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Chapter Three

"Back off!!!! Ahhhh help!! hahaha no!!"Liss screamed as she was hit by another snowball.

Chris and Liss were outside of Liss's house in Pennselvania. Chris and Liss had just finshed making a snowman, when Liss's little brother ran over and knocked it down. Instead of rebuilding, Chris started a snowball fight.

"I'll never stop until, you get on your knees and say "Please Master Chris Don't Hurt Me!"Chris said.

"I'll die freezing first!!!"Liss said.

"Then die you shall!!!"Chris said tackleing Liss into the snow.

"Ryan help me please? I'll never drive you to another hockey practice if you don't!"Liss threatened.

"Nah, I'll just get mom to drive me."Ryan said as he threw another snowball at Liss's head.

"Nice shot little one"Chris said to Ryan.

"Thanks, I practiced"Ryan said.

"Ryan, Bobby's on the phone!"Mrs.Williams called from the house.

"I gotta go, don't show any mercy!"Ryan said running into the house.

"Do you give up yet?"Chris said, grabbing a handful of snow.

"What do you think Sisy?"Liss said using her nick-name for Chris.

"DIE!"Chris said as he smushed the snow in Liss's face.

:::Cough Cough:::

"Liss you ok? Sorry I guess I got carried away."Chris said with a worried look.

"Haha! You fool! I'm ok!"Liss said jumping up and running.

"Now your gonna get it!"Chris said running after Liss.

Chris caught Liss and tackled her again, only this time instead of grabbing a handful of snow, Chris just starred into Liss's eyes before kissing her.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh Choo" "Ahhhhhhhhhh Choo"

Chris woke up with a start, to see Justin blowing into a kleenex.

"Sorry I woke you man, but did you know you talk in your sleep?"Justin said as he sneezed again.

"Huh? I do? What did I say?"Chris asked as he remembered what he had been dreaming about.

"Not much...just "Your gonna die" and "Liss"...something I should know about?"Justin asked.

"I just had a strange dream that's all."Chris said trying to go back to sleep.

"Man face it, your crazy about Liss. Now she affecting your dreams."Justin said laying back down on his sleeping bag.

"I told you before Justin, Liss is my best friend. We don't date understand?"Chris said annoyed.

"Chris, all good relationships start out as friends."Justin told his friend.

"Yeah your the expert...Look at your relationship with Kelleigh. Yeah that one was a keeper, and you screwed up. Now drop the subject and let me sleep."Chris said closing the matter.

"Whatever...keep deluding yourself..night."Justin said half-asleep.

"hmkhff.."Chris mumbled.

Chapter Four