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Battle Games

Sometimes, very rarely, there are games scheduled that just can't happen because we don't have enough people. But, if the minimum amount of people needed to play Shogun is 20, and 16 people show up ready to play, what do you do? This is where "battle games" come in. Battle games are games played on the Shogun field using the same weapon and injury rules, but don't follow the official Shogun rules (classes, hiring rules, etc.). We figure, for the benefit of our players who want games to play outside of Shogun and for other organizations like ours with similar problems, we should take the time to list a few. Here they are, in no particular order.

[ Capture the Flag | Caravan | Free-for-All | Kill Your Killer | Endless Team Battle | Senka | Oni ]

Capture the Flag

Preparation: I think everyone is familiar with this game. You split your group into 2 or more teams, give them bases a good distance apart from eachother, and put an object at their base that can be moved.

Objective: A team wins when they bring another team's "flag" back to their base.

Optional Variations:
- Amount of teams
- Amount of players per team
- Whether or not base locations are known before battle starts
- How death is managed (wait for a set time limit, wait until game ends, etc.)


Preparation: Split your group into 2 or more teams, only one team can be the defenders. The defenders are to guard an object and walk a set path. The attackers are to plan ambushes along the path and attempt to obtain the object.

Objective: The attackers win if they obtain the object before the the defenders reach the end of their path. The defenders win if they reach the end of their path with their object.

Optional Variations:
- Defenders walk in looped or circle path and are timed, longest time with object wins
- Allow certain members of the defenders to leave the path and hunt the attackers

Free-For-All (or "Gore-Fest 9000")

Preparation: Spread the players apart in the terrain, and let the slaughter begin

Objective: To kill as many people as you can before you die.

Optional Variations:
- Game ends after a certain amount of kills
- Time limit, most kills wins
- How death is managed (wait for a set time limit, wait until game ends, etc.)

Kill Your Killer
Submitted by True Kimbo

Preparation: Spread the players apart in the terrain, set a base up nearby and let the slaughter begin. When a player dies, he must wait at the base until the person who killed him dies.

Objective: To kill as many people as you can before you die, the game is won when only one person remains.

Optional Variations:
- Split your group into teams and the game will work like dodge-ball.

Endless Team Battle aka "Revolving Door of Death"
Submitted by True Kimbo

Preparation: Split your group into as many small teams as possible (ideally, 3 to a team). Establish a base near the fighting area.

Objective: Once 3 people (from any team) have died and gone to the base, a new team is formed consisting of those 3 people. There really is no objective, it's just a never ending battle that allows players to form teams they might not normally form.

Optional Variations:
- Change the number of players to a team

Senka (War)

Preparation: Two captains are chosen. Each captain picks from the available players to form his team. The captain and two other players are Daimyo for that team. The captain then gets 1.5 resource points for each non-daimyo on his team to assign classes to his team members. Players that die go to a designated area and re-spawn after one minute. Daimyo who are killed become samurai when they respawn.

Objective: Kill the 3 daimyo on the opposing team. One of the winning Daimyo then becomes Shogun and the game is played again.

Optional Variations:
- Use coins to pick teams randomly.
- Change the number of RP points available.
- Play without respawns.


Preparation: One person is chosen to be the Oni (demon). He goes out into the game area and hides. After 1 minute, the rest of the players take to the field. If slain, the Oni must go to the respawn point before returning to the game. Non-Oni cannot hide. Any players killed also go to the respawn point, but return to the game as additional Oni.

Objective: Be the last human left alive. The winner then gets a choice of being the Oni the next game or choosing someone else to be.

Optional Variations:
- Number of starting Oni.
- Add a respawn time for Oni.

Did we miss anything? E-mail if there's a battle game you 'd like us to add.