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The Millenium Report


* Overlooked Israeli Phenomena
* Recent Cattle Mutilations Near St. Paul, Alberta
* Mysterious Light Flummoxes Astronomers
* SETI@Home Screensaver Project Breaks Record
* NASA Craft Discovers Tree-Shaped Frost on Mars
* Sharpest Ever Mars Images Reveal Active Planet
* Mars Polar Lander To Arrive On Smooth, Layered Terrain
* NASA Selects Miniature Spacecraft To Test Space Technology

Subject:The Millennium Report - September, 1999 
Date:Thu, 2 Sep 1999 00:33:40 -0800 Status:Normal 
From:Paul Anderson - TMP / CPR-Canada

 September, 1999
 Vol. 1, No. 1


 Paul Anderson


 In this edition:


 * Welcome to The Millennium Report
 * Strange Days: New Perspectives on the Next          

 * Overlooked Israeli Phenomena
 * Recent Cattle Mutilations Near St. Paul, Alberta
 * Mysterious Light Flummoxes Astronomers
 * SETI@Home Screensaver Project Breaks Record
 * NASA Craft Discovers Tree-Shaped Frost on Mars
 * Sharpest Ever Mars Images Reveal Active Planet
 * Mars Polar Lander To Arrive On Smooth, Layered Terrain
 * NASA Selects Miniature Spacecraft To Test Space   

 * Contrail Controversy Comes to BC


 * Next Fields of Dreams Lecture - CONTACT Conference


 Links to many additional news stories, reports and updates:




Welcome to the first issue of the new monthly e-mail newsletter of The Millennium Project, The Millennium Report (separate from TMP News, the periodic breaking news e-mail update service). TMR will provide the latest news, reports, articles and information on TMP events at the beginning of each month. As part of broader, long-range initiatives, TMR adds another level to the formation of a multi-tier "people's forum" and the dissemination of information relating to a broad range of current issues which will collectively shape the future and destiny of humankind into the next century and beyond. TMP supports initiatives which assist in this process, including providing a forum for issues which are often considered taboo by mainstream science, media or other "institutions" of modern society. With this issue, we take another step in that direction. The future awaits!



 "May you live in interesting times..."

First penned centuries ago, this well-known ancient Chinese proverb may have been more prophetic than the writer ever realized. The film Strange Days provided a contemporary, fatalistic perspective on our society at the brink of the next millennium. In contrast, the approaching transition is seen by some as a time of new possibilities and discoveries. Both views may essentially be correct, reflections of our own hopes and fears in facing an unknown future.

We live in a time of incredible and unprecedented change, on many levels. Quantum physics is re-shaping old scientific paradigms and revolutionizing our view of the universe and our place in it. The internet and other related technologies have changed forever how we communicate and exchange information, on a global scale. Cloning and other biotechnologies offer a daunting and controversial view of what we are now capable of. Y2K is a reminder of the inherent risks of new technologies, while the exploration of the solar system and deep space, with the prospects of future colonization and permanently "leaving home" demonstrate our grandest possible achievements. The integration of the world's economies is creating a global system of commerce never seen before. Meanwhile, the dangers of possible environmental collapse continue at an alarming rate with the degeneration of key ecosystems and unprecedented changes in weather patterns around the world.

In parallel with this, we are realizing that the world is also a much more bizarre place than we ever imagined. Today we increasingly hear reports of mass UFO sightings and people claiming to have been abducted by aliens, government coverups, black budget military projects, new world order conspiracies, coming cataclysmic earth changes, bizarre miraculous events and the list goes on. Is all this simply a case of millennial hysteria or is truth, at least in some cases, really stranger than fiction? While traditional scientific and technological progress moves us forward (or perhaps in some cases, backwards may be more accurate), there is also a growing realization that there is much more to learn. As our awareness and knowledge increases, old paradigms shift and make way for new ones.

