friends may call after 7 p.m. Thursday and until noon Saturday when it will be brought to the church in Wood River.

(Note: James W. Fosha and Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's son Rev. Harry R. Fosha is not mentioned in his father James W. Fosha's obituary above, but he was their son.)


Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's brother Robert Fosha's obituary - FOSHA. Robert Fosha, 92, died at an Alton hospital. He had been a resident of Jersey County for many years. Funeral services were held at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Rev. Kenneth Taylor of Grafton officiated and burial was in Scenic Hill cemetery. Surviving are 1 son, Franklin, East Alton; 1 half brother, Clarence Dabbs of Belleville and 3 grandchildren.


Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's brother Robert Fosha's wife Ruth Harriett (Davis) Fosha's obituary - FOSHA. Ruth Harriett Fosha, wife of Robert W. Fosha of East Alton, died Friday. She was born in Grafton, October 17, 1876, a daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Davis. Surviving are her husband; 1 son, Franklin, East Alton; 3 grandchildren and 1 g-grandchild. Visitation and services were from Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville. Rev. Kenneth Taylor of Grafton officiated and burial was in Scenic Hill cemetery, Grafton.


(1x) Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's brother Robert Fosha's son Franklin Robert Fosha's obituary - FOSHA. Franklin Robert Fosha, 68, of Grafton, died September 27 at the home of his son, Jon W. Fosha in East Alton. He had been ill for some time. Services were held at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Grafton. Rev. Robert Patterson officiated and burial was in Scenic Hill cemetery. He was born on July 26, 1909 in Grafton, a son of Robert W. & Ruth (Davis) Fosha. He was retired as a machinist from Olin Corporation and from the Machinists Union of Olin, and the International Association of Machinists and Areospace Workers. He was a member of Grafton Methodist church and Grafton Full Moon Lodge AF & AM. Surviving are his widow, Bernadine (Auston) Fosha of Grafton; 1 son, Jon W. Fosha of East Alton; 2 daughters, Mrs. Robert (Jane) Hand, East Alton and Mrs. Duane (Ann) Cox of Bethalto; and 6 grandchildren. Visitation from Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Grafton. Masonic services were held there Thursday evening. Memorials may be given to Shriners Children's Hospital, American soc and Grafton Methodist church.


Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's sister Roxine Jane Bell Fosha born on November 11, 1866, died on January 5, 1946, and was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jerseyville. She married 1st to a McManus. She married 2nd to George Washington Hancock. He was born on February 9, 1861 in Jersey County and died on April 3, 1953. George married 1st Martha Elizabeth Manning on November 7, 1883 in Jersey County. He and Martha divorced in September 1889. Martha remarried rather quickly on September 28, 1889 and is said to have moved to Oklahoma. George and Martha had one child, Viola Oliva Hancock.Viola Oliva Hancock was born on May 2, 1887 in Jersey County. Janet Arnold-Pate has provided additional information on her great-grandmother, Viola. It seems that neither the Martha Manning second family and George’s later families knew anything about each other. Viola married Charles Calvin Ruhl on November 3, 1903. They had two children, George (born circa 1904/5) and Martha (born May 10, 1907). Charles and Viola were married over 50 years before he died. Viola’s daughter Martha married Emmitt Jay Canning in September 1923. Their children were: Emmitt (Buddy) who died around age three; Violet Mae, born Aug. 6, 1927; Charles who died about ten years ago; Dorothy and Leslie. Emmitt died in December 1973, about 3 months after their 50th wedding anniversary. Martha was still living in Guthrie, Oklahoma at 92 years of age. Violet married Blair Bellew Arnold on March 20, 1946. Charles married three times and had five children. His first wife died when his son Donnie was about three months old. Martha and Emmitt raised him and later adopted him. Dorothy married Kenneth Swanson and they had five boys. Leslie married Ruth James. They had three children, two boys and a girl.

George then married Roxina B. McManus (Roxine Jane Bell Fosha, maiden name Fosha) on October 1, 1892 in Jersey County. Roxine was born on November 11, 1866, died on January 5, 1946, and was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jerseyville. Roxine/Roxina had been previously married and had two daughters: Edna McManus, who married David E. Maxwell on August 29, 1920 and resided in Godfrey; Elizabeth McManus married _?_ Bell and resided at Wood River. The children of George Hancock and Roxina (Fosha) McManus Hancock were: Illah/Illeah Pearl Hancock was born in 1901 in Jersey County. She married Emil Lueking and resided in Alton. Vesta Roberts Hancock was born in 1899. She married A. A. Martin and resided in Richmond, California. Mary Bernice Hancock, born on January 30, 1895 in Grafton, Jersey County and died on March 1, 1994. She was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Jerseyville. Mary married Asa Maguire, a Sheriff in Jersey County, on April 7, 1915 in Jerseyville. Asa died in 1980. Their children were June Elizabeth, died in 1982, who married Truman Rives on September 4, 1939; and a son, Francis, who resided in Boise, Idaho. June and Truman had two children: Sandra and June Elizabeth who died in 1982.

George Hancock and Roxina (fosha) McManus Hancock's granddaughter and their daughter Mary Bernice (Hancock) Maguire's daughter June Elizabeth (Maguire) Rives's obituary - June Elizabeth Rives, 61, of Bethalto, died at 11:40 p.m. Saturday at Alton Memorial Hospital following a week’s illness. She and her husband, the late Truman Rives, whom she married on Sept. 4, 1939, in Jefferson City, Mo., operated College Avenue Market for 25 years. She retired in 1974. Born in Jerseyville, daughter of Mary Bernice (Hancock) Maguire of Alton and the late Asa Maguire, she is also survived by a daughter, Sandra Guthrie of Bethalto; two grandchildren; and a brother, Francis Maguire of Boise, Idaho. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at Smith Funeral Home in Alton, where services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday with Rev. Robert Cochran officiating. Burial will be in Upper Alton Cemetery, and the Heart Fund has been named as a memorial. Obituary hand dated 1982.


Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's sister Roxine Jane Bell Fosha's 2nd husband George W. Hancock's obituary - George W. Hancock, 92, a retired carpenter, died Friday evening, April 3, at ten-fifteen o’clock at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Maguire, on Sherman Street with whom he had made his home in recent years. The aged man was a son of the late Camp and Sirlida Pittman Hancock and was born in Jersey County on February 9, 1861. His age at the time of death with ninety-two years, one month and twenty-four days. Mr. Hancock followed the carpenter trade most of his life and for twenty-five years was employed as a carpenter by the International Shoe Company in Jerseyville. He had erected a large number of homes in Jersey County. Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. Maguire of Jerseyville, Mrs. Emil Lueking of Alton and Mrs. A. A. Martin of San Pablo, California; one step-daughter, Mrs Elizabeth Bell of Wood River; five grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. His wife, Mrs. Roxie Hancock, and one step-daughter, Mrs. Edna Maxwell, preceded him in death.


(1x) Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's husbands James W. Fosha's s brother Allen Fosha's daughter Betty L. (Fosha) Federle's obituary - Betty L. Federle, 77, passed away at 12:01 p.m. Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at her home. Born May 23, 1932 in Wood River, she was the daughter of Allen and Mary (Baker) Fosha. She married Kenneth L. Adams in Wood River. He passed away in 1963. She later married Norbert Federle, and he also preceded her in death. A homemaker, she was a member of Bethel Freewill Baptist Church in South Roxana. Surviving are her children and their spouses, Dennis and Patty Adams of Surprise, Ariz., Pam and Steve Tyler of Maryville, and Don and Karen Federle of South Roxana; 9 grandchildren, Adam, Andrea and Airika Tyler, Mindy Schuette, Amber Greenwell, Christal Allemand, Kendra Warren, Tyler Federle, and Tiffany Crank; 13 great grandchildren, Zach, Madelyn Olivia and Griffin Crank, Aubrey and Ethan Federle, Isabella and Elijah Schuette, Emma, Grace and Mia Greenwell, Noelle Allemand, and Carson Warren; and a sister, Frances Blaine of Ohio. In addition to her husbands, she was preceded in death by her parents; a brother, Marion "Spud" Fosha; and two sisters, Velma Sandbach and Kay Garrigus. Visitation will be 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 18 at Paynic Home for Funerals in Rosewood Heights, where Rev. Rick Ham will officiate services at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 20. Memorials may be given to 5 A's animal shelter.


