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The Flies of Maxwell MacPherson, Jr.











The Lady Amherst, Tied by Maxwell MacPherson, Jr. The beautiful Lady Amherst to the left was tied by contributing fly tyer Maxwell MacPherson, Jr. Maxwell is a new contributor to Salmonfly.Net, but is by no means new to tying Classic flies. He has been at it for about 27 years now. That would explain the craftmanship in his work. Read what Maxwell has to say about himself and see his flies to see what I mean.

My name is Maxwell MacPherson, Jr. I have been dressing classic, atlantic salmon flies since 1979. I learned how to dress salmon flies from famed historian Alex Simpson of Lumphanan, Scotland. I communicated with Alex by snail mail for all those years since then. My principal book for learning was T.E. Pryce-Tannatt's book "How To Dress Salmon Flies"-1914. Initially I sent completed flies to Alex for his perusal and had to wait about a month to hear back from him as to what I was doing wrong or right. It was a slow learning process but in the end worked out to my advantage. Alex never charged me a penny for all of the lessons he taught me. Because of this I now have a website which is mainly an educational tool used to teach others about classic salmon flies.

You can look at my website, which shows 21 classic salmon flies in full color by clicking on MaxFlies. Also you can view here my "Lady Amherst" classic salmon fly, which is dressed on an 8/0 antique (over 120 years old) Bartleet tapered shank hook. So, have fun looking over my website and email me from there if you have any questions or comments.

Tight threads!

The Flies

The Lady Amherst The Heavenly Lady The Black Dose

The Sherbrook The Sir Herbert The Dandy

Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. For questions or comments you can e-mail me at burkemeister@salmonfly.net. I hope you've enjoyed the site; Please visit again.