In an era marked by cynicism, apathy and doubt, there is a growing general distrust of the mainstream media and other institutions of our contemporary society to present an honest and accurate picture; many issues which should be brought to public attention for serious investigation and debate, in the spirit of the true democratic process, are either sensationalized beyond belief or simply ignored. "Spin control" has become state of the art. It is time for a new perspective. It is on this premise that The Millennium Project is founded.

Glimpses of what may be and rumours of things yet to come...

Strange Days, indeed.





 (Thanks to Israeli journalist and researcher Barry Chamish for this report).

 by Barry Chamish

Here's a good reason why reporting on UFOs, though a non-profit cause in the short run, has its longterm rewards. Every now and then someone reads the reports and offers unique opportunities that enrich a person's existence. Such was the case two weeks ago when a documentary crew preparing a film about the history of giants for the Discovery Channel arrived in Israel to tape a segment based on my research connected to the subject. I had the pleasure of accompanying producer Alexander Brown and director Charles Wilkinson up and down the country for interviews, during the course of which significant new information emerged which has been overlooked until now. Two outstanding examples are:

Genetic Alterations In Yatzitz -- Probably the most convincing proof that UFO-related giants visited Israel for two years beginning in 1993 was the incident at Yatzitz. In January 1995, Herzl Consantini and Danny Ezra witnessed a nine foot robotic giant which left 8.5 kilometers of impossibly deep boot tracks in its wake. I thought I had previously covered the encounter from every angle, but I had, in fact, missed a profoundly important detail which Herzl revealed in his interview last week.

Fruit trees which grew beside the giant tracks produced weird genetically altered products the summer following the incident. Herzl rummaged through his records and found newspapers of the time to back up his claim: Charles Wilkinson filmed the relevant pages. They showed Herzl holding a four-headed nectarine, as an example of the bizarre alterations to trees affected by the passing of the giant.

The Haunting Of Bet Zarzir --
In April 1998, Golan Marzuk discovered and photographed Israel's first thoroughly investigated crop formation. The pictogram, formed in a wheat field beside his village, was a symetrical 27 metres by 27 metres umbrella-shaped image.

Since the incident, the village, whose population is Druze, a rather secretive offshoot of Islam, has reported continuing aftershocks. In each case up until his interview on July 20,1999, animals became very noisy and agitated before a misty image appeared before different villagers. Marzuk described the images as "human in appearance but either small, half the size of a normal man, or large, one and a half to two times larger. They were seen just outside the homes of three of my relatives and were hazy, like they were formed of cigarette smoke. People in the village are very upset by all this but it is not in our nature to reveal such things to outsiders. I've become very interested in UFOs since I photographed our crop formation and want other people to have the knowledge as it emerges from our village."

Please visit



 (Thanks to mutilation investigator Fern Belzil for this report).

 by Fern Belzil
This is a report of a mutilation that took place only 10 km from St Paul and 15 km from my ranch.

This was a Hereford Simmental cross herd bull. It was reported to me on June the 6th 1999. The rancher and his son estimated that the bull had died about 24 hrs. before they found him. It took some time to find him because he was mutilated in the bush among willows and poplar trees. They phoned me as soon as they found him, I was on site to investigate within an hour. By then the bull was starting to swell up, but had not decade or was there a foul smell as yet.

As you will see by the pictures, half the nose area was cut out, one eye lid was removed, another one inch deep cut about an inch long just below the left eye. The penis & scrotum were removed. The oval cut on the stomach was 16 by 12 inches and it looked like a surgical cut. The flesh where it had been skinned showed no signs of teeth marks or any other abnormality.

Looking very closely at the incisions some of the hair was cut. At the scrotum area the incision was about the same size as the one on the belly area also exhibiting neat incisions. Furthermore, adjacent to the belly incision, I also noticed a hairless spot approximately two inches in diameter. I will not, at this time, comment on this very unusual finding. However, I have found these hairless spots on about a dozen mutilations so far. This I explain in my slide presentation. The rectum area was cut out in a triangle shape.