(1aa) James W. Fosha and Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's son Rev. Harry R. Fosha's obituary - Harry R. Fosha, 77, of Beardstown was dead on arrival at Beardstown hospital on April 18. Services were held April 21, at Gospel Tabernacle with Harry Frazer and Roy Allen of the Hanibal, MO Gospel Tabernacle officiating. Burial was in White cemetery in the Union forest vicinity, Jersey Co.

A 2nd obituary found for Rev. Harry R. Fosha - Harry R Fosha was born Sep. 13, 1899 in Jersey County, Illinois, and died Sep. 18, 1977 in Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois. - Obit from Jacksonville IL Newspaper - FOSHA, Harry R.; b. 13 Sep 1899, Jersey Co., IL; d. 18 Apr 1977, Beardstown, IL; Bu.: White Cem., Jerseyville, IL; M. Emma J. (Reining) Fa.: James W. Fosha; Mo.: Rosa H. Stamps; Survived by his wife; a daughter: Mrs. Martin (Thelma) VanHyning of Denver, CO; four grandchildren; a sister: Mrs. Thelma Brummell of Wood River; and a brother: Albert Fosha of Alton.


Rev. Harry W. Fosha's 2nd wife Emma Jane (Reining) Fosha's obituary - Emma Jane Reining Fosha was born Jan. 10, 1918 in Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois, and died Jan. 20, 2010 in Jacksonville, Morgan County, Illinois. - Emma Jane Reining Fosha, 92, of Beardstown, died Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2010, at Jacksonville Convalescent Center in Jacksonville. She was born Jan. 10, 1918, near Beardstown in the Indian Creek area, the daughter of Henry Edward and Charlotte "Lottie" Crews Reining. She married Rev. Harry R. Fosha, Sr. on Dec. 16, 1955, and he preceded her in death in April, 1977. She is survived by one brother, Irvin H. Reining of Jacksonville; and nieces and nephews Albert Fosha, Jr. of Bellevue, WA, Sue Ann (Wayne) Spicer of Gillespie, Deena (Michael) Shepard of Jacksonville, Janie (John) DeVore of Utica, Diane (Gale) Randall of Peoria, Russell Hall of Beardstown and Paul Lowe of Loraine. She was preceded in death by one sister, Dorothy "Cupie" Lowe, and one brother, Clifford Reining. Services were entrusted to Buchanan and Cody Funeral Home of Jacksonville, Illinois.


(1aaa) Rev. Harry R. Fosha Sr., & and his 1st wife Faye (Matthews) Fosha's son Harry Rexford Fosha Jr.'s obituary - Harry Rexford Fosha Jr., 27 years, 4 months, 9 days, of Meredosia, formerly of Jerseyville died May 14, at Illini Hospital in Pittsfield where he had been a patient for 10 days. He had been in ill health for several years. Fr. Fosha was born in Jerseyville January 5, 1929, a son of Rev. Harry R. Fosha Sr., & Faye (Matthews) Fosha of Meridosia. Surviving are his parents; 1 sister, Mrs. Martin Vanhyning, Denver, CO; and his grandmother, Mrs. Lloyd Powers. Funeral services were held at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville, May 16. Rev. Howard Bushnell of Shawnee, OK, officiated and interment was in White cemetery.


(2aa) James W. & Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha's daughter Thelma F. (Fosha) Brummell's obituary - Thelma F. (Fosha) Brummell, born 1904, Jersey County, Illinois, died 13-08-1989, buried Conway cemetery. Thelma F Brummell, 85, died Aug. 13, 1898, at Alton Memorial hospital. Born in Jersey county, her parents were the late James W & Rosa Helen (Stamps) Fosha. She married Harry Brummell in Apr. 1922, in Madison county. He died June 6, 1964. Surviving are 2 daughters, Roma Lee Dewrff of Wood River and Billie Lou Bogart of Tempe, AZ; 1 son, H. James Brummell of Olney, MT; 10 grandchildren; 9 step grandchildren; 3 step g-grandchildren. Visitation was held at Paynic home for funerals, Rosewood Heights. Committal services were at Conway cemetery in Oasge Beach, MO. Memorials may be given to American Brotherhood for the Blind.

Charles Goetten

Charles Goetten was born in Westfalen, Germany on 20 Apr 1825 to Anthony Goetten and Christina Ulrich (1796-1889). Charles married Josephine Bertman (1830-1886) and they had 4 children. He passed away on 31 Dec 1903 in Fieldon, Jersey County, Illinois. They are both buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. Children of Charles and Josephine (Bertman) Goetten were-Charles Goetten (Unknown-1933); Joseph Goetten (Unknown-1927); Frederick Charles Goetten (1856-1882); and Henry Goetten (1860-1928).


(Note: The following information about Charles Goetten is - From History of Greene and Jersey Counties, Illinois, Springfield, IL: Continental Historical Co., 1885, pp. 337 - 365. - Charles Goetten was born April 20, 1825 in Germany, a son of Anthony and Christina (Ulrich) Goetten, also natives of Germany. The former died in that country, the latter is yet living with her son, Charles, the subject of this sketch. She is now upwards of 90 yeares of age. In 1854 Charles bade farewell to his native land, and accompanied by his mother, took passage on a sailing vessel at Bremen and came to America, landing at New Orleans, then proceeded to St. Louis, from where he came soon after to Jerseyville. He hired out one fall and summer, then purchased 120 acres of land on sections 29 and 30, English township, where he has ever since resided. He was married on the 10th day of April 1856, to Josephine Bertman. They are the parents of four children, three of whom are living: Henry, Joseph and Charles. Frederick is deceased. Mr. Goetten and family are members of the Catholic church. His farm now contains 187 acres, and is in a high state of cultivation. He has accumulated his property by hard labor, and is an intelligent and worthy citizen.)


(1) Charles and Josephine (Bertman) Goetten's son Henry Goetten was born in Fieldon, Jersey County, Illinois on 8 Apr 1860. Henry married Barbara Strasser (1862-1921) and they had 7 children. She was born in New Orleans, Lousianna, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Verling) Strasser. He passed away on 28 May 1928 in Fieldon, Jersey County, Illinois. Children of Henry and Barbara (Strasser) Goetten were-Edward Charles Goetten (1886-1947); Anthony Charles Goetten (1889-1959); Cecillia Barbara Goetten (1891-1963) John Louis Goetten (1893-1949); Josephine Agnes Goetten (1896-1934); Henry Joseph Goetten (1901-1978); and Helen Josephine Goetten (1906-1981).


Henry Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Henry Goetten, 60, well known resident of the West Woods vicinity, died at his home 8 miles west of Jerseyville. He was born in Jersey county and passed his entire life here. His wife died about 8 years ago. He leaves 3 daughters, Mrs Leo Beierman of Pawnee, IL, Mrs Anthony Beierman and Helen Goetten of Jerseyville and 4 sons, Edward, Anthony, John and Henry of Jersey County; and 1 brother, Charles of this County. Funeral from St. Mary West Woods. Rev Fr Granke. Burial in St. Mary cemetery.


Henry Goetten's wife Barbara (Strasser) Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Barbra Goetten, 58, wife of Henry Goetten, died at her home east of St. Mary church, west of Jerseyville, June 29, 1921. Her death follows a long illness. The funeral was held from St. Mary church. Solemn requiem mass was celebrated by Rev Fr Granke, assisted by other priests. The interment was in St. Mary cemetery.


(1a) Henry & Barbara (Strasser) Goetten's son Henry J Goetten was born June 2, 1901 in Jersey county, and died December 28, 1978 in Alton, Madison County, IL. His Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. He married Margaret Schmieder (1901-1996), a daughter of Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder. Children of Henry J. Goetten and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten were-Maurita Goetten, Rosalie Goetten, Roger Goetten, Richard Goetten, Wilfred Goetten, and Norbert Goetten.


