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Samhain Activities

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  • Bob for Apples
Drink apple cider warmed and spiced with cinnamon to honor the dead.
Bury an apple or pomegranate in the garden as food for spirits passing by on their way to be reborn.
  • Carve a Jack-o-Lantern.
Pick a spirit candle.
This is a white candle anointed with patchouli oil.
"With this candle and by its light,
I welcome you spirits this Samhain night."
Place it inside the jack-o'-lantern.

Let this be the traditional time that you make candles for the coming year, infusing them with color, power, herbs, and scent depending on its purpose.

Enjoy the trick or treating of the season.
Wear costumes that reflect what we hope or wish for in the upcoming year.

Make resolutions, write them on a small piece of parchment, and burn in a candle flame, preferably a black votive candle within a cauldron on the altar. This is like New Year's resolutions; as for many Samhain is the New Year.

Divination - Samhain is the beginning of the pagan year; divinations were done to see the future of the coming year. It is said that this is the time of the Crone and it is incumbent upon us to see whatever wisdom she is willing to part with on our behalf. Many types of divination are practiced for Samhain. Dark Mirrors - Fire or Water Scrying - Tarot cards - and of course the Crystal Ball.  

Make masks and costumes representing the different aspects of the Goddess and God, and wear them to your rituals, or use them to decorate your altar area.

Toll "Lost in the Dark" bells.

Solitary Activities

Some of these ideas came from © Rhaevyn Sunrise

Group Activities

Activities for Kids!!

There are not enough websites out there that offer information on activities to do for kids.  Well, there are, but I personally don't like too many of them.  As a pagan mother of a 2 yr. old, I decided to add my 2 ˘ents to the web on what to do with your kids on Samhain.

For more ideas and information on pagan parenting try visiting and  Both are fairly decent sites and have loads of information.