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Chapter Six

Chris walked into the house carrying two grocery bags. Since Chris had promised Lissa a big pasta lunch he had gone shopping early that morning. The house was silent except for some water running in kitchen. Chris walked into the kitchen to see JC filling a glass with water and sitting down at the table to eat cereal.

"Hey man, your back. What took so long?" JC asked Chris as he stuffed a huge spoonfull of cereal in his mouth.

"You wouldn't believe how many people go shopping on sunday mornings! I had to fight some woman for the last bottle of "Ragu Super Mushroom" spagetti sauce. She was vicious, but I got it away from her!" Chris said laughing like a crazed person.

"Man, you need help. I know this lunch is special to you..but I'm sure Lissa would eat any sauce." JC said shaking his head as he continued to eat.

Chris stopped what he was doing to throw a few grapes at JC's head. JC ducked the first time, but the second one hit it's mark-JC's forehead.

"JC, I may be the nutty one, but I'm not that bad! I didn't fight anyone..but the lines were long."Chris said as he finshed up putting the groceries away. "It's real quiet for 10:30..where are the others? They can't still be asleep." Chris asked sitting down at the table.

"Oh Miss Lynn woke Justin up early to go shopping for a gift for Paul (Justin's Step-father), his birthday is tommorrow remember? Anyways, Gemma went along to keep them company." JC said getting up to rinse his bowl.

Chris looked at his watch, "Woah it's almost 11! I've gotta get to the hospital. I'm gonna use your car alright? I'll be back in about 30 minutes." Chris said walking out of the kitchen and grabing JC's keys.

"Take your time! Don't forget to tell Lissa how you feel." JC yelled to his friend.

"Not on your life!" Chris said slamming the front door. He was walking to JC's car as Joey pulled into the driveway. Chris got in the car and started the engine, Joey walked up to the car and knocked on the window. Chris rolled it down,

"Yes officer?" Chris joked.

"Is JC home?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, he should be in the kitchen. I gotta go get Lissa, so I'll talk to you later. Are you staying for lunch?"Chris asked.

"Have I ever turned down a free meal? Of course I'll stay, tell Lissa I said hi."Joey said leaving Chris and walking towards the house. Chris pulled out of the driveway, and was on his way to the hospital.

In The House

Joey walked in the house, and heard the sound of humming. It was coming from upstairs so he asumed that JC was in the shower. Joey decided to get something to eat while he waited so he walked into the kitchen, and slipped on one of the grapes that Chris threw at JC.

"AH!" Joey said as he fell on his left knee banging his head on the counter in the center of the kitchen. He sat dazed for a few minutes, until JC walked in and saw him sitting there.

"Joe, I know your hungry, but you don't need to wait for your mommy to feed you." JC teased.

"Shut up man! I slipped on something, and hit my head."Joey said slighty angry and dazed.

"Oh I knew I forgot to clean up the grapes! Sorry about that. Hey why are you here anyways?" JC asked getting Joey an icepack for his head. JC handed the pack to Joey and the two of them walked into the living room and sat down.

"Well since I'm heading to New York next week, and you haven't seen Kim in a while I thought I'd ask you to go along." Joey said holding the ice to his head.

"Sounds good to me, you might want to ask Lance about joining us, I know he's been missing Yisena alot. I think he's coming over for lunch too." JC said just as there was a knock on the door. "I bet that's him now." JC said walking to the door. He opened it to find Lance standing there.

"Hey JC, what's up?" Lance said walking in.

"Not much, just talking with Joey. We were wondering if you wanted to come to New York with us next week?" JC asked Lance as they sat down on the couch.

"Sure! I was just talking to Yisena before I came over, she mentioned the trip and asked if I was coming. I tried to call Joey but obviously he's not home, and he didn't answer the cell."Lance said looking at Joey.

"Sorry about that, I was talking to Liv."Joey said. "Man where is Chris? I'm starving!"

"Joey you were born starving. He'll be here soon." Lance teased.