Henry & Barbara (Strasser) Goetten's son Henry J Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Henry J. Goetten, 77, retired farmer, who has resided in Jerseyville for 16 years, died December 28, at St. Joseph hospital, Alton. Funeral mass was celebrated at St. Mary church, with Fr William Hembrow celebrant. Burial was in St. Mary cemetery. Born June 2, 1901 in Jersey county, he was the son of Henry & Barbara (Strasser) Goetten. He was a former Supervisor of English Township and former Auditor of Jersey Township. He was a member of St. Mary church, West Woods, 4th Degree Knights of Columbus and Elks Lodge and had served on the Jersey County Memorial hospital board. His survivors are his wife, Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten; 2 daughters, Mrs Maurita Fraley and Mrs Rosalie Hansen of Jerseyville; 4 sons, Roger, Richard and Wilfred of Jerseyville and Norbert of Carrollton; 1 sister, Mrs Helen Bauer, Jerseyville; 28 grandchildren; 12 g-grandchildren. His parents, 3 brothers, and 2 sisters preceded him in death. The rosary and ceremony of K of C were held at Jacoby Brothers funeral home in Jerseyville.


(1aa) Henry J. Goetten and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten's daughter Maurita Goetten married Stanley Fraley. Her husband, Earl and Effie (McDow) Fraley's son Herbert Stanley Fraley was born on the family farm near Fieldon in Jersey Co., IL on Oct. 27, 1922. He died Aug. 12, 2011, at his residence in Jersey Co., IL. He married Maurita Goetten 1-29-1947 in Jersey Co., IL. His burial was in the Noble Cemetery in Otterville, IL. Stanley and Maurita (Goetten) Fraley had 6 children-Daniel Fraley, Marlene Fraley, Charles Fraley, Randy Fraley, Gerald Fraley, and Delbert Fraley.


Maurita (Goetten) Fraley's husband Herbert Stanley Fraley's obituary - Herbert Stanley Fraley, 88, died at 2:25 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12, 2011, at his residence after a period of declining health. He was born on the family farm near Fieldon on Oct. 27, 1922, the fourth of five children born to Earl and Effie (McDow) Fraley. Stanley was raised with the rest of his siblings on the farm, and he graduated in 1941 from Jersey Township High School. Throughout his life, he was blessed to be able to continue doing what he loved most, and that was being a successful farmer, and being surrounded by his family while doing so. He was a proud member of the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, and was a lifetime member of the Jerseyville Moose Lodge. He married the former Maurita B. Goetten on Jan. 29, 1947, at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon. Together they shared 64 years of marriage, raising their six children, Charles, Danny, Randy, Marlene, Delbert and Gerald, in a farm environment and shared many happy memories together. During their 64 years of marriage Stanley and Maurita were blessed with a good life, only recently being dealt hard blows with the death of their son Daniel and son-in-law, Robert Johns.

Surviving are his wife, Maurita Fraley of Jerseyville; a daughter, Marlene Johns of Jerseyville; four sons and daughters-in-law, Charles and Deb Fraley of Jerseyville, Randy and Jill Fraley of Grafton, Delbert and Marian Fraley of Kampsville and Gerald and Paula Fraley of Trivoli; a daughter-in-law, Janice Fraley of Jerseyville; 15 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and two sisters-in-law, Theresa Fraley of Carrollton and Violet Fraley of Jerseyville. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his son, Daniel R. Fraley on Dec. 20, 2009; a son-in-law, Robert Johns on June 18, 2010; a grandson-in-law, Aaron Hubbell; a sister, Bertha Vogler; and three brothers, Stewart Fraley, Wilbert Fraley and Leland Fraley. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14, at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where a rosary will be recited at 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Monday, Aug. 15, at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial will be in the Noble Cemetery in Otterville. Memorials may be given to either the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools of Jerseyville, Blessing Hospice of Greene County, or to the Jersey County Health Department.


(1aaa) Stanley and Maurita (Goetten) Fraley's son Daniel Fraley's obituary - Daniel Fraley, 61, died unexpectedly at 10:53 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 20, 2009, in the emergency room at Jersey Community Hospital. He was born in Alton on Dec. 20, 1948, and was one of five children born to Stanley and Maurita (Goetten) Fraley of Jerseyville. He graduated in 1966 from Jersey Community High School and attended Canton Community College for a short time. On Aug. 25, 1967, at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, he married the former Janice Goodman. Together they have shared 42 years together and the joys that come with raising their family of three children and now, six grandchildren. Danny worked at Canham Sheet Metal in Alton alongside his father-in-law, for a short time before moving to the farm in Fieldon Hollow. Together, the Fraley family lived there for 39 years, farming and raising livestock, on the farm that his Uncle Stew and Aunt Helen rented to them and later sold to Danny and Janice. Stew and Helen thought the world of Danny and treated him like the child they never had. They gave him the start of one of his passions in life, farming. Danny has farmed alongside his son, Jeff, for the past several years. Together they have farmed with Danny planting the straightest rows of corn you could find. His wife, Janice, says that "he was the best farmer she knew." He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon for the past 40 years, serving as a trustee for the Church farm. He was also the supervisor of Rosedale Township, served on the Jersey County Grain Board and was a Jersey Community Unit 100 school board member for eight years, presenting his children their diplomas at graduation.

Danny and Jeff received the Farm Family of the Year 1998 Award, something that he was very proud of. He was also a member of the Pheasants Forever, which was also one of his loves, having hunted pheasants in Kansas for many years, and here lately in North Dakota, having just returned from there in the last week. Surviving are his parents, Stanley and Maurita Fraley of Jerseyville; his wife, Janice Fraley of Jerseyville; his three children and their spouses, Amy and Danny Phipps, Jeff and Shannon Fraley, and Amber and Christian Bruns, all of Jerseyville; a granddaughter, Katelyn Phipps; five grandsons, Andrew Phipps, Collin and Caleb Fraley, Austin and Alex Hubbell; a sister and brother-in-law, Marlene and Robert Johns of Jerseyville; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Charles and Deb Fraley of Jerseyville, Randy and Jill Fraley of Grafton, and Delbert and Marion Fraley of Kampsville. He was preceded in death by a son-in-law, Aaron Hubbell; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Harold and Lois Goodman; a nephew, Nick Goodman, his Uncle Stew and Aunt Helen Fraley; and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends, Ed and John. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m., with a rosary recitation at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 22, at Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 23, at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Schools in Jerseyville or the Salvation Army Food Pantry.


(1aaaa) Daniel and Janice (Goodman) Fraley's daughter Amber (Fraley) Hubbell's husband Aaron Andrew Hubbell's obituary - Aaron Andrew Hubbell, 27, joined his heavenly father on Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007, at Barnes-Jewish Hospital after a courageous battle with leukemia and its complications. A 1998 graduate of Marquette High School, he attended William Jewell University on a soccer scholarship and was honored with many awards, including team captain. He was a dedicated employee at Centric Group in St. Louis for the past four years. He loved life, and his wife and children were his most cherished gifts. Despite his illness, he continued to bring inspiration and joy to his family and friends. He was a hero to all who knew him well. We will miss him deeply, although he will live on in our hearts forever.

He was the loving husband of Amber (Fraley) Hubbell; devoted father of Austin and Alex; cherished son of Stephen and Patricia (Biederman) Hubbell; son-in-law of Daniel and Janice Fraley of Fieldon; brother of the late Stephen Hubbell, Michael Hubbell and his fiance, Christina Kersting and Lindsey (Hubbell) and Bradley Merkel of Chicago; brother-in-law of Danny and Amy Phipps and Jeff and Shannon Fraley of Jerseyville; dear grandson of Oliver and Edith Biederman; nephew, cousin, uncle, sincere friend and soccer teammate to many. Visitation will be from 4 to 9 p.m. Monday at Schrader Funeral Home, 14960 Manchester Road in Ballwin. Funeral services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Community Christian Church, 623 Meramec Station Road. Interment will be at New St. Marcus Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, gifts in his memory can be made to The Hubbell Children's Fund in care of U.S. Bank, 15215 Manchester Road, Ballwin, MO 63011-4603 or Friends of Kids With Cancer, 530 Maryville Centre Drive, Suite LL5, St. Louis, MO 63141. Friends may sign the family's online guest book at


(2aaa) Stanley and Maurita (Goetten) Fraley's daughter Marlene (Fraley) Johns's husband Robert Johns's obituary - Funeral services will be held Wednesday at Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville for Robert L. Johns. Mr. Johns, 55, died June 18 at Jersey Community Hospital. He was born November 20, 1954 in Alton, the son of Bobby and Velma (Brown) Johns. He married the former Marlene Fraley in 1975. He worked as a machinist at Owens-Illinois Brockway in Godfrey for 26 years until the plant closed in 2006. He was then employed at GKN Aerospace in St. Louis. Survivors include his wife; his parents; three sons, Gregory Johns of Jerseyville; Doug Johns of Grafton and Brian Johns of Chicago; a grandson, Dylan; a sister, Vallie (Jeff) Declue of Jerseyville; two brothers, Tony (Sally) Johns of Godfrey and Jeff Johns of Jeresyville; his wife's brothers and sisters; numerous nieces and nephews and other extended family. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Burial will be in Noble Cemetery in Otterville. Memorials may be made to the Diabetes Association, Otterville Hamilton School Memorial Fund or Noble Cemetery.