There was no blood anywhere; no sign of a struggle; no tracks of anything unusual in the vicinity of the bull. This was not surprising due to the fact that halfway through my investigation the two other herd bulls and the cows milled around the dead bull. They were very disturbed and excited. One of the herd bulls butted the dead bull's front left leg with his head which was something I had never seen before.

The owners of this mutilated bull told me that the day they found the dead animal they noticed, that, as soon as they drove up to the herd, there seemed to be a lot of unrest among them and the cattle seemed spooked about something. This herd of cattle is normally very docile.

There was an opening in the trees above the bull; some of the leaves appeared burnt or discoloured. I mention this because several of the ranchers & farmers that have had a mutilated animal strongly believe that these animals are being picked up at one location, mutilated, and then put down again, in a different spot.

Soil & plant samples were sent to BLT in Massachusetts for analysis.

Fern Belzil
Mutilation Investigator
St. Paul, Alberta, Canada

(For a copy of this article, with photos, on the TMP web site, see: Fern will also be doing a slide presentation of his latest findings in Vancouver as part of The Millennium Forum sometime later this year; a date will be announced as soon as it is finalized - ed.)



 Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

A mysterious celestial object detected three years ago is baffling scientists who have been unable to determine its makeup or distance from Earth.

It was rare for astronomers to find an unexplainable object, but even more unusual for it to remain undefined for more than a week, said George Djorgovski, a California Institute of Technology astronomer who helped discover the object.

Mr Djorgovski and his team at the institute's Palomar Observatory detected the object, a pinpoint of light, during a digital survey of the northern sky.

Usually, astronomers are able to determine an object's composition and distance by breaking down its light into a spectrum and analysing it.

But the mystery object's spectrum does not fit any of the known patterns. Scientists are unsure whether the object is inside our galaxy or at the edge of the universe.

Repeated photographs revealed no changes in its appearance.

Some astronomers believe the object may be a new class of quasar, sources of energy found in the centre of galaxies and believed to be powered by matter falling into massive black holes.

Mr Djorgovski challenged fellow astronomers to help explain it at the June meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Chicago.

Published in the South China Morning Post. Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved



 BBC News Online: Sci/Tech

 Tuesday, August 17, 1999 Published at 18:11 GMT 19:11 UK

 Alien Hunter Breaks Record

 By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse

The SETI@home screensaver project, which allows anyone with a desktop computer to join the search for intelligent life in space, is now the largest computation ever done, on Earth at least.

Since May, over a million people have downloaded the SETI@home screensaver. But, despite an accumulated 50,000 years of computer time, no signs of alien life have yet been found.

The SETI@home program has infiltrated homes, offices and classrooms in 223 countries, "It is truly a phenomenon," said SETI@home project director David Anderson. "One person runs it in an office and pretty soon the whole office is doing it."

Companies large and small (including the BBC) as well as schools and universities have formed groups to compete to see whose computers can analyse the most chunks of data.

The program acts like a screen saver, starting when the computer is idle and analysing data collected from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico.

The analysis is done automatically and the results are sent back to the University of California at Berkeley, while participants can see the progress on the computer screen.

Number cruncher

According to Professor Anderson it proves the value of distributed computing and it has encouraged him to look around for other projects that could benefit from this technique.

"SETI@home is now the largest computation ever done on this planet, we have accumulated more than 50,000 years of computing time so far," said project scientist Dan Werthimer, a research physicist at the University of California Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory.

"This also is the most sensitive sky survey ever conducted," Professor Werthimer added. SETI@home is so powerful because we are using the world's largest telescope and we are able to use it continuously, 24 hours a day, by piggybacking on other observations."

Of the million people who have downloaded the software about 600,000 have completed at least one unit of data analysis.

Analysts say that the backlog of data from the Arecibo telescope is rapidly disappearing, and Professor Anderson and his team are currently updating the software to analyse the data again to search for more complex signals.



 Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
 Copyright © 1999 Associated Press

 By David Ho

WASHINGTON (August 10, 1999 11:28 p.m. EDT -
Peering down through stormy Martian skies, a NASA spacecraft has found tree-like shapes dotting the red planet's south pole. But what appears to be rolling hills covered with vegetation may be sand dunes topped with melting frost, scientists said Tuesday.

The latest images from the $250 million Mars Global Surveyor that has been mapping the planet since March offer new insight into the weather there.

"Since this whole area is at about minus 150 degrees Celsius, these are clearly not plants growing up out of the frost, but something else is happening," said Mike Malin, who is responsible for the camera aboard the spacecraft.

At first, the scientists thought the tree shapes and other, circular formations might have been caused by small gas pockets exploding under sand dunes.

But their latest theory is that the dark shapes are patches of exposed sand standing out among the frost-covered dunes. As spring warms southern Mars, the frost turns directly to gas. Wind then blows the frost and sand into patterns that resemble trees when viewed from space.

Unlike the monstrous sand dunes observed by the missions to Mars in the 1970s, the new images show smaller dunes, much like those found in the Mojave Desert. Detailed close-ups of the dunes look like a Japanese stone garden, with precise, wind-blown patterns etched into the dust.

"Our view of the red planet has been of something stuck in the freezer for millions of years, but looking at the new pictures shows us a dynamic and active planet," said Michael Meyer of NASA's Office of Space Science.

Most of the Martian frost consists of frozen carbon dioxide. But when the temperature rises, the carbon dioxide flashes into a gas too quickly to be observed, Malin said.

The frost appears at night, when Surveyor can't watch, so whether it forms on the ground or falls as snow from the atmosphere is still a mystery.

Two other NASA spacecraft will arrive at Mars later this year. The Mars Climate Orbiter will reach Mars in September and will make more detailed weather observations. In December, the Mars Polar Lander will arrive and dispatch two smaller probes to search for water below the surface. The Polar Lander will then touch down at the south pole to study the soil. NASA plans to announce the landing site on Aug. 25.



 Douglas Isbell
 Headquarters, Washington, DC
 August 10, 1999
 (Phone: 202/358-1753)

 Franklin O'Donnell
 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
 (Phone: 818/354-5011)

 Release: 99-91

Newly released images from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor show that the red planet is a different place today than it was two years ago when the spacecraft arrived -- a world constantly reshaped by forces of nature including shifting sand dunes, monster dust devils, wind storms, frosts and polar ice caps that grow and retreat with the seasons.

"Mars is a cold, dry desert, but our camera has shown it is far from being a stagnant place," said Dr. Michael Malin, principal investigator for the Mars Global Surveyor camera at Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, CA. "Over the past few months, we have captured a unique record of seasonal and meteorological events, which demonstrates that Mars is active and dynamic today."

The spacecraft's camera monitors the planet's weather on a daily basis from orbit, just like weather satellites on Earth. Today, Mars is a much more dynamic place than the planet the Viking spacecraft saw in the late 1970s. The weather has been particularly active during the past two months, as spring arrived in the southern hemisphere and autumn approached in the north.

"Storm clouds have been brewing over the north polar ice cap all through the month of July, and soon, ever-increasing portions of the north polar cap will be plunged into wintertime darkness," Malin said. "As the season changes rapidly, clouds will cover much of the northern plains and it might begin to snow as the polar cap expands."

In other regions of Mars, dust devils are the prevailing weather story. Dust devils result from spinning vortices of air that arise when the ground is heated and general wind flow is light. On Earth they are relatively small features, but on Mars, dust devils are thought by some to be a major transporter of the fine, pinkish dust that gives the sky its unearthly brownish color, as seen by the Mars Pathfinder and Viking landers. Dust devils may also help initiate the seasonal raising of dust over wide areas of Mars.

In mid-May, swirling columns of dust as high as five miles (eight kilometers) were observed in northern Amazonis Planitia. Dust devils in this area, northwest of the large Tharsis volcanoes, appear to be common; they were also seen by the Viking missions of the 1970s. The average dust devil is slow-moving and may carry several tons of dust within its height of 1.2 miles (two kilometers).

