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Chapter One

"Boy, will you hurry up already? I could have been there and back by now!" Lissa screamed upstairs to her best friend Chris.

Melissa "Lissa" Williams and Chris Kirkpatrick had been the best of friends ever since they were little back in Pennselvania. Now Chris was part of a music group *N SYNC and he had been so busy that Lissa hadn't seen him in over a year. Chris and his group mates, had a few weeks vacation, and Chris invited Lissa down to Orlando. The two of them were supposed to meet Chris's friend Steve at Universal Studios at 11am, it was already 10:45 and Chris was still primping himself in the upstairs bathroom.

"Chris get down here now before I leak embarassing information about you to Justin and the others!"Lissa yelled again.

"Hold up Lissa, looking this good takes time!"Chris yelled back

"Sorry guy, but there isn't enough time in the world to make you look good!" Lissa retorted.

"Lissa that was harsh!"Chris whined.

"Well that's what you get for making me wait!"Lissa said.

"Sometimes I wonder why were even friends,"Chris said to himself.

"Talking to the mirror again dude?"

"Oh hey Justin, nah I was just thinking about Lissa."Chris said to his friend.

"What's up? Problem between you?"Justin asked.

"I don't know, I mean I've known her since we were like 5 and ever since she got here...I don't know, it's like she's not the same Lissa from high school. The Lissa I knew never wore make-up, she...nah forget it."Chris finshed combing his hair.

"Dude, I don't know what to tell you, but the last time Lissa was here you didn't take that much time on yourself. It's as if your trying to impress her...Oh man! That's it your starting to like her aren't you?"Justin said laughing.

"What? Man I think your brain's been fried by the bleach, Lissa's my best friend like a sister I'd never date her."Chris defended himself.

"Uh Huh sure I believe you...really I do. But if I were you I'd back off on the cologne, you smell like a perfume counter."Justin teased.

"Oh shut up, get out."Chris said throwing a towel at Justin.

Justin walked downstairs followed by Chris, Lissa looked up from a book,

"Finally! Man I was starting to wonder if you fell in the toilet."Liss said.

:::Man that Shirt really makes her eyes...WAIT! what am I thinking? This is Lissa, knock it off Chris::: Chris told himself.

"Hey to Chris...Yeah I was just saying that Steve called and wanted to know what was keeping us."Lissa snapped.

"Oh well stop talking and lets go."Chris joked.

"AHH" Lissa screamed hitting Chris in the arm. The two of them walked out to the car and went to Universal Studios.

Chapter Two