(2aa) Henry J. Goetten and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten's son Roger Goetten was born on the family farm near Fieldon on Dec. 5, 1929. He died September 6, 2016 at Jerseyville Manor Nursing Home in Jerseyville, Jersey County, IL. He married Theresa Rose Buechler on July 29, 1950, at the Holy Angels Catholic Church in East St. Louis. IL. She died Aug. 31, 2001. Children of Roger and Theresa (Buehler) Goetten were-Dennis James Goetten, Gary Goetten, William Goetten, Mark Goetten, Dale Goetten, Donald Goetten, Jana Rose Goetten.


Roger "Tuffy" Goetten's obituary - FIELDON — Roger "Tuffy" Goetten, 86, of Fieldon, died at 1:35 p.m., Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at Jerseyville Manor Nursing Home. He was born on the family farm near Fieldon on Dec. 5, 1929, and was one of six children born to Henry and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten. For many years he, along with his brothers operated the Goetten Brothers Farm, as well as a Mobil Gas Station in Jerseyville. In 1970, Tuffy was elected to the position of Jersey County Treasurer, and remained in that same position for six consecutive terms until 1994, serving the citizens of Jersey County, whom he considered friends, for 24 years. During his tenure, he was honored to have been selected as Illinois County Treasurer of the Year. He was very active and loyal to his community, and served on the board of the Jersey County Housing Authority, as well as numerous positions and committees with both the Knights of Columbus and the Elks Lodge #954, both of Jerseyville. In addition, Tuffy was a faithful and dedicated member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, and served in any capacity that was needed, and worked picnics, for too many to count Tuffy truly enjoyed life, and was blessed with a good one. He loved socializing and being with those friends he treasured, but his happiest moments were times spent with his children and grandchildren, who in return, provided Tuffy with many years of happiness. Although Tuffy never was one to slow down or shy away from an social invitation, he found true contentment and peace in one small segment of ground near St. Mary's Church, which he considered his "little bit of piece of heaven here on earth" in which he could proudly state that he was born, worked, worshiped, played and raised his family, and ultimately, will be laid to rest. He married the former Theresa Rose Buechler on July 29, 1950, at the Holy Angels Catholic Church in East St. Louis, and together they raised their family, seven children, and shared 51 years together before her death on Aug. 31, 2001. Surviving are a daughter and son-in-law, Genarose and Paul Isringhausen of Fieldon; five sons and daughters-in-law, Roger Gary and Jeanie Goetten of Jerseyville, William and Tammy Goetten of Fieldon, Mark and Patricia Goetten of Fieldon, Dale and Carolyn Goetten of Jerseyville, and Donald and Sue Goetten of Carrollton; 15 grandchildren; 22 great- grandchildren; two sisters, Maurita "Shorty" Fraley and Rosalie "Sissie" Hansen, both of Jerseyville; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Wilfred "Willie" and Joyce Goetten of Jerseyville, and Norbert and Karen Goetten of Carrollton; sisters-in- law, Loretta Goetten of Fieldon, Margaret Eisele and Anna Marie Sak, both of Belleville, Shirley Owens of Edwardsville, and Sister Genarose Buechler of Ruma; as well as very special friend, Mary Landon of Jerseyville. In addition to his parents, and wife, Tuffy was preceded in death by a son, Dennis James Goetten on Oct. 9, 1974; a grandson, William Jeremy Goetten; a brother, Richard "Dickie" Goetten on Aug. 30, 2016; two brothers-in-law, William Hansen and Stanley Fraley; two nephews, Kevin "Crackers" Hansen and Daniel Fraley; and a niece, Monica (Goetten) Brennan. Visitation will be from 2 to 7 p.m., Sunday, September 11 at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 12 at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, with Father Patrick Gibbons officiating. Burial will be in the St. Mary's Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools, Jersey Community Hospital Wellness Center, or to Isaac's Rays of Hope, all in care of the funeral home.


(1aaa) Roger and Theresa (Buehler) Goetten's son Dennis James Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Dennis James Goetten, 21, son of Jersey County Treasurer Roger & Theresa Goetten, RR Fieldon was found dead by 2 friends. Young Goetten, who was working on construction, was found in the back of his International Scout, being used as a camper, by Charles Lowe and Jack Bailey. A charcoal burner was also found in the truck. The young man and his 2 friends were building a house, and the 2 friends slept in a tent, and when they went to wake Dennis to go to work, could not raise him, according to the Macon county coroner. An inquest was held and death was by asphyxiation. The incident occurred at Forsyth, north of Decatur. Dennis was born at St. Joseph hospital in Alton on November 9, 1953 the son of Roger and Theresa (Buehler) Goetten. He attended St. Mary school at Fieldon and Holy Ghost school in Jerseyville and Jersey County Memorial high school. He was a member of the JCHS football squad, winning the back of the year award. He attended Jacksonville College, Southern Illinois U, Edwardsville and was enrolled this year at Sangamon State U. He is survived by his parents, 5 brothers, Gary 23, William 20, Mark 18, Dale 17, Donald 13; and 1 sister, Jana Rose 11. His paternal grandparents Mr & Mrs Henry Goetten of Jerseyville, his maternal Grandmother, Mrs Helen Buehler of East St. Louis, and aunts and uncles. Visitation was from Jacoby Brothers funeral home in Jerseyville where rosary was recited. Services were held at St. Mary cemetery. Memorials may be given to the Heart Fund.


(3aa) Henry J. Goetten and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten's son Wilfred "Willie" Goetten was born in Jersey county, Illinois. He married Joyce Hayn, and they had these children-Monica L. Goetten, Jeff Goetten, and David Goetten.


(1aaa) Wilfred "Willie" and Joyce (Hayn) Goetten's daughter Monica L. (Goetten) Brennan's obituary - SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS — Monica L. (Goetten) Brennan, 52, passed away Saturday, July 2, 2016, at Memorial Medical Center. She was born Aug. 25, 1963, to Wilfred "Willie" and Joyce (Hayn) Goetten. She married Michael Brennan on June 26, 1989, in Springfield. Monica was a legal secretary for the Illinois Attorney General for 26 years. She was a graduate of Alton Marquette High School and Lincoln Land Community College. She attended Rochester Christian Church where she was very active. She enjoyed collecting antiques, attending concerts, family vacations and loved going to Disney World. She is survived by her husband, Michael; daughter, Laura Brennan; stepson, Todd Brennan; grandchildren, Lillie and Calliandra; parents, Willie and Joyce Goetten; brothers, Jeff (Patty) Goetten and David (Kathryn "Kellie") Goetten; nieces, Heather, Holly and Taylor; and several aunts, uncles and cousins, including Stacey (David) Loellke and her sons, Bill and Brendan. Visitation and Funeral Service will be at 10 a.m. until the time of service at noon Friday, July 8, 2016, at Rochester Christian Church with Pastor Brad Ferris officiating. Prayer Service: 3 p.m. Friday, July 8, 2016, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, with Rev. William Hembrow officiating. Burial will follow in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Rochester Christian Church. Vancil-Murphy Funeral Home in Springfield is in charge of arrangements.