Each lasts for a few hours at most during the hottest part of the Martian day in the late afternoon, Malin said. Although the winds in these vortices are sufficient to raise dust, they have much less power than tornadoes on Earth, which develop under very different meteorological circumstances.

Global Surveyor's camera has also returned tantalizing evidence of recent shifting sands in dune fields first seen in Mariner 9 pictures of Mars from the early 1970s. Scientists are interested in dune fields isolated within large impact craters because their dark color suggests that the dust which covers much of the rest of the planet does not accumulate on their sandy surfaces.

"This indicates that the dunes must be moving and that over time we may be able to see changes that will allow us to measure the rates of wind erosion on Mars," Malin explained.

Sand dunes also are giving Mars scientists some new insights as to how Mars' seasonal polar ice caps retreat at the end of each winter as seasonal warming occurs. The most dramatic views show patches of dark sand poking through fields of carbon dioxide frost. First seen in 1998 in the north polar region, the same features have been seen this year on dunes near the south pole.

"These pictures look like aerial photographs of dunes on Earth," Malin said. "They are so unusual in this context that we thought for a while that we were looking at a process that involves small 'explosions,' but the new images showed that wind was responsible for the streaks we were seeing."

The dark spots on frost-covered dunes continue to grow and spread as spring approaches until, eventually, the entire dune field is frost-free.

A variety of new images of Mars is available on the Internet at:

Mars Global Surveyor is the first mission in a long-term program of Mars exploration, known as the Mars Surveyor Program, managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL's industrial partner is Lockheed Martin Astronautics, Denver, CO, which developed and operates the spacecraft. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.



 Douglas Isbell
 Headquarters, Washington, DC

 Mary Hardin/Frank O'Donnell
 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA

 Release: 99-97

A strip of gentle, rolling plains near the Martian South Pole will serve as a welcome mat when NASA's Mars Polar Lander touches down on the Red Planet on Dec. 3.

NASA unveiled the landing site, a swath of terrain measuring about 1,500 square miles (4,000 square kilometers), at a briefing today at NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC.

"We looked for a site with slopes no steeper than 10 degrees," said Project Scientist Dr. Richard Zurek of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Pasadena, CA. "We chose a location with some surface features but no cliffs or jagged peaks, because the spacecraft will be able to land safely, yet we'll still accomplish our science goals."

The landing site is located at 76 degrees South latitude and 195 degrees West longitude, near the northern edge of the South Pole's layered terrain.

"We believe this layered terrain is a record of climate changes on Mars, and in a sense, digging into its surface will be like reading tree rings or layers in an ice core," Zurek said. "The presence of fine layers of dust and ice with varying thickness will indicate changes in weather patterns and layer formation that have been repeated in recent history. In addition, we may find evidence of soil particles that formed in ancient seas on Mars and were later blown into the polar regions."

The landing will be targeted to the center of the site, a rectangular area 124 miles (200 kilometers) long and 12.4 miles (20 kilometers) wide. The site was selected after the project team studied pictures and altimeter information gathered by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor, which is currently orbiting the planet. The search was narrowed to four sites before the final location was chosen. A backup landing site is located nearby, at 75 degrees South latitude and 180 degrees West longitude.

"For the next several weeks, we'll study newly transmitted Mars Global Surveyor images," said Flight Team Manager Dr. Sam Thurman at JPL. "If necessary, we can retarget for the backup landing site as late as early October, when the flight team begins preparations for landing."

The Dec. 3 landing occurs toward the end of spring in the Martian Southern Hemisphere. The sun will shine all day, moving higher and lower in the sky but never dipping below the horizon. This nonstop sunshine will power the lander's solar panels for 90 days, until the Martian seasons change and the lander's mission ends.

Launched on Jan. 3, 1999, Mars Polar Lander will study the soil and look for ice beneath the surface of the Martian South Pole. The lander also carries two Deep Space Two Microprobes that will be deployed about five minutes before the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere. When they land, they'll penetrate beneath the soil surface to look for water ice at nearby locations. The microprobes were developed under NASA's New Millennium Program.

