Scott's Gaming & Writing Page
Scott's Gaming and Writing Page

A hooker and a newspaper columnist are not precisely the same occupation, but close enough -- both enter the lives of strangers, for hire, the difference being that the hooker is invited. -Roger Ebert, from his review of "Runaway Bride."

Currently there is little here regarding my writing, but I changed the title to "Gaming and Writing" to vindicate Ebert's quote, above. But I am a writer. Really.

On to the gaming. First, try these games. They deserve to be on the top of my site, because of the sheer courage and determination it takes to independantly host a massive-multiplayer graphical MUD.


Great old-school Ultima Online feel to it. Almost no customization for your characters, but adventure is just a few steps away.

Meridian 59

Arguably the first MMOG, and the most refined player-versus-player system to date. It feels like the late 3DO's "Might and Magic" online, with a friendly playerbase and fun exploration.

A Tale In The Desert

My current poison. A grand social experience with no combat to it, but strong cooperative and competitive elements nonetheless. Laws are drafted by the playerbase, and voted upon, to affect the community at large. Great works are created, and contests are held across the land.

For other games, I enjoy -- or have once enjoyed -- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, GURPS, In Nomine, BattleTech, (both the collectible card game and the role playing game), Magic: the Gathering, Lasertag (particularly Ultrazone and Q-Zar), Illuminati: New World Order, Earthdawn, the Final Fantasy series for Nintendo and Playstation, and...basically I've tried just about everything out there.

I no longer play lasertag, but I have fond memories of it. The past Ultrazone Alaska team, the Jade Falcons, consistently won every Ultrazone league we've played in. We hailed from Anchorage, Alaska, and participated in two national tournaments in Las Vegas (1997 and 1998). The first year, we took last place, but did "admirably" (so said the newsletter). The following year, we came back. We didn't place among the top three, but one consensus from the others seemed to be unanimous...

"You guys have improved...."

I have written for Steve Jackson Games' Pyramid magazine numerous times, both short articles and features, ranging from new magic items for GURPS to adventures for any game system.

My console and computer gaming experiences focus largely on Ultima, Civilization, Final Fantasy, and other electronic role playing games. I am also a member of the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter (UDIC); my name with them is Claymore Dragon. I was the past founder of the Final Fantasy Role Playing Game, distributed as freeware, and currently entering its third edition.

As a writer and a gamer, I enjoy creating worlds of adventure. I am therefore very excited about the adventure construction kit, Runesword. You can find wonderful adventures on my RuneSword site, with more in the making. RuneSword 2 has gone gold, and from the looks of it, it will be fabulous! It's being published by the good people at Shrapnel Games.

I am especially active in the Ultima community, based on OSI's ground-breaking computer game series, and a large part of my resources are dedicated to that cause. Their online incarnation, Ultima Online, took the world by storm as the first commercially-successful MMOG. Within the Ultima Online community, I am typically known as Slyfeind, though among Ultima fans, I'm better known as Claymore Dragon U.D.I.C. (Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter). I'm currently combining my passion for worldbuilding with my love of Ultima in the massive Dungeon Siege mod, "Ultima V: Lazarus."

As a rabid Civilization addict, I have created a few scenarios for Civilization II. I have a few ready maps and scenarios ready for download, with more on the way. I have also discovered 3DO's Heroes of Might and Magic III, and have included here my first map for download; an incredibly huge map of Ultima's world of Britannia. Also downloadable are some Warcraft III maps, based on the events of Warcraft III's sequel, the popular MMO World of Warcraft.

I also enjoyed exploring the world of Dereth, in Turbine's Asheron's Call. My character there was Chin-Wa, swordsman of the Sho nation. Our previous allegiance, the Empyrean Guard, stood strong as one of the largest (5,000+ member) guilds in the game. We eventually split up, as most large guilds do, and I ended up part of a closer family called the Walkers of Light.

I discovered another online game, called Artifact. In it, you build up your kingdom while fighting others over powerful artifacts. Whoever has the most artifacts at the end of the game wins. And it's a semi-persistant world, too! Artifact is freeware, except if you pay them money, they give you more time, on a pay-for-perks scale. Among the Artifact community, I am known as Argo Mornak.

I have also journeyed in Mythic Entertainment's Dark Age of Camelot. I played on the Palomides server, in the Hibernian realm, as Slyfeind the elven nightshade. Our guild, the Scions of Moher, had a modest size to it but a strong sense of community. They have since doubled in size, and are a force to be reckoned with in the frontiers.

Funcom's Anarchy Online is set in the far future, where factions do battle over precious Notum -- a mineral that provides almost magical abilities to whoever uses it. In AO, I am alternately known as Chazzer, the trader, and of course Slyfeind, the agent.

Choose your path.

* Download Britannia for
Heroes of Might & Magic III

* Download Moonglow for
Heroes of Might & Magic III

Dark Age of Camelot
Scions of Moher
Anarchy Online
Dungeon Siege
Final Fantasy Role Playing Game
World of Warcraft
Wizards of the Coast
Steve Jackson Games
My Runesword Site
Chin-Wa's Journeys in Asheron's Call
Warcraft III
* Download Hillsbrad for
Warcraft III

* Download Stonetalon for
Warcraft III

Ultima V: Lazarus
The MUD Connector
Claymore's Ultima Site
My Civilization Site