(4aa) Henry J. Goetten and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten's son Richard "Dickie" Goetten's obituary - FIELDON — Richard "Dickie" Goetten, 83, died Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. He was born near Fieldon on May 24, 1933, one of six children born to Henry and Margaret (Schmieder) Goetten. A 1952 graduate from Jersey Community High School, Dickie proudly served his country with the U.S. Army from April 1953 to April 1955. After his honorable discharge, he returned home to Fieldon and married the former Loretta Sagez in Hardin on Nov. 12, 1960. Together they raised their three children centered around a solid foundation of faith, family and hard work. Dickie rejoined the family farming business after his discharge and remained an active participant up until the time of his death. He served on many local community boards, and cherished time spent with family, friends, and especially his grandkids, and was a friend to all, sharing his smile and his trademark comment, "Say you Birds." Surviving are his wife, Loretta Goetten of Fieldon; a daughter and son-in-law, Lisa and Jeff Dolan of Jerseyville; two sons and daughters-in-law, Rodney and Shari Goetten of Fieldon, and Pat and Mary Goetten of Jerseyville; eleven grandchildren: Scott, Kyle (Ashley), Ryan, Craig (Danielle), Leslie (Chris), Lauren (Blayne), Erica (Jordan), Rebeca, Chloe, Mitch and Jay.; five great-grandchildren, Scott, Jesse, Plager, Quinn and Langston; two sisters, Maurita "Shorty" Fraley of Jerseyville, Rosalie "Sissie" Hansen of Jerseyville; three brothers and sisters-in-law, Roger "Tuffy" Goetten of Fieldon; Wilfred "Willie" and Joyce Goetten of Jerseyville, and Norbert and Karen Goetten of Carrollton; along with many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, his was preceded in death by a son-in-law, Matthew Lorton; a sister-in-law, Theresa Goetten; three nephews, Dennis James Goetten, Kevin "Crackers" Hansen, and Daniel Fraley, and a niece, Monica (Goetten) Brennan. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2 at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville.. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 3 at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial will be in the St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Fieldon, with the Jerseyville American Legion Post 492 conducting military graveside rites. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools Technology Fund.


(2a) Henry & Barbara (Strasser) Goetten's son Anthony C. Goetten was born in 1889 in Jersey County, IL. He died October 10, 1959 in Jersey County, IL. He married Elizabeth Beiermann. She was born March 1, 1895 in Lindsey, NE, daughter of Henry & Christina (Bunse) Beiermann. She died November 30, 1983 at St. Anthony Hospital, Alton, Madison County, IL. They are both buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. Children of Anthony & Elizabeth (Beiermann) Goetten were-Cyril Henry Goetten, Bernadine Goetten, and Genevieve Goetten.


Henry & Barbara (Strasser) Goetten's son Anthony C. Goetten's wife Elizabeth (Beiermann) Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Elizabeth Goetten, 88, died November 30 at St. Anthony Hospital, Alton. Born March 1, 1895 in Lindsey, NE, daughter of Henry & Christina (Bunse) Beiermann, Married Anthony C. Goetten. He died October 10, 1959. She leaves 1 son, Cyril of Jerseyville, 2 daughters, Bernardine Huebener of Brighton and Genevieve Goetten of Gillespie; 11 grandchildren; 7 g-grandchildren; 1 brother, Bernard Beiermann of Columbus, NE; 2 sisters, Bertha Broer of Petersburg, NE and Josephine Beiermann of Omaha, NE.


(1aa) Anthony & Elizabeth (Beiermann) Goetten's son Cyril Henry Goetten's obituary - Jerseyville, 07/25/2014 - Cyril Henry Goetten, 97, died at 12:10 a.m., Friday, July 25, 2014 at the Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. He was born in Fieldon on July 5, 1917, the oldest of three children born to the late Anthony & Elizabeth (Beiermann) Goetten. Cyril was employed at Olin Corp. for 42 years, but was a farmer at heart. He began farming as a young boy and continued to do what he loved until his failing health required him to retire at the young age of 94. A dedicated member of the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, he was also a member of the Knights of Columbus, American Legion Post 492 and the VFW all in Jerseyville. On June 14, 1950 in Carrollton, Il, he married the former Margaret C. Pohlman, and together they have shared 64 years and raised their three sons on the family farm. Surviving are his wife, Margaret Goetten of Jerseyville; three sons & daughters in law, John & Connie Goetten, Thomas & Nancy Goetten and Timothy & Diane Goetten all of Jerseyville; five grandchildren & their spouses, Chad & Lynn Goetten of Fieldon, Tiffany & Matt Williams of St. Charles, Mo., Christopher Goetten of Godfrey, Alex Goetten of St. Louis, Mo., and Andrew Goetten of Chicago; six great grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his two sisters, Bernadine Huebener and Genevieve Goetten. Visitation will be from 9 a.m., till 10:45 a.m., Monday at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 11 a.m. Monday at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial will be in the St. Mary's Cemetery Fieldon, and in honor of his service with the U.S. Army during World War II, the Jerseyville American Legion Post 492 will conduct military graveside rites. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools in Jerseyville.


(2) Charles and Josephine (Bertman) Goetten's son Frederick Charles Goetten married Christopher Heitzig and Wilhelmina (Schaaf) Heitzig's daughter Wilhelmina "Minnie" Heitzig. She was born Mar 2, 1860 in Jersey Co., IL. She died June 28, 1956 at Boonville, MO. Her interment was in St Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey Co., IL. She married 1st Frederick Charles Goetten Sep 2, 1879 in Jersey Co., IL. He was born in 1857 in Jersey Co., IL. He died 11-07-1882 in Jersey Co., IL. He was buried in St Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey Co., IL. He was a son of Charles and Josephine (Bertman) Goetten. Frederick Charles Goetten and Wilhelmina "Minnie" (Heitzig) Goetten had a daughter-Josephine Goetten born Jan 24, 1881 in Jersey Co., IL, and died Mar 27, 1923 in St. Louis, MO. Wilhelmina (Heitzig) Goetten remarried after her husband Frederick Goetten's death to a Watson, and later to man who's last name was Epstein. She and her family moved to Hardin, IL, and later about 1906 to Boonville, MO.


Frederick Charles Goetten's wife Wilhelmina "Minnie" (Heitzig) Goetten Epstein's obituary - Mrs Minnie Heitzig Epstein, a native of Jersey County, died Friday June 28 at Boonville, Mo at the age of 96 years, 3 months and 26 days. The body was brought to Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville Friday where friends called until the hour of the funeral service. Services were held at 9 o'clock Saturday Morning July 1 at St Mary's Church, West Woods, Father O.J. Wernet was celebrant of the Reqiem Mass and interment was in St Mary's Cemetery. Mrs Epstein was a daughter of the late Christopher and Wilhelmena Schaaf Heitzig and was born in Jersey County Mar 2, 1860.


(1a) Frederick and Wilhelmina (Heitzig) Goetten's daughter Josephine Goetten's obituary - Miss Josephine Goetten, 40, died at the home of her mother, Mrs Minnie Watson in St. Louis on March 27. Born in Fieldon in 1883, she was the daughter of Fred Goetten. Family moved to Hardin where they lived until she was 25. They moved to Booneville, MO and then to St. Louis where they have since lived. Miss Goetten was left $5,000 by the will of her employer about 1 year ago. Funeral from St. Mary church, Fieldon. Rev Gramke serving. Burial in St. Mary cemetery.

Casper Goetten

Casper Goetten was born in Westfalen, Germany on 1824 to Anthony Goetten and Christina Ulrich. He was a brother to Charles Goetten. Casper married Christina Burger (1834-1927) and they had 4 children. He passed away on 27 Sep 1877 in Fieldon, Jersey County, Illinois. They are both buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. Children of Casper and Christina (Burger) Goetten were-Mary Goetten (1864-1935); Frederick Goetten (1856-1910); Josephine Goetten (1861-1943); and Mina Goetten (1866-Unknown).


Casper Goetten's wife Christina (Burger) Goetten's obituary - GOETTEN. Mrs Christena Goetten, 93 yrs, 11 mo, 21 days, a resident of Jersey county for many years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs John Poggenpohl, at Raymond, IL on March 21. Mrs Goetten is survived by 4 daughters, Mrs Fred Heitzig, Sr, and Mrs Otto Schmidt of Fieldon, Mrs Minnie Vahle of East St. Louis, and Mrs John Poggenpohl of Raymond. The remains were brought to Jennings Bros. undertaking parlor and from there were taken to the home of Mrs Fred Heitzig Sr, Fieldon. Funeral services will be held St. Mary church. Solemn requiem high mass was celebrated with Rev Fr Oppenheim, a friend of the family as celebrant. Interment was in St. Mary cemetery.


