Click here for "Making Magincia" Click here for "Making Dereth"
ForEach: CreatureA In: EncounterNow If you want every creature in the encounter to join the party, go ahead and put Next after this. If you only want the first creature to join, leave it off. (Or better yet, only put one creature in the encounter, avoiding this complication altogether.) Thursday, Feb 1st: I had to try several things before I created a successful trigger that lets an NPC join your party. In case you're having similar difficulty, here it is:
Statement: MoveCreature Wednesday, Jan 3rd: As I started work on the new map of Death Gulch, I realized I had hundreds of mountain tiles to paint. Now, there are different brush sizes, which would have made the job a little quicker, but there are also intricate caverns in the towns that would have been difficult to work with. Here's a technique I'm sure I will use again. (I still have to make the city of Yew, after all.)
Friday, Dec 29th: I've finished the new map of Britain. Once again, I'd like to take a moment and look at where we've been, and where we are now!
New Britain
Tuesday, Dec 19th: I ran into a bit of a problem designing my tile set, britain.bmp. Whenever I tried to load it up into a map on Runesword, everything would be fine until I tried to edit the tiles, and I got a "Run-time '6' - Overflow" error. My problem was this; the tile directory needed to be in the \Data\Graphics\Tiles directory in my Runesword folder. I don't know if anybody else is having a problem with this, but just in case you are, try to make sure the tile graphic is in the tiles folder. Saturday, Jul 15th: Wow, those mountains were interesting to deal with. I wanted to make it so that you could only see as far as the mountains, without seeing over them. As it stands, RuneSword only allows for static line of sight, as opposed to dynamic line of sight. (The difference is that with static LOS, one particular side is always opaque. You can always see from the south, say, while the north is always blocked from view. But with dynamic LOS, the opacity follows you around. Like the old Ultimas.) So I realized I could do one of two things. I could either make eight kinds of mountains, each opaque from a different direction, or I could make one mountain that was completely opaque, and the rest you could see over, and just put the opaque mountain in like a sandwich in the middle of all the mountain ranges. The first option would allow for more control, while the second one would shrink the land mass a bit as the mountains bled over into the land even more. Well, call me lazy, but I just wanted to get it done. So I chose the second option, and I'm very happy with the results! Of course, if you have an alternate idea, let me know! Wed, Jul 12th: Sosaria is progressing nicely. I only have one more forest to make, and then I will add some nice aesthetic things like shrubs and sloping hills. Soon, I will have the overworld map ready for downloading. There's a certain charm to the old days of computer gaming. I'm in the middle of Ultima II right now, having a grand old time. With such simple tiles, our imaginations were evoked to entertain grand seas, vast deep forests, and rushing rivers. We could imagine the sun rising and setting, and hear the wind through the trees. Now, I'm finding I can go back to those worlds I loved so well and give them a fresh treatment. It's nice to present Sosaria as I imagined it, with little shrubs here and there, and rivers replacing the uniform water tiles. Just look for yourself:
New Sosaria