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Chapter Seven

It was 10:30p.m. by the time JC returned to the house. He,Lance and Joey had decided to go clubbing at Pleasure Island so JC came home to see if anyone wanted to tag along. JC entered the house to find Justin and Gemma watching T.V. JC assumed that Justin's parents were upstairs sleeping.

"Hey Just, where's Chris and Lissa?" JC asked sitting down on the recliner.

"Chris is outside starring blankly at the pool and Lissa is upstairs asleep. Do you know what happend to them?" Justin asked.

"Nope, but I'll bet it has to do with how Chris feels about Lissa." JC said. "Oh, I almost forgot why I came back. Joey and Lance are at Pleasure Island, we wanted the four of you to join us. What do you say?"JC asked.

"I'm in...Gemma?" Justin asked.

"Sure, I'll go but I don't think the other two are up to it."Gemma said.

"Well I'll go ask Chris, and find out what's bothering him."JC said getting up. He walked to the back door and saw Chris sitting with his feet dangling in the pool. JC opened the door and walked out, but Chris was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice JC until he was sitting next to him.

"Chris, how's it going?"JC asked.

"Huh? Oh it's you. What do you want? Tired with your life, you want to make more trouble in mine?"Chris asked angrily.

"Woah back off bulldog! I take it things didn't work out with Lissa."JC said.

"What was your first clue? I told you to mind your own business and back off, but no you felt the need to meddle! I'm 27 years old JC, I don't need a father!!"Chris barked at JC.

"Keep your voice down, you'll wake Justin's parents! Besides now that she knows you have nothing to hide."JC concluded.

"No, thanks to you I have nothing at all!! Just leave me alone."Chris said turning back to the water.

"All right, I'll go but I know I'm right. Everything will work out." JC said as he walked into the house.

"UGH!!!!"Chris yelled to the sky before getting up. "I need to get out of here." Chris walked in the house grabed the keys to Justin's car and walked outside before Justin could protest. Chris got in the car and started the engine, but before he could pull out of the driveway, a hooded figure opened the door on the passenger side and jumped in. Chris was startled and stopped to pull the hood down. It was Lissa.

"Is there anywhere quiet we can go to talk?"Lissa asked.

"Yeah hold on."Chris said pulling out of the driveway.

10 minutes later

Chris pulled in to the parking lot near a lake, turned off the engine. Before he could say anything Lissa opened the door and got out, so Chris followed her to the edge of the lake and sat down. Chris started to say something, but Lissa just put her hand over his mouth to silence him.

"Let me talk, and don't interupt or I'll never be able to finsh."Lissa ordered. Chris just nodded in reply.

"Ok, first off I'm sorry about how I reacted this afternoon, it's just that I was surprised. I mean real surprised, I never had any idea how you felt. JC was right for thinking you should tell me."Lissa started.

Chris listened in hope that Lissa would say she felt the same about him, but as she continued Chris began to feel that Lissa didn't.

"I love you Chris, but not the way you want me too. Your the best friend I've ever had, your the crazy brother who was always there to defend my honor in high school when the my ex's tried to ruin my rep. Your the one consant that I've always counted on, I can't see why you'd want to change that. I know that it'll be awkward but I need to know that we can stay the friend's we've always been. Promise me you'll get past your feelings and not change. Promise me please?"Lissa asked with tears forming in her eyes.

"I promise never to change" Chris lied. His heart broke into a million pieces as he said the words.

"Thank you Chris."Lissa said yawning, she stretched and her hand brushed Chris' shoulder. It was too much to handle for him.

"Lissa, I'm sorry but if I have to stay just your friend I'm gonna have to do this first."Chris said as he pulled Lissa to him and kissed him. Lissa fought it at first but then started to kiss Chris back. The kiss only lasted 30 seconds but it was enough for Chris. He ended the kiss and helped Lissa up and they drove home in silence. Both of them were tired so Chris crashed on the couch and Lissa went to Chris' room. Because she was surrouned by all of Chris' things, Lissa found it hard to sleep. When the gang got home around 2am, Gemma found Lissa wide awake. Gemma walked in the room and sat down on the bed,

"Ok, what's bothering you? Don't say nothing, especially after how you ran out earlier."Gemma said.

"I did look like a bat out of hell didn't I?" Lissa asked laughing. Gemma just smiled and nodded.

"Well JC opened his mouth and got Chris to confess his feelings to me.."Lissa said.

"I know JC filled me in on that part. I wanna know what happend after you ran out."Gemma instructed.

"Ok, after I ran out to the car, Chris drove us to a nearby lake and I told him how I loved him, but as a friend and brother, nothing more..."Lissa continued. She got quiet as she recalled the kiss.

"And??? What are you leaving out?"Gemma asked loudly.

"Shhh you'll wake everyone up! Ok after I said all that...Chris..well he..he kissed me."Lissa said slowly.

"Woah! No way! Well what now? How do you feel?"Gemma asked.

"That I may have made a mistake!"Lissa said covering her head with her pillow and sighing. Gemma just laughed and walked to Justin's room.

Chapter Eight
Have You Ever