(1) Casper and Christina (Burger) Goetten's daughter Josephine Goetten married Christopher Heitzig and Wilhelmina (Schaaf) Heitzig's son Frederick J. Heitzig. He was born in 1846 in IL, and died in 1932 in Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at Heitzig Cemetery in English Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married 1st Annie Cornelia Wahle 10-24-1869 in Jersey Co., IL, daughter of Joseph Wahle. She died 10-4-1880 in Jersey Co., IL. She was buried at Heitzig Cemetery in English Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married 2nd Josephine Goetten 11-9-1881 in Jersey Co., IL. Josephine Goetten was born in 1859, and died in 1943 in Jersey Co., IL. Her burial was at St. Mary's Cemetery in English Township, Jersey Co., IL. She was daughter of Casper and Christena (Buerger) Goetten. Children of Frederick J. Heitzig and Anna (Wahle) Heitzig were-Caroline "Carrie" J. Heitzig, Mary T. Heitzig, Frederick C. Heitzig, and Louis Oscar Heitzig. Children of Frederick J. Heitzig and Josephine (Goetten) Heitzig were-Joseph A. Heitzig, William H. Heitzig, Nellie (or Nettie) Heitzig, Edward Heitzig, Bertha Christine Heitzig, and Elizabeth Katherine Heitzig.

For more information about the Frederick J. Heitzig and Josephine (Goetten) Heitzig family visit this Heitzig Family Page at- The Heitzig Family


(2) Casper and Christina (Burger) Goetten's daughter Magdalena "Lena" Goetten married John and Mary (Harris) Vahle's son Louis Vahle. He was born 3-31-1857. He died 3-13-1898. He is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. He married Magdalena "Lena" Goetten 11-21-1878 in Jersey County, IL. After Louis Vahle died, his wife Magdalena married a second time to Otto Schmidt. Louis and Magdalena "Lena" (Goetten) Vahle had these 7 children-Leo J. Vahle, Nellie Vahle, Edward Vahle, Louis Vahle, Mary Vahle, Josephine Vahle, and Christina Vahle.

(Note: The following information about Louis Vahle is - From History of Greene and Jersey Counties, Illinois, Springfield, IL: Continental Historical Co., 1885, pp. 337 - 365. - Louis Vahle was born in Jersey county, Illinois, March 31, 1857, being a son of John M. and Mary (Harris) Vahle, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Illinois. He lived with his parents upon a farm until he attained his majority, being educated in the district schools. On Nov. 21, 1878 he was united in marriage with Lena Goetten, daughter of Casper and Christiana Goetten. They are the parents of three children: Mary, Christiana and Josephine. Mr. Vahle is engaged in farming, cultivating 120 acres of land. He is an enterprising and thrifty farmer and a good citizen.)

(Note: Magdalena "Lena" (Goetten) Vahle's husband Louis Vahle was a brother to Henry Vahle, who was the father of Chales William Vahle who married Lena M. (Haushalter) Vahle my mother Lovie (Kraushaar) Westfall's cousin. Her father John Adam Haushalter was my mother's uncle, and a brother to my mother's mother Caroline (Haushalter) Kraushaar.)

For more information about the Louis and Magdalena "Lena" (Goetten) Vahle family visit this Vahle Family Page at- The Vahle Family

Joseph Schmieder

Joseph Schmieder was born 12-31-1857 in Ichenheim, Baden, Germany. Joseph Schmieder was a son of John and Magdalene (Sauer) Schmieder. He died Aug. 6, 1947 in Litchfield, IL. He married Barbara Wachter daughter of Andrew Wachter and Kunegunda Fleishman. Joseph Schmieder's wife Barbara Wachter was born 12-26-1864 in Jersey County, IL on a farm in Beltrees, IL. She died Feb. 4, 1916 in Jersey County, IL. They are both buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. Children of Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder were-Justin Schmieder, Carl Schmieder, Mary K. Schmeider, Magdalena "Lena" Schmieder, Margaret Schmieder, Dora Schmieder, Edith Schmieder, Teresa Schmieder; Cecelia "Ceil" Schmieder, and one daughter died in infancy.


Joseph Schmieder's obituary - Joseph Schmieder Of Jerseyville, Dies Aug. 6, 1947 - Joseph Schmieder, father of Mrs. Lawrence Wardein of 835 Spruce, died at 3:15 a.m., today in St. Francis Hospital, Lilchfield, where he had been a patient for 20 months. Schmieder, a retired tanner, hud resided in Jersey County nearly all of his life mid was a member of an old and prominent family there. Surviving in addition lo his daughter, Mrs. Wordein, are two sons, Rev. Father Justin Schmieder, a returned missionary from China, and Carl Schmieder, Jerseyville, and six daughters, Mrs. Joseph Heitzig, Mrs. William Heitzig, Mrs. Henry Goetten, Mrs. Al Schleper and Mrs. Joseph Tonsor, all of Jersey County, and Mrs. Wardein, Alton. Funeral rites will be conducted Wednesday at 1 a.m. in the Church of the Westwoods, near Fieldon. The body is at the residence in Jersey County where friends may call.


(1) Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder's daughter Mary K. Schmeider married Frederick J. Heitzig and Josephine (Goetten) Heitzig's son Joseph A. Heitzig Sr. He was born in 1883, and died in 1957 in Jersey County, IL. He is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. He married Mary K. Schmieder born 4-13-1885 in Beltrees, IL, and died 12-30-1996 in Jerseyville, IL. She is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery. Joseph Heitzig was a farmer, and his farm was near Fieldon in English Township, Jersey County, IL. Joseph Heitzig Sr.'s wife Mary Kunegunda Schmieder was a daughter of Joseph Schmieder born 12-31-1857 in Ichenheim, Baden, Germany, and Barbara Wachter daughter of Andrew Wachter and Kunegunda Fleishman. Joseph Schmieder's wife Barbara Wachter was born 12-26-1864 in Jersey County, IL on a farm in Beltrees, IL. Mary K. Schmieder's father Joseph Schmieder was a son of John and Magdalene (Sauer) Schmieder. Joseph and Mary (Schmieder) Heitzig had 11 children-Cletus Heitzig, Bernard Heitzig, Joseph Heitzig, Aloys Heitzig, Vincent Heitzig, Henry Heitzig, Leona Heitzig, Mary Heitzig, Mary Margaret Heitzig, Katherine Heitzig, and a child who died in infancy.

For more information about the Joseph and Mary (Schmieder) Heitzig family visit this Heitzig Family Page at- The Heitzig Family


(2) Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder's daughter Magdalena "Lena" Schmieder married Frederick Heitzig and his 2nd wife Josephine (Goetten) Heitzig's son William Henry Heitzig Sr. He was born July 20, 1885 near Fieldon, Jersey Co., IL, and died February 1986 Fieldon, Jersey Co., IL. He was buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey Co., IL. He married Magdalena "Lena" Schmieder 6-2-1915 in Jersey Co., IL. She was born in 1890 and died in 1981. She was buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey Co., IL. Children of William Henry and Magdalena (Schmieder) Heitzig Sr. were-William Henry "Billy" Heitzig Jr., Angela Heitzig, Herbert Heitzig, Gerald Heitzig, Rita Heitzig, Theresa Heitzig, Justin Heitzig born 21 Jul 1923, died 11 Jan 1926, buried at St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey Co., IL, and another son who died in infancy.

For more information about the William and Magdalena "Lena" (Schmieder) Heitzig family visit this Heitzig Family Page at- The Heitzig Family


(3) Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder's daughters Edith Schmieder (1895-1936) and Cecelia "Ceil" Schmieder (1909-2011) both married Joseph A. Tonsor. Joseph A. Tonsor 1st married Edith Schmieder, and he married 2nd her sister Cecelia "Ceil" Schmieder on Oct. 25, 1933, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon and together they shared nearly 22 years together before his death on June 24, 1955. She later married Francis "Syke" Groppel on Jan. 31, 1970, at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Jerseyville and they were only blessed with seven years together before his untimely death on Sept. 21, 1977. She died Aug. 31, 2011, in Jerseyville, IL.


