The Mines of Morinia
This dungeon is rather sparce in terms of monsters, until you reach the
lower levels. It's a great place to dig for gold and gems if you need the money.
Be sure to bring a shovel if you want to dig for treasure, and also bring a few ropes
or ladders with you, because of the pits.
Level 1
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
- 3 giant rats, and a pit. Use a rope or ladder to be able to climb down..
- Pit. Use a rope or ladder to be able to climb down.
- 3 giant spiders.
Level 2
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
- 3 snakes.
- 1 zombie, 12 gold pieces, 1 food, and a shovel.
Level 3
- 2 black bears.
- Use a shovel here to find a gem.
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
Level 4
- Use a shovel here to find a gem.
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
Level 5
- Use a shovel here to find a gem.
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
- 5 giant rats.
- Pit. Use a rope or ladder to be able to climb down.
Level 6
- Use a shovel here to find a gem.
- Use a shovel here to find a gold nugget.
- Using a shovel here only gets you a worthless rock.
- 1 earth elemental.
Level 7
- Pit. Use a rope or ladder to be able to climb down.
- 4 food, 2 shovels, 3 gold nuggets and a gem.
- 6 ghosts.
Level 8
- 1 spectre.
- 1 spectre, 1 spectre's key. You need this key to access room 3.
- Stairs down. You need the spectre's key from room 2 to enter this
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