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Chapter Five

"Mr. Kirkpatrick?" A man wearing a white lab coat asked.

"Yes, that's me." Chris said standing up.

It had been an hour since Lissa had been rushed to the hospital. Chris called Lissa's parents back in Pennselvainia as soon as he arrived at the hospital and convinced them that it wasn't nessasary for them to fly down to Orlando. Now Chris along with JC, Gemma, Justin and Lance awaited news on Lissa's condition. Joey had left about 20 minutes ago to take Allie home, and hadn't returned yet.

"Mr. Kirkpatrick, I'm Dr. Bergin." The Doctor said shaking Chris' hand.

"Your friend suffered a mild concussion when she struck the cement, and has yet to regain conciousness. We want to keep her overnight for observation, perhaps longer if she remains unconcious." Dr. Bergin explained.

"Can I see her?" Chris asked.

"Like I said, she's still unconcious but if you don't stay too long you can see her, follow me." Dr. Bergin said leading Chris past the ER doors into Room B.

"Please feel free to speak to her, I firmly believe that she can hear you. I'll be at the nurse's station if you need me. Remember don't stay too long." Dr. Bergin instructed as he stepped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Chris pulled a nearby chair closer to Lissa's bed, he took Lissa's hand and held it carefully. Lissa was able to breath on her own, but was still hooked up to a heart monitor, and an I.V. was connected to her right hand. Seeing Lissa lying there brought the tears back to Chris.

"Oh Lissa, how could I have done this to you? If you don't wake up, I'll never forgive myself." Chris quietly said as the tears rolled down his face.

"You've always been there whenever I needed you. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone. I'm gonna sound really corny right now, but your honestly the sanity in my life." Chris whispered to Lissa.

"And your the insanity in mine." Lissa whispered as she opened her eyes.

"Melissa!! How do you feel?" Chris said jumping out of the chair.

"Water logged, and my head hurts. What happened?" Lissa asked.

"To put it mildly, you almost drowned." Chris said sadly.

"Well I'm still here Christoper, your not getting rid of me that easily." Lissa joked.

"There goes my escape" Chris joked, " Hold on let me get the doctor." Chris said leaving the room. He quickly returned with Dr. Bergin and a nurse.

"Good evening Melissa, welcome back. How do you feel?" Dr. Bergin asked as Chris left the room.

Chris walked back into the waiting room to give the others the good news. By this time Joey had returned and was sitting in the corner talking to someone on his cellphone. JC looked up and noticed the smile on Chris' face, and knew it was good news.

"What's the news C?" JC asked.

"Melissa woke up a few minutes ago. The doctor is examing her right now." Chris informed the group.

Everyone either cheered or clapped.

"Shh!!" A nurse yelled from the sign-in desk.

"We better keep it down before Sgt. Gloom kicks us out."Justin joked.

"Why don't we let Joey talk to her? I'm sure he can sweet talk her." Lance joked as Joey finshed his phone call and joined the group.

"Hey Chris, how's Lissa?" Joey asked cheerfully.

"She's awake, what's with you? You seem extreamly happy, pick up another girl?" Chris joked.

"No, I just got off the phone with Liv. I'm going up to NYC next week to see her." Joey informed everyone.

"You cleared things up?" Justin asked.

"We're gonna try to work everything out. After what happend with Lissa I realized how special Liv is to me, and I'd do just about anything to make it work." Joey said.

"Well good luck Joey." Gemma said.

"Thanks, I'll need it." Joey said sitting down.

"Chris?" Dr. Bergin asked as he walked into the waiting room.

"Yes doc?"

"Melissa is fine, but as I said before she'll stay here for the night. Visiting hours are just about over, but you can quickly say goodnight." Dr. Bergin said walking away.

"Guys, I'll be out in about 10 minutes." Chris said

"Ok, tell Lissa we said goodnight." Lance said.

"Will do." Chris said walking through the ER door.

In Lissa's Room

"Anyone order a handsome man?" Chris asked walking into the room.

"Lance is that you?" Lissa teased.

"Ouch that hurt! hehe" Chris said sitting down.

"Well it looks like I get hospital food for breakfast. YEA!" Lissa said glummly.

"Hey I'll make you a big lunch tomorrow ok?" Chris asked.

"Pasta?" Lissa asked.

"Anything and everything you want." Chris said.

"You know I could take advantage of that." Lissa joked.

:::I wish you would::: Chris thought

"Um Liss, what exactly did you hear me say earlier as you woke up?" Chris asked.

"Just that I'm the most awesome, wonderful, extrodinary, special person in the whole world!" Lissa said laughing.

"Nah just kidding, all I heard was that I was the sanity in your life why?" Lissa asked.

"No reason, I was just wondering. Well I better let you get some rest. I'll be back around 11am. Be ready ok?" Chris said getting up to leave.

Lissa grabbed Chris' hand and pulled him to her. Lissa gave Chris a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for being my knight in shining armor."Lissa whispered.

"Your welcome M'Lady." Chris said walking out of the room.

Chris softly closed the door and leaned against it.

:::Whew! She didn't hear me:::Chris thought.

"Good night Mr. Kirkpatrick." Dr. Bergin said walking by.

"Nite Doc." Chris said walking into the waiting room. Only JC was waiting for him.

"The other's couldn't wait?" Chris asked.

"No, Joey had to get home and call Liv back, Lance, Justin and Gemma were all hungry and didn't want to wait, so Joey drove them home so I could wait for you." JC explained.

"Ok, well I'm tired too, I'll call Lissa's parents from the house." Chris said as he and JC walked to JC's Jeep.

"Hey Chris did you tell Lissa how you felt?" JC asked starting the jeep.

"Yeah I was talking to her while she was unconcious. I told her I loved her, but she only heard me say how I was insane without her."Chris said partly relieved.

"You'll have to try it again soon." JC Suggested.

"I don't think I could say it again man. After what happend today, I feel keeping things the way they are is best." Chris said starring out the window.

"Nothing ever stays the same Chris." JC said.

That's what I'm afriad of." Chris said sadly.


Chapter Six