Joseph A. Tonsor's obituary - TONSOR. Died June 24, 1955. Joseph A. Tonsor, 60, well-known farmer residing west of Jerseyville, died suddenly Friday evening, June 24, at 8:30 while watching television at his home with his wife and their daughter, Janet. Although Mr. Tonsor had been under the care of a physician for some time, his death came as a shock to members of his family and the community. Mr. Tonsor was a son of the late John & Elizabeth (Erig) Tonsor, natives of Germany. He was born in Jersey County July 1, 1894, and his age at the time of death was 60 years, 11 months, and 23 days. In addition to his farming interests, Mr. Tonsor was prominent in church and fraternal organizations. He was a veteran of WWI, and had been an active member of St. Mary's church, Westwoods, and was a trustee of St. Mary's cemetery. Fraternally he was a member of the Jerseyville Council, Knights of Columbus, of which he was a past grand Knight, member of the 4th degree Knights of Columbus, Worthey Post, American Legion of which he was past commander, the 40 & 8, Jerseyville Elks and Moose Lodges. Mr. Tonsor was also a former member of the Board of Directors of Jersey Community Hospital District. Surviving are: his wife, Mrs. Cecelia Tonsor, 4 daughters, Mrs. Ernest Pohlman, Mrs. James Thamblen, Mrs. Truman Garland and Miss Janet Tonsor; 2 sons Robert and Joe Tonsor, Jr., 2 Brothers, Henry and Anthony Tonsor, and 3 sisters, Miss Elizabeth Tonsor, Mrs. Minnie Tittle and Mrs. Josephine Kallal, all of Jerseyville. He also leaves 12 grandchildren. Friends called at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville after 7 pm Saturday. Jerseyville-carrollton Assembly Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus stood guard at the funeral home. Largely attended rites were held Monday am, June 27, at 9:30 at St. Mary's church, Westwoods. Solemn requiem mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Leonard Rathgeb, pastor of St. Mary's church. Rev. Father Justin Schmeider of Lincoln, Nebraska, brother-in-law of Mr. Tonsor, was deacon of the mass, and Rev. Father Paul P. Heinen, pastor of the Holy Ghost church in Jerseyville, was sub deacon. Burial was in St. Mary's cemetery.


Joseph A. Tonsor's 2nd wife Cecelia "Ceil" (Schmieder) Tonsor Groppel's obituary - Cecelia "Ceil" Tonsor Groppel, 102, died peacefully at 12:20 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011, at Jerseyville Manor Nursing Home. She was born in Westwoods area of Fieldon on Jan. 13, 1909, the youngest of 10 children born to the late Joseph and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder. She was a member of the last graduating class from Ursuline Academy earning her diploma in 1926. She was a dedicated woman to her family, a devout woman to her Catholic faith, and an integral part of her loving family. She first married Joseph Tonsor on Oct. 25, 1933, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon and together they shared nearly 22 years together before his death on June 24, 1955. She later married Francis "Syke" Groppel on Jan. 31, 1970, at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Jerseyville and they were only blessed with seven years together before his untimely death on Sept. 21, 1977. Surviving are three daughters, Marcella Pohlman Schroeder, Lucille Hamblen and Edith "Edie" Garland, all of Jerseyville; a son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Edie Tonsor of Jerseyville; two stepsons and their wives, John and Judy Groppel of Jerseyville, and Russell and Janice Groppel of Godfrey; a son-in-law and his wife, James and Sandy File of Carrollton; numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren; and great-great-grandchildren.

Although her life was filled with much love and happiness, Ceil also experienced great pain in the loss of numerous family members, including her parents, her husbands, a daughter, Janet File; a son and daughter-in-law, John Robert and Berneice Tonsor; three grandchildren, Alan File, Jane Ann (Hamblen) Tuey, Elizabeth "Liz" (Garland) Graham; four sons-in-law, James Theodore "Ted" Hamblen, Ernest Pohlman, Bernard Schroeder and Truman Garland; a stepdaughter-in-law, Kathleen Groppel; two brothers, Carl Schmieder and Father Justin Schmieder; six sisters, Mary Heitzig, Lena Heitzig, Dora Wardein, Edith Tonsor, Margaret Goetten and Teresa Schleper; and one sister in infancy. Visitation will be from 3 to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 2, at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where a prayer service will be read at 2:30 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 3, at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Jerseyville, with Father Patrick Gibbons officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools of Jerseyville or to Masses.


(1a) Joseph A. Tonsor and his 1st wife Edith (Schmieder) Tonsor's son John Robert Tonsor's obituary - TONSOR. Died 25-07-1978. A funeral mass was celebrated for J. Robert Tonsor, 51, of Rural Route 4, Jerseyville, Thursday am at St. Mary's church, Westwoods, with Father William Hembrow celebrant. Burial was in the church cemetery. He died unexpectedly at 10:28 am July 25 at Jersey Community hospital where he was taken after suffering an apparent heart attack at his home. He was born November 27, 1926, a son of Joseph A. and Edith (Schmieder) Tonsor and was employed at Shell Oil refinery. His survivors are his wife, the former Bernice Skinner; 2 sons, J. R. Tonsor and Phillip Tonsor of Jerseyville; 7 daughters, Mrs. Cindy Wittman of Jerseyville, Mary Frances, Denna and Melissa Tonsor, at home , Mrs. Joan Stafford and Tina Tonsor of Springfield, Patricia Tonsor of Ft. Collins; 1 brother, Joe Tonsor of Jerseyville; 4 sisters, Mrs. Marcella Schroeder, Mrs. Lucille Hamblen and Mrs. Edie Lou Garland of Jerseyville and Janet File of Godfrey; 4 grandchildren; mother Mrs. Celia Groppel, Jerseyville. The rosary was recited at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home in Jerseyville, Wednesday evening followed by fourth degree services. The Knights of Columbus building fund and the heart fund were designated as memorials.


John Robert Tonsor's wife Berniece Eileen "Niece" (Skinner) Tonsor's obituary - Berniece Eileen Tonsor, 81, went to be with the Lord and be reunited with Bob, the love of her life, at 12:05 p.m., Tuesday, December 22, 2009, at Jerseyville Manor Nursing Home. She was born in Richwood Township, on the James and Katie Ontis Homestead near Nutwood in Jersey County, Il. on March 12, 1928, one of five daughters born to the late John & Sophia (Ontis) Skinner. She was a graduate of Jersey Township High School, where she was voted by her classmates as the girl with the "most beautiful tresses". Niece married John Robert Tonsor on April 17, 1948, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon and the two shared 30 years together before his sudden death on July 25, 1978, at the age of 51. After his death she became the "glue" that kept her family strong and intact. She also found time to be a loving caregiver to the elderly in their homes during this time. Surviving are her nine children & their spouses, Cindy & Neal Wittman of Jerseyville, Joan & Jim Withers of Loami, Patty & Bill Kuebrich of Jerseyville, JR and Pam Tonsor of Jerseyville, Phillip & Becky Tonsor of Grafton, Tina & Mike Bennett of Alton, Fran & Larry Bear of Jerseyville, DeeDee Tonsor of Baltimore, Md., and Missy & Jeff Davis of Dow; 21 Grandchildren and their spouses, Chris & Pam Wittman, Jennifer & John Lyles, Briana & Brian Jackson, Sarah & Clarence Grebner, Tony Kuebrich, Paul Kuebrich, Brad & Wendy Tonsor, Barry Tonsor, Erin Tonsor, Bobby Tonsor, Josh & Mindy Tonsor, Jenny & Kevin Macias, Jessie Tonsor, and her fiance Jason Ray, Justin Tonsor, Kevin & Bernadette Bennett, Matt Bennett, Adam Bennett, and his fiance Keegan Thompson, P.J. Bennett, Lauren Davis, Trevor Davis, and Morgan Davis; 12 Great Grandchildren, Shelby & Veronica Wittman, Logan Lyles, Hannah & Hailey Tonsor, Jackson Tonsor, Lucy & Jude Bennett, Jack & Drew Macias, Ava Tonsor, Margaret Grebner, and two due in February; three step grandchildren, Brian, and his wife, Lori Withers, Eric Withers and Blake Withers; and three step great grandchildren, Alex & Cameron Withers, and Peyton Withers; two sisters, Mary Schloman and Betty Ritter both of Jerseyville, and her mother in law, Ceil Groppel of Jerseyville. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, a son in law, John Stafford; and two sisters, Doris Harvey & Thelma Watts. Visitation was from 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where a Rosary was recited at 2 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial took place at 10 a.m. Monday at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, Father William Hembrow officiated. Burial was alongside her husband at the St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Fieldon.


