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Chapter Two

"Lissa, I already told you that Justin and I are giving up our rooms for you and Gemma. Don't argue...go get your stuff from the family room, that's where Justin and I are sleeping."Chris told his friend.

It was 10pm and after a long day at Universal Studios Chris and Lissa were tired. Lissa had brought a friend from PA with her named Gemma, but as soon as the two girls had arrived Gemma decided that she was too tired to go out with Chris and Lissa. Of course Lissa knew the real reason behind Gemma's decision: Justin.

"Chris, this is your house you shouldn't have to be uncomfortable. The couch is good enough for me."Lissa said.

"As you've pointed out, this is my house therefore you'll sleep where I tell you. MY ROOM!"Chris told Lissa as he carried her bags into his room. Chris picked Lissa up and threw her on the bed, for effect.

"You stay there!"Chris said laughing.

Lissa threw a pillow at Chris as he was walking out of the room. Chris turned around and dove for the bed grabbed a pillow and started wacking Lissa in the head. Lissa just kept trying to get free, to no avail.

"Oof! get off, you weigh a ton!! GET OFF!!!" Lissa said laughing.

"Not until you say uncle!"Chris said hitting Lissa with the pillow again.

"Never!!!"Lissa said.

Chris kept hitting her, until he heard a noise behind him.

"Oh sorry did I interupt?"Justin asked laughing.

"No! Your just in time to save me!"Lissa said pushing Chris off the bed on to the floor.

"Ow! hey!"Chris had rubbing his knee.

"That's what you get!"Lissa said as she hit him in the head with a pillow, and ran behind Justin.

"Save me J!!"Lissa screamed as Chris reached for her.

"Sorry but your on your own."Justin said as he stepped out of the room closing the door.

Chris got Lissa against the door, and got the urge to kiss her, so he backed off.

"Uh..I umm..I'm gonna go get ready for bed. Goodnight."Chris said as he opened the door.

"Ok, goodnight loser!"Lissa laughed as she slammed the door really fast.

"I get you back for that later!"Chris warned.

:::What was I thinking? I almost kissed my best friend! I gotta stop thinking like that.::: Chris thought to himself as he walked into the family room.

"Yo Chris you feeling ok? Chris? Wakeup!" Justin said as he shook Chris.

"Huh? Oh sorry I was thinking. Hey was Joey supposed to come by tonight?"Chris asked.

"No he's got a date with Jacqui."JC said as he walked by.

"Jacqui? I thought he was dating some girl named Pilar."Justin said.

"No that was last week, it's Jacqui this week."JC said.

"I can't keep up with that guy."Chris said sitting down on a recliner.

"Chris, what were you thinking about? Lissa?"Justin asked.

"What about Lissa? Did I miss something?"JC asked.

"No you didn't miss anything. Justin is full of hot air."Chris said giving Justin a mean look.

"That's not totally acurate dude. You have been thinking quite a bit about Lissa."Justin said.

"Is there something going on between Chris and Lissa?"JC asked.

"No! We are just friends."Chris said.

"Yeah for now, until you make your move."Justin teased.

"Will you please just leave me alone?!"Chris said as me put a pillow over his head.

JC and Justin looked at each other,

"Nope!"They said together.

JC got up to call his girlfriend Kim before going to sleep. Justin fixed his sleeping bag on the floor, while Chris fixed up the couch.

Chapter Three