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Dive Reports 1999

Date Place Viz Comments No. Dives Dive Total
completed aborted completed aborted


Sat 27 Stoney Cove 4m Training and warm-up dive. Suit inflator failure aborted one dive 2 2 2 2


Sat 27 Stoney Cove 2m CD Training and warm-up dive 10 0 12 2
Sun 28 Gildenberg <1m DL warm-up dive 2 0 14 2


Sat 17 Stoney Cove 2m CD Training and warm-up dive 13 0 27 2
Sun 18 Stoney Cove 2m CD Training and warm-up dive 6 0 33 2


Sat 1 Countess of Erne 1m first CD sea dive 11 0 44 2
  Balaclava Bay 2m CD sea water drills 8 0 52 2
  Portland drift 2m   3 0 55 2
Sun 2 Chesil Cove 1-2m Drysuit & compass work 2 0 57 2
  E Portland Drift 1-2m SMB dive for CDs 8 0 65 2
  HMS Hood 1-2m drift from bottle bank onto wreck 8 0 73 2
Mon 3 Lullworth Banks 1-2m CD assessment & SMBs 10 0 83 2
  Landing Craft (133) 0-1m CD assessment 9 0 92 2
Sat 8 Stoney Cove   CD assessment 2 0 94 2
  Lullworth Banks   force 4+ - aborted to Balaclava Bay 7 0 101 2
  Balaclava Bay     7 0 108 2
Sun 9 Balaclava Bay     7 0 115 2
Sat 22 Elana R 4m last pair missed slack 5 2 120 4
  Durdle Pier     4 0 124 4
Sun 23 Unknown Wreck 5-6m fishing boats on planned wrecks, so dived outside harbour 7 0 131 4
  Himalaya 1m silty bed, very dispersed and broken wreck 7 0 138 4


Sat 11 Stoney Cove 4-5m more warm-up and kit check dives 5 0 143 4
Sun 12 Wraysbury Dive Centre 0-2m Drysuit skills and kit checks 6 0 149 4
Sun 20 Portland Breakwater 8m lots of cuckoo wrasse. one fast ascent from 15m 9 1 158 5
  Weymouth Bombardon Unit 5-6m Dolphins !! 8 0 166 5
Mon 21 Binnenduijk 6-8m   8 0 174 5
  Grove Point 4-5m drift dive and drysuit training 8 0 182 5
  HMS Hood   shuttle from Castletown 4 0 186 5
Tue 22 Alex van Opstal 6-7m   8 0 194 5
  Torpedo Tower 0-2m practise deploying new deco station 6 0 200 5
  Salsette 10m Dive Time 4 0 204 5
Wed 23 Aeolian Sky 10m   6 0 210 5
  Breakwater at night 3-4m Night dive with boat cover 10 0 220 5
  Salsette 10-15m Hardboat Our W with hydraulic lift 4 0 224 5
Thurs 24 Binnenduijk   shuttle Saracen from Castletown 6 0 230 5
  Grove Point     7 0 237 5
  M2 10-12m first real use of deco station on rib 5 0 242 5
  Countess of Erne 0-2m DL skills and Nitrox training 7 0 249 5
Fri 25 Countess of Erne 0-2m Torch recovery from yesterday 2 0 251 5
  Salsette 10-15m Dive Time 6 0 257 5
  James Fennel     10 0 267 5
Sat 26 Aeolian Sky   lost shot weight and a-flag 6 0 273 5


Fri 23 St Andree 10m   12 0 285 5
  Somali 10m   12 0 297 5
Sat 24 Chris Christenson 10m   12 0 309 5
  Whirl Rocks 10m   12 0 321 5
Sun 25 Britannia 8m   11 0 332 5
  The Hopper 8m   11 0 343 5


Sat 21 Stoney ? Sports Diver rescue training 6 0 349 5
Sun 22 Ardbeg Distillary 8m small wreck, shakedown dive 6 0 355 5
  Harold 8m 1890's sailing ship, very broken, kelp 6 0 361 5
Mon 23 drift ? one abort due to ear clearing problems 4 2 365 7
  God's Garden 15m lots of life 6 0 371 7
Tue 24 Port Ellen wreck 5m more kelp 6 0 377 7
Wed 25 pinnacle 12m lots of life 6 0 383 7
  Shuna ? steamship broken over reef. lots of life (and kelp) 6 0 389 7
Thurs 26 Castle Wall 15m old bottles and NO KELP 6 0 395 7
  Distillery Bay 10m fast drift 6 0 401 7
Fri 27 Ortranto 15m lots of brass. WWI troopship. Crew dog tags recovered 6 0 407 7
  Flortern 12m WW2 steamship with military stores 6 0 413 7
Sat 28 Betsy Anna, Poole 2-3m broken, but not scattered. lots of life, lots of brass 10 0 423 7
  Dunston Ledges 2-3m lots of young fish, a few crabs & lobbies 10 0 433 7
Sun 29 Venezuela, Poole 2-3m open, bit recognisable. big boilers, engine, BRASS!! 10 0 443 7
  Poole Bay 2-3m fast current in old river bed. lost of bass & mullet 10 0 453 7


Sat 4 Pomeranian 3-4m very silty, broken, but some big bits left 8 0 461 7
  Portland Harbour Breakwater 2-3m lots of life, but a bit gloomy 8 0 469 7
Sun 5 M2 2-3m two congers, one in conning tower, the other at the stern 7 0 476 7

1998 dives 1999 dives 2001 dives