(2a) Joseph A. Tonsor and his 1st wife Edith (Schmieder) Tonsor's daughter Marcella Elizabeth (Tonsor) Pohlman Schroeder's obituary - Jerseyville 06/20/2013 - Marcella Elizabeth Pohlman Schroeder, 91, died at 8:00 a.m, Thursday, June 20, 2013 at the Jerseyville Manor Nursing Home. She was born in Westwoods near Fieldon, IL on Feb. 20, 1922, the daughter of the late Joseph & Edith (Schmieder) Tonsor. After the death of her mother when she was a very young girl, her father remarried, and Marcella was lovingly raised by Cecelia Schmieder Tonsor Groppel, and was blessed with a close relationship with her their entire life. She first married Ernest Gerard Pohlman, and together they were blessed with four children before his death on Dec. 26, 1965. She then married Bernard J. Schroeder on Feb. 6, 1969 at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, and her family grew by seven more children, and two families became one. She and Bernard were blessed with 34 years before his death on Feb. 22, 2003. She is survived by her four children & their spouses, John & Sheri Pohlman of Springfield, Peggy Pohlman,and her companion, Mike Mathis of Springfield, Terri & James Campbell of Jacksonville, and Kaye & Kevin Skibbe of Manchester, Mo.; seven step children & their spouses, Fr. James Schroeder SCJ of St. Louis, Mo., Chery Schroeder of Kirkwood, Mo., Dr. Victoria Dawdy, and her husband, Steven Bilsbury of Alton, Jill & Don Schmidt of Florissant, Mo., Jan Kammer of Glendale, Mo., Kevin Schroeder and Kim Davis both of Jerseyville; 16 grandchildren; 10 Great Grandchildren; two sisters, Lucille Hamblen and Edith Garland both of Jerseyville; a brother & sister in law, Joseph & Edie Tonsor of Jerseyville; a brother in law, James File and his wife, Sandy of Carrollton; along with numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents and her husbands, she was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Lauren; a son in law, Jay Kammer; a brother & sister in law, John Robert & Bernice Tonsor; a sister, Janet File; and two brothers in law, Truman Garland and Ted Hamblen. Visitation will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. Thursday at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Jerseyville, with Father James Schroeder officiating. Burial will be in the St. Mary's Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools of Jerseyville or to Masses.


(4) Joseph Schmieder and Barbara (Wachter) Schmieder's son Carl J. Schmieder was born in 1888 in Jersey County, IL. He died in 1971 in Jersey County, IL. He married Carrie (Poggenpohl (1895-1947). They are both buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, English Township, Jersey County, IL. Children of Carl J. & Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder were-Marian J. Schmieder, Geraldine Schmieder, Barbara Schmieder, John Schmieder, Robert "Boots" Schmieder & Charles Schmieder.


(1a) Carl J. & Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder's daughter Marian J.(Schmieder) Charow's obituary - Jerseyville 07/07/2014 - JERSEYVILLE- Marian J.Charow, 93, died at 2:55 p.m., Monday, July 7, 2014 at the Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. She was born in Jersey County on Aug. 24, 1930, and was one of six children born to the late Carl J. & Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder. Marian married Harry Charow on Oct, 1, 1940 at the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, and they were the proud parents of four children, and were able to share just 17 years together before his death in 1957. Surviving are a daughter & son in law, Jackie & Jeff Smith of Jerseyville; two sons & a daughter in law, Jim & Marian Charow of Columbia, Il., and Carl "Butch" Charow of Jerseyville; three grandchildren & their spouses, Matt Charow of Columbia, Il., Julie Smith & Dusty Crotchett of Jerseyville, and Jason & Stephanie Smith of Jerseyville; four great grandchildren, Tanner Crotchett, Kailey, Ashley & Lilly Smith; two sisters, Geraldine Becker of Jerseyville and Barbara Toppmeyer of Brussels; a brother, John Schmieder of Jerseyville; and a sister in law, Bernadine Schmieder of Texas. In addition to her parents & husband, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Connie Ann Charow; and two brothers, Robert "Boots" Schmieder & Charles Schmieder. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., Saturday at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 12 noon on Saturday at the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in Jerseyville. Father Patrick Gibbons will officiate. Burial will be in the St. Francis Xavier Cemetery in Jerseyville. Memorials may be given to the St. Francis/Holy Ghost Catholic Schools in Jerseyville or to the Blessing Hospice of Greene County.


Marian J.(Schmieder) Charow's husband Harry Joseph Charow's obituary - CHAROW Died 24-04-1957. Harry Joseph Charow of 609 Franklin Street in Jerseyville died at seven twenty-five o'clock Wednesday morning, APril 24, at John Cochran Veterans Hospital in St. Louis where he had been a patient for ten days. Charow underwent major surgery at the Hospital on Friday. Friends may call at Jacoby Brothers Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held at nine-thirty o'clock Friday Morning, April26, at St. Francis Xavier Church with Father John J. Clancy celebrant of the Requiem Mass. Interment will be in St. Francis Cemetery. The decedent was the younger son of the late Mike Charow and Mrs. Mary Charow Kowal of Jerseyville. He was born in Delores, Missouri, April 22, 1918, and his death occurred two days after his thirty-ninth birthday anniversary. For a number of years Charow was engaged in the poultry and produce business with members of his family, but of late had engaged in farming. He was a veteran of World War II. Mr. Charow is survived by his wife, Mrs. Marian Schmieder Charow; two sons, James and Carl, and one daughter, Jacqueline, at home; his step-father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Metrol Kowal; and one brother, Stephen Charow of Jerseyville. His father, one brother, and a daughter, Connie, preceded him in death. His fraternal affiliations were the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Jerseyville Knights of Columbus Council, and he was also a member of Worthey Post, American Legion of Foreign Wars Post.


(3a) Carl J. & Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder's son John Joseph Schmieder's obituary - JERSEYVILLE — John Joseph Schmieder, 90, went to Heaven at 3:25 a.m., Thursday, December 3, 2015 at his residence. He was born on the family farm in Jerseyville on Dec. 7, 1924, one of six children born to Carl J. and Carrie (Poggenpohl) Schmieder. John's heart and soul was centered around his little piece of the world, his farm located just west of Jerseyville. He was born there, worked days and nights on the ground, raised and provided for his family, and ultimately took his last breath, all on the place he so dearly loved. His passions in life were his family, and of course, farming, but you could often find him playing cards with his friends at the Jerseyville Elks, and never turned down an opportunity to satisfy his craving for sweets. He married the former Charlotte Jean Motter on April 24, 1991, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, and together they were blessed with their three children, and shared 41 years together before her death on April 5, 1990. He then married Evelyn "Sis" (Brannan) Kanallakan on Aug. 24, 1991, at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Jerseyville, and they have enjoyed these last 24 years together. Surviving are his wife, Evelyn "Sis" Schmieder in Jerseyville; his three children and their spouses, Kathy and Bill Breden of Jerseyville, Becky and Kevin Hughes of Fieldon, and Doug and Mary Schmieder of Jerseyville; four grandchildren and their spouses, Cory and Susie Breden of Jerseyville, Kyle and Karen Breden of St. Charles, Mo., Kevin Hughes of Hamburg, and Maranda Schmieder of Jerseyville; six great-grandchildren, Clare, Cate, Cali and Courtney Breden and Konnor and Kole Breden; two stepsons, Joseph "Joe" Kanallakan and Robert "Bobby" Kanallakan, along with their families, all of Jerseyville; as well as his two sisters, Geraldine Becker of Jerseyville and Barbara Toppmeyer of Brussels. In addition to his parents and his wife Jean, he was preceded in death by a sister, Marian Charow; and two brothers, Robert "Boots" Schmieder and Charles Schmieder. Visitation will be from 3 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 6, at the Crawford Funeral Home in Jerseyville, where a Rosary will be recited at 6 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m., Monday, Dec. 7, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fieldon, with Father William Hembrow officiating. Burial will be in the St. Mary's Cemetery in Fieldon. Memorials may be given to either the St. Mary's Cemetery or the Therapy Department at Jerseyville Nursing & Rehabilitation.

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