At The Hospital

Chris walked up to the nurse's station and rang the bell. A middle-age woman opened the window.

"Yes?"The nurse asked Chris.

"I'm here for Melissa Williams."Chris said.

"She's in room 304, go down the hall and to your left. It's the second down on the left."The nurse said pointing towards the room. Chris walked down and found the room, he walked in to find Lissa tying her shoes.

"Good morning water baby, your chariot awaits." Chris said cheerfully.

"Hi! Am I ever glad your here, the food here is soooo bad it doesn't even deserve that title!" Lissa joked.

"Well as soon as we get you out of here, you'll get the pasta lunch I promised. But Joey's there, so if you don't hurry he may eat everything before we get there."Chris joked.

"He'd better not! After what I ate for breakfast I'll bar-b-que Joey!!"Lissa joked as she and Chris walked towards the hospital doors. They passed by the nurse's station where he saw Dr. Bergin. Both of them waved to the Doctor.

"Hi, Melissa be careful remember what I said this morning. No running, jumping, dancing, or anything else like that for a few days."Dr. Bergin reminded Lissa.

"Yes Sir!" Lissa said saluting.

Chris just laughed and led her out the door to JC's car. Chris opened the door for Lissa and then ran around and got in. As Chris started the car, Lissa watched him she noticed that he had a slight troubled look on his face.

"Chris all joking aside, what's bothering you? Is it what happend to me? You really need to stop blaming yourself. It was an accident plain and simple."Lissa said resting her left hand on Chris' shoulder.

"No Liss, it was my fault if I had used my brain, you wouldn't have almost drowned. No matter what you say I'm at fault." Chris said slowly.

"There's nothing I can do to change your mind?"Lissa asked.

"Nope, once I've made up my's staying that way. You know that" Chris said with a slight smile.

"Ok, have it your way." Lissa joked. She laid her head back and closed her eyes. She rested while Chris drove them back to his house.

Two hours later

"Chris that was great spagetti man." Joey said as he cleaned his plate.

"I'd hope that you'd like it, you had four plates!" Lissa joked.

"I'm feeling like a little Disney World, anyone wanna join me?" Lance asked.

"I'm in!" JC said,

"Ditto" Joey said,

"I'm tired, I'll just stay here and rest." Lissa said.

"I'll keep her company." Chris offered.

"I'm fine Chris, you go with them."Lissa said.

"I'm staying, remember what I said in the car? Don't try to change my mind."Chris said clearing the table.

"Whatever you say master. I'll head to "my room" now."Lissa said laughing.

Lance, and Joey left to get ready for their day, and JC went upstairs to change. Chris started washing the dishes. JC came downstairs and was about to walk out the door, but not before reminding Chris about Lissa,

"Chris don't forget to tell Liss how you feel!"JC yelled to Chris before closing the door.

"Shut up!" Chris yelled back.

"How you feel about what?" A voice asked behind Chris.

"Woah! You scared me. Nothing.."Chris said returning his attention to the sink.

"Chris I don't know how good you are at lying to everyone here, but in the 27 years we've known eachother you've never been able to hide anything from me. Now spill." Lissa ordered as she picked up a towel and started drying the dishes.

"I thought you were tired." Chris stalled.

"Chris quit stalling, tell me what JC was talking about. How you feel about what?" Lissa said picking up a glass to dry it.

"How I feel"Chris said in a whisper.

"What?!" Lissa said almost dropping the glass.

"I said, how I feel about you." Chris repeated taking the glass from Lissa. Lissa was stunned and sat down quietly.

"Com'on Lissa like you said we've know eachother for 27 years! Your a very beautiful woman, I tried as hard as I could to ignore it, but it got harder and harder. Then after I almost lost you yesterday I realized how much I really love you." Chris said reaching for Lissa's hand. She pulled away from Chris and stood up,

"I..I..I need to lay down, I'm real tired." Lissa said running upstairs and slamming Chris' door leaving a very confused Chris sitting at the table.

Chapter Seven
Have You Ever