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Dave's Fry Fly No. 1

Dave's Fry Fly and Other Fry Imitations

By Steve Burke

For the past couple weeks we have been looking at imitations of the various stages of the Salmon life cycle from eggs to alevin. This week we go to the final stages before the juvenile salmon migrate from spawning stream to estuary and on to the open sea. Here are several imitations of salmon fry, parr and smolts. There are many, many more. Leon Guthrie, who developed those amazing Alevin imitations and Egg imitations continues to contribute his realistic versions of the life cycle with some fry and smolt flies of his own.

Featured Flies

Leon Guthrie Designs

LEONS 'Atlantic Salmon Fry' LEONS 'Brown Trout Minnow'

Fry and Par Flies

Dave's Fry Fly No. 1 Par Fly Sockeye Fry

Smolt Flies

Alaskan Smolt Squirrel Hair Smolt

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