The Thieves' Tunnels

These tunnels run all underneath Sosaria. Each town with a thieves' guild has a stairs down leading here. If you have Fellwyn from Grey in your party, the thieves here will not fight you. Otherwise, they attack on sight.

The scribbly letter "S's" indicate secret doors.

  1. Stairs up to Grey.
  2. Two thieves; one will speak to you, named Slysam.
  3. Two thieves; one will speak to you, named Slyfeind. (My character from Ultima Online.)
  4. Three thieves; one will speak to you, named Hobartt. (My character from EverQuest.)
  5. The guildmistress, Tholia, and three other thieves.
  6. Stairs up to Dawn.
  7. Stairs up to Devil Guard.
  8. 3 silent thieves.
  9. Stairs up to the Castle of Lord British.
  10. The administrator, Rosalind, and one thief guard.
  11. 2 silent thieves.
  12. Stairs up to Fawn.

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