I was advised that Sosaria might run more smoothly if I had multiple areas. Right now, all 45-zillion maps are in Area 1, and moving some of them to a new Area 2 might improve performance in some ways. So I made an Area 2, and happily started cutting and pasting the maps from Area 1.

When I was done, I saved it as "Sosaria2.tom," just in case something went wrong. And something indeed went wrong. When you cut/copy a map from one area, and paste it into another, all the entry points become invalid, and all the icons in your encounters disappear. The encounters and entry points remain, of course, but you have to replace the actual graphics on the map (in the case of encounters) and re-link the entry points.

So rather than go through all my dungeons and repaint my monsters and treasure, I simply went back to Sosaria1.tom. The performance issues will remain, with regards to all maps crammed in one area. But rest assured, further huge tomes will break up the maps into different areas!

Making Dereth
Click here for "Making Magincia" Click here for "Making Sosaria"

Thurs, Mar 22: Well, now! My making section certainly is growing! First Magincia, then Sosaria, and now Dereth. I feel like a god!!! Muahahahahaha!!!

At any rate, "Claiming Dereth" is going to be story-driven, whereas "Forging Britannia" was really a rogue-like game set in Sosaria. Now, in order to tell this story, I'll be needing to have the world change as you progress through it. The story starts out with you as a slave, imprisoned by the olthoi, with a few friends named Tibri and Elysa.

You go to sleep, and the next morning, your friends are ready to join the fight. Rather than riddle each character with triggers (change-icon, change-conversation, check-a-zillion-flags), I really made two seperate areas.

The first map is the island of Dereth, during the Olthoi enslavery. The second is a slave camp that you may see later. The third and forth maps represent the cave you start in. "Slave Cave (start)" is where you begin the tome, and you chat with your fellow slaves about the state of affairs. Then, you go to sleep.

There's a trigger in your bed, though. If you accept the possibility of going to sleep, you're teleported to another map entirely; "Slave Cave (revolt)." It's almost identical to the "Slave Cave (start)", but with a few changes: the other slaves will join you, and of course the olthoi are right around the corner.

Here's the trigger that I put on your bed, which takes you to the next part of the story:

The effect is a very dramatic one. I can't wait to share this first chapter with all of you!

Email slyfeind@yahoo.com