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UFO Resource Center

CC Research: Messages in the Wheat

CPR-Canada News: CC on Prince Edward Island

Conquest Crop Circle
Credit: Paul Anderson, Director of CPR Canada

conqust gif

Crop Circle (Archives)

CPR-Canada News: New Crop Circles in Prince Edward Island
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 20:15:47 -0800
Status: Normal
From: Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada

CPR-Canada News News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada
New Crop Circles in Prince Edward Island September 8, 1999
Editor: Paul Anderson
The previous unconfirmed report of new circles in the province of Prince Edward Island has now been verified. Two circles were discovered in a blueberry field in Christopher Cross, near Tignish, PEI, on Canada's eastern coastline, according to an article in the August 28 edition of the Charlottetown Guardian newspaper. The two circles were 18 feet and 12 feet in diametre. The farmer, Bernard Handrahan, found them about two weeks prior to the article (sometime in mid-August), and described them as perfectly circular with untouched centres. No picture printed with the article. More details when available. This is the eighth report now for this year so far. Paul Anderson Director CPR-Canada
Circle Phenomena in Canada Report Archive 1999:

Circles Phenomenon Research International
Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522 E-Mail: Web:
© Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

Message in the wheat is a series of research articles exploring the possibilibty that this may be some form of intelligent communication. Are the occupants of the UFO trying to contact the people of Earth? If so, WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO SAY?


Do you have a crop circle to report? Please forward it to UFORCE as soon as possible. We need your information because it is people like you that are helping us understand the UFO phenomenon. This information would be forwarded to organizations like CPR Canada. UFORCE is a "resource center," your one source for UFO news andinformation.



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