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You enter into the Sun Garden. Two paths round a small boggy pond filled with calla lilies and Elephant Ears. A dragonfly flits about in the garden, sitting first on one plant then on another. The path joins again and you pass through the arbour. Asiatic lilies on either side bloom in midsummer providing a burst of vibrant reds and yellows. Their fragrance hangs in the air like perfume.

The path divides and as you travel further a bent willow chair beckons you to sit and rest and enjoy the sun on your face.

Beside you a bright clump of dark coral pink phlox shines in the daylight. As you relax you enjoy the view of tall golden glow rudbeckia and short black eyed susans. A thalictrum nearly finished its bloom hangs heavy in the gentle breeze. Cosmos and Larkspur colour the spaces between the perennial foliage. Purple coneflowers send their dark seed heads up for the birds to pick over. The border brightens with pink, white and blue Veronica wands. You rise and continue on along the garden path.

The Sun Garden is set out formally in a rectangle. As you near the far end of the garden Sunflowers of yellow and mahogany create a background that is alive with goldfinches feeding greedily on the black seed heads. They hang upside down from the flower heads and pick out choice seeds, then they fly safely away into a nearby cherry tree and enjoy their meal. You come to the end of the path and two benches invite you to sit once again and view the garden with the arbour as a backdrop. A small pond holds white waterlilies. Goldfish swim to the surface and shine as the sun touches them. They wisely retreat when they see your shadow and you are left gazing into the dark water watching a snail slowly climb up the stalk of a siberian iris.

You sit and gaze at the yellow anthemis and the blue geraniums framing the pond. A statuary of a small girl sits at the side of it. She holds her face up to the sun, her bowl holds water for birds to bathe in. It is cool by the water even as the sun warms your face.

But the Path continues and you once again follow it past colourful iris and pink obedient plants, past lavender and coral bells, past yellow loosestrife and pink turtle head. The path takes you down the other side of the garden. It mirrors the first. You turn and exit by a path bound on both sides by red monarda. Stepping stones lead you into the next garden.......

Ralph Kylloe Rustic Design - Excellent Rustic garden structures