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Chapter Four

The clan was outside of "Headquarters"-that's what they called Justin,JC,and Chris's house. The clan meaning: All of N Sync, Lissa, Gemma, and Allie(Joey's girlfriend of the day). It was a beautiful sunny day, so Justin thought a bar-b-que by the pool would be a nice idea. If only he could have seen into the future....

"So let me get this and Chris have been the best of friends since you were babies and nothing else?"Allie asked. ,p> Allie,Gemma, and Lissa were sitting by the swimming pool while the guys got the grill ready.

"Yup nothing more. I can't really think of Chris in anyother way-it's scary!hehe"Lissa joked.

"I'm supposed to believe that you two are closer than close and you've never once thought of what it'd be like to be taken in those manly arms and kissed by Chris?"Allie said trying not to laugh.

"Can you keep a secret?"Lissa asked Allie and Gemma.

"Sure!"Allie said.

"You know me.."Gemma said.

"Ok...I haved kissed Chris before...shhh"Lissa said.

"What?!" both Allie and Gemma whispered wide-eyed.

"It was in the 4th grade, all our friends kept saying how they were getting their first kiss. Chris and I didn't wanna be left out..."Lissa said.

"So...don't leave us in supense!"Gemma said.

" happened in the tree house in the woods behind my house. It was soooo funny! I don't remember how long it lasted or anything, I just remember it being really sloppy. hehe...But don't let Chris know I told you! He'd kill me for sure."Lissa said smiling at the memory.

"So is there any of the spark left?"Gemma teased.

"No!!! Man I should have never told you guys!!"Lissa complained.

"Oh com'on we're not gonna tell anyone. I just thought...."Gemma teased again.

"Look that was when we were 10! 17 years ago...besides I like someone else."Lissa said.

"Who?" Allie asked.

"Well if you must know...JC"Lissa whispered.

"Joey told me JC has a girlfriend in New York."Allie said.

"Yeah I know-Kim. I didn't say I was going to date JC, I just said I liked him."Lissa said.

At The Grill-with the guys

"You know, I still think you should ask Lissa on a date."Joey suggested to Chris.

"Are you sure you don't wanna ask her Joey? Your times almost up with Allie right?"Chris teased.

"That was harsh man. You know why I don't want a serious relationship."Joey said flipping a hamburger.

It was true, Joey was dating girls left and right just like he had before meeting his ex-girlfriend Liv. Liv was from New York City, Joey had met her in the coffee shop her family owned. JC's girlfriend Kim and Justin's ex-girlfriend Kelleigh also lived in New York-they were Liv's best friends. Joey and Liv had a rocky relationship, it took a month before Joey could get enough courage to ask Liv out. Then a secret broke them apart. After Joey and Liv met up again in Florida and got back together, their relationship was pretty normal for about 5 months. Joey was well known for his past- a new girl every night, and when one showed up at Liv's cafe telling Liv about Joey being the father of her child(It was later proven to be a lie). Liv felt she couldn't trust Joey and dumped him. Joey wasn't about to get his heart broken ever again, so he went back to his old dating habits.

"Joey? listening? Man! your gonna burn the hamburgers!"Chris said grabbing the spatula out of Joey's hand and turning the hamburgers.

"Uh..sorry I was deep in thought."Joey apologized.

"Yeah, I could tell. Why don't you go jump in the pool and let me finsh here?"Chris said.

"Alright...Yo Justin race ya!" Joey yelled to Justin, who by now was in the pool splashing the girls with Lance.

"Your on!"Justin shouted back.

While Justin and Joey raced back and forth, JC decided it was his turn to convince Chris to ask Lissa on a date.

"Hey man, sup?"JC asked sitting in a nearby deck chair.

"What does it look like? I'm slaving away, and I get no respect! I'm working so hard here!"Chris said mock crying.

"Hahaha very funny. Seriously though...."JC started.

"If your trying to bring up the Lissa subject forget it."Chris said turning around smack into Lissa.

"What about me?"Lissa asked pulling one of Chris's braids.

"Ow! Just how I'm gonna dunk you for that!!"Chris said chasing Lissa.

"Help!!"Lissa said, just before she slipped on wet cement hit her head on the deck then fell into the water.

"Oh my god!!!!"Allie and Gemma screamed.

Justin and Joey were already in the water so they dove under and dragged Lissa to the surface. Chris just stood there in shock for a second before yelling for JC to call 911, and grabing towels to wrap Lissa in.

Justin and Joey carefully handed Lissa limp body to Lance and Chris who set her down on the cement. Luckily Chris knew CPR, with Lance's help they got Lissa's breathing started again, but she didn't open her eyes. JC led the paramedics into the backyard, then stood back with the others while Lissa was checked out.

"Kids, your quick action saved your friends life but we still need to take her in and check her out. Are any of you related to her?"The paramedic asked.

"Um no she was visiting me from Pennselvaina. I'm her best friend."Chris said.

"Well we'll need you to come with us, so you can fill out papers."the paramedic instructed.

"Ok no problem, let me get my shoes."Chris said going into the house.

Chris went into his room to get the shoes, but saw a picture of Lissa and him when they were kids. Chris picked it up and sat down on his bed as the tears started to fall. That's where JC and Justin found him five minutes later.

"Hey man, everythings going to be alright. Trust me!"JC said putting his arm around his friend.

"I almost killed her JC...l...l..."Chris said wiping his eyes.

"You love her man, just admit it."Justin said.

"Yeah I know, I do. I just don't think she feels the same."Chris said.

"You'll never know unless you ask. Anyways...they are waiting for you outside."Justin said.

"Ok...let's go."Chris said putting the picture back on his dresser with the rest of his pictures.

Chris joined Lissa in the ambulance, while the others piled into cars to follow them to the hospital.

Chapter Five