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Come one, come all!! Tooo.....

Hello, hockey and anime fans!! Welcome to my little corner of the assylum! Allow me to introduce myself. On the net, I am simply known as Aries or Pooka. As you may have guessed, I am a fervent hockey fan, and I like to create hockey art. My favorite team is (and this oughta go for everyone!!) the fabulously FEROCIOUS PHILADELPHIA FLYERS!! I am just a rabid little semi-human-human, so don't scoff at MY preferences. I may just have to bite your head off.

This page is perpetually under construction, so be sure to check back every so often and see what's new. Please do tell me what you think of my work-- I'd love to hear it! You can put your questions, comments, or suggestions in my guestbook, or drop me an E-mail at the addy given below. Oh-- and don't forget to give my links a look. I've compiled a pretty diverse collection of gems while sailing about the net.

Page last updated: 2/20/01... Current MIDI is Yuffie's Theme, from Final Fantasy 7

Check out my stuff!!

My Hockey Comics -Love 'em, hate 'em, give 'em a look!!

Realistic Drawings

Cartoon drawings of our boys...

Dmitri Tertyshny

My Writings - Some of my crazy lil' jots- chee hee hee.. Includes a song about dear ole' Barnaby!!

Photos -Mostly hockey-related, some not.


About Me -Meet the Master of this Madness!!

Links-Hockey, anime, and otherwise.

Check out my fantasy/video game art site here!!! The Pooka's Den

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Hey--my very first award!!! Thanks a lot, Matt!!

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