Welcome to my Ultima site!

As Claymore Dragon, I am a proud member of the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter (U.D.I.C.). I have been playing Ultimas since II, back when I was in 7th grade. Ultimas IV and V strongly affected my life while I was in high school. I played Ultima Online for years, and I actually enjoyed Ultima 9.

My UO character, Slyfeind, has been featured in a past Player Spotlight on the official Ultima Online web site. I have been a part of the UO Vault when it was just being formed, and my work in the Ultima field is featured in many other sites, such as Stratics. As Counselor Karma, I served the UO community as a game counselor on the Baja shard. I formed the first UO Guild Review, and helped organize the movement supporting nonhuman player characters in UO. I administrated one of the first "elven" guilds of UO (The Elves of Spiritwood), and have travelled far with the Grey Company, the oldest elven guild to date.

Currently, I'm a world builder for the Ultima V: Lazarus project for Dungeon Siege, and am also building Ultima-based modules with the RuneSword game engine.

Enjoy your online exploration of Britannia!

Choose Your Path...

Ultima Online
Ultima Moongates
The Grey Company
The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom
Origin Systems, Inc.
Fans For Ultima
Ultima IX: Ascension
Ultima I 3D
Exult: Ultima 7
Ultima 2 and 3 Upgrades
Crossroads of Britannia
The Story of Slyfeind
Slyfeind's First Adventure
UO Vault
UO Stratics
Avatar's Adventures
Ultima 5: Lazarus
Ultima V:Lazarus

Ultima Trivia

A "vesper" is another word for "evening."

The "Siege Perilous" was a chair reserved for the most virtuous at King Arthur's round table. If anyone not of the highest virtue were to sit in it, they would die instantly. When Sir Percival arrived at the round table, he removed the shroud that was covering it, and on the chair was the name in bold letters:
Sir Percival.

Ultima Online takes place after the shattering of the Gem of Immortality, immediately after Ultima 1. The Ultima series that features the Avatar as its hero is actually an alternate universe. This information comes from chats with the development team during the beta test, online documentation (check out The Ballad of the Shattered Stone), and various in-game documentation; particularly the book titled "Sherry's Tale." So contrary to popular belief, Ultima Online does not take place between Ultima 3 and Ultima 4.

The Hotel California in New San Antonio, in Ultima 2, was of course inspired by the Eagles' hit song "Hotel California." There is speculation abroad about the meaning of this great song, but in reality, it was inspired by a drug rehabilitation clinic in the 1960's. To receive treatment there, you had to admit your drug addiction was beyond your control, and you signed a waiver putting you in complete custody of the clinic. The waiver included a clause stating that you could only leave the clinic when the custodians deemed you were cured. "You can check in, but you can never leave...."


Fonts Ultima IV Scenarios
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Avatar font.
Download the Complete

Ultima IV for the PC.
Heroes of Might & Magic III
From Scott's Gaming Civilization II
From Scott's Civ II Runesword
From Avatar's Adventures
Download the

Britannian Runes font.
Download the

Gargish font.

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