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Made In The Shade banner

The principles of Color Harmony teach us how to look great no matter what we're wearing by coordinating the color family (warm, cool, or neutral) of our color cosmetics with the color family of our clothing. If you haven't visited the Color Harmony page, you may want to go review it now.

The next question that arises is usually, "Now that I know how to choose color and which colors to choose, should the shades be bold and bright or soft and light?" The answer: It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!


Decide what kind of look you want to achieve.

Do you want a "casual" look for the weekends, outdoor activities, etc.? Do you want a "classic" look for the office or lunch with friends? Do you want a "dramatic" look for holidays or that special evening out?


Determine your contrast level.

This is the contrast between your current hair color and your current skin tone. For instance, someone with fair skin and blonde hair would have a "Low" contrast level, as would someone with dark skin and dark hair. Someone with medium skin and brown hair would have a "Medium" contrast level. Someone with fair skin and dark hair (or dark skin and light hair) would have a "High" contrast level. Red hair will automatically increase your contrast level. And remember that if your skin tone changes (by tanning) or your hair color changes (by nature or by chemicals), this may well change your contrast level.


Take into account the color intensity and contrast in the clothes you're wearing.

A soft pastel will, in effect, lower your contrast level. A bright color (red, lime green, fuschia, etc.) or high contrasting colors (black and white, red and white, etc.) will, in effect, increase your contrast level.

Once you've determined your contrast level and adjusted it for the color intensity of your clothing, it's time to choose your color cosmetics. Creating a cosmetic contrast that equals your adjusted contrast level will result in a "classic" look. Toning down the contrast will result in a "natural" look, and increasing the contrast will give you a "dramatic" look.

If you have a Made In The Shade question you'd like to ask, just e-mail me here. Be sure to put "Made In The Shade" in the subject line.



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