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Fresh Crop Circles Discovered

CPR-Canada News
News and Updates from Circles Phenomenon Research Canada

Large New Crop Formation in Neilburg, Saskatchewan

 September 4, 1999


 Paul Anderson


 More circle reports still coming in.

 Received a call this morning from farmer Laura Herle in Neilburg,
 Saskatchewan, northwest of Saskatoon, near the Alberta border.
 A formation of ten circles was found in the afternoon of September
 3, by Dave Robertson who was swathing the wheat field, and came
 across them. When I spoke to him after, he told me they were definitely
 not there a week or so ago when they had last been in the field to do

 He did up a diagram, which Laura then faxed. Three "arms" of circles
 coming out from a larger central circle. The centre circle is about 35
 feet in diametre, the others range from 4 feet to 22 feet. The "top"
 two circles and the centre circle are clockwise, the others are all
 counterclockwise, all with very neat swirling and flattening of the   crop.
 No tracks, paths or other damage was found (and was looked for).
 Mr. Robertson said the crop is thick enough that any entry pathways
 (by people) should have been easily seen, and there were none. Layout
 of the formation has a somewhat "julia set" type appearance to it.
 The whole pattern is about 200 feet across. There is a possibility of
 using another local farmer's small plane to take aerial shots. Crop
 has been swathed already (circles discovered during the swathing),
 but there is about six inches of standing crop left, with the circles
 themselves pressed right down flat to the ground and still intact.

 Farmers are agreeable to sampling and other field work; field report
 and images to follow asap. Preliminary diagram attached.

 This is the seventh Canadian report now for 1999, and the first this
 year from Saskatchewan (usually the centre of activity, the Canadian
 equivalent of Wiltshire or Hampshire in England, so to speak). Our
 efforts at trying to establish a reporting network for farmers, media,
 the public, etc. seem to be paying off!

 There is also an unconfirmed report of a new formation in the
 province of Prince Edward Island, reportedly mentioned on a
 local radio station just a few days ago; am trying to track this
 one down; if you have heard anything, please let me know.

 Paul Anderson

neilburg gif



This data is for CC updates on news post "fresh" circle reports. The first one has a B/W sketch of the two formations with the attached cross. This would not appear to mean anything to an untrained observer. But a candid UFO investigator would begin to see a pattern. Whoever they are and whatever they are doing, there are religious icons being emblazoned in the wheat fields of Canada. If what the Apostles said is true, then they truly could not describe the awe and majesty that is their God, a dynamic and powerful force of change and rebirth.

Subject: CPR-Canada News: More Saskatchewan Crop Circles; 
        "Sightings on the Radio" Interview 	
Date: 	Thu, 9 Sep 1999 21:21:45 -0800 	
Status: Normal 	
From: 	Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada 

More Saskatchewan Crop Circles;
"Sightings on the Radio" Interview
September 9, 1999


Editor: Paul Anderson  

Preliminary Report - September 9 It would seem the circles have definitely returned to the prairies again this year... Another formation reported to CPR-Canada this morning by a farmer at Conquest, Saskatchewan (where another formation was found last year). Initially discovered around September 2 by farmer Lyle Ami while combining his wheat field. Two circles, one about 36 feet and the other 30 feet in diametre. Both have an identical "cross" feature attached, both pointing to the south-east (very similar to last year's report, where one circle had a similar cross attached to it, also pointing to the south-east). The formation is about four miles south of Conquest, south- east of Neilburg, where the eleven-circle "Julia Set" was found September 3). The farmer has combined around the formation, leaving it intact, and is open to further ground inspection, sampling, etc. Ground photos already taken and hopefully aerials to follow soon. Farmer reported no damage to the crop, no entry pathways or other signs of damage. Preliminary diagram attached. This is the ninth formation reported now for this year.

SIGHTINGS ON THE RADIO INTERVIEW I am also scheduled to do an update on the Canadian circles tomorrow evening, September 10, on Jeff Rense's "Sightings on the Radio" program, 8:30 - 10:00 PT. Check their web site ( for further program and affiliate station information.

Paul Anderson Director CPR-Canada

Circles Phenomenon Research International
Main Office Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V6J 1J4 Canada
Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522
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© Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, 1999

conquest gif

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