Images of the landing site and additional information about Mars Polar Lander are available at the following Web site:

Additional information about Deep Space Two is available at the following Web site:

JPL manages Mars Polar Lander and the New Millennium Program for NASA's Office of Space Science, Washington, DC. JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.



 Donald Savage
 Headquarters, Washington, DC Aug. 19, 1999
 (Phone: 202/358-1547)

 Release: 99-95

They're each about the size of a large birthday cake, weigh about as much as a desktop computer, and are smart enough to fly in formation far from Earth while they test new technologies.

They are three very small satellites, called the Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer mission, and today NASA selected them as the agency's latest New Millennium mission. The mission will validate methods of operating several spacecraft as a system, and test eight technologies in the harsh space environment near the boundary of Earth's protective magnetic field, or magnetosphere.

Each Trailblazer spacecraft will be an octagon 16 inches across and 8 inches high, and each will have booms and antennas that will extend after launch. The mission will cost $28 million and will be launched in 2003 as a secondary payload on an expendable launch vehicle. The mission is managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD.

Results from the Trailblazer mission will be used to design future missions using constellations of lightweight (about 44 pounds), highly miniaturized autonomous spacecraft. One proposed constellation of up to 100 spacecraft positioned around the Earth will monitor the effects of solar activity that can affect spacecraft, electrical power and communications systems. Others will study global precipitation and the atmospheres of other planets.

The Nanosat Constellation Trailblazer is the fifth in the agency's New Millennium program, which tests technology for future space and Earth science missions. The program's goal is to dramatically reduce the weight, size and costs of missions while increasing their science capabilities.

The technologies to be flown and tested, and the partners involved, are:

-- A miniature communications system to determine the positions of the spacecraft using the Global Positioning System (NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, and Cincinnati Electronics Corp., Mason, OH).

-- A set of software that automatically operates the spacecraft and determines orbits (Bester Tracking System, Emeryville, CA).

-- A communications system component that uses one-fourth the voltage and half the power, weighs 12 times less and is nine times smaller than proven technology (Aero Astro, Boston, MA).

-- A new method of connecting electrical lines that saves weight (Lockheed Martin, Denver, CO).

-- A new type of microelectronic device that is more reliable and uses 20 times less power than proven technology (Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque).

-- An electrically tunable coating that can change its properties from absorbing the Sun's heat when the spacecraft is cool to reflecting or emitting heat when needed (Goddard Space Flight Center and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD).

-- A very tiny microelectromechanical system chip that provides fine attitude adjustments on the spacecraft using 8.5 times less power and weighing less than half as much as proven systems (Marotta Scientific Controls, Montville, NJ).

-- Development of a Lithium Ion Power System for Small Satellites. A rechargeable lithium ion battery that stores two to four times more energy and has a longer life than proven technology (Yardney Technical Products, Pawcatuck, CT).

"Not only could these technologies make future missions more productive and less expensive, some could become consumer products," said Dr. Dana Brewer, New Millennium Program Executive, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. "For example, the variable-emittance thermal-control system is a coating applied to surfaces such as automobile windows which becomes highly reflective when you apply an electrical current to it. It blocks out a lot of the sunlight, keeping it cooler inside a car."





 (This article originally appeared in the Summer '99 issue of UFO*BC Quarterly)

 by Paul Anderson

 (Updated September, 1999)


Since at least the fall of 1998 (and at the time of this writing, early September, 1999) there has been an increasing number of reports, from all states across the US and most provinces in Canada as well as Europe, Australia and New Zealand, of odd "mystery contrails" being laid out in large X and elaborate cross-hatch patterns by unmarked military aircraft, over large population centres as well as rural areas. With a growing consensus and belief that these contrails are actually "chemtrails" (composed of toxic substances possibly relating to biowarfare testing, rather than just water vapour as in ordinary contrails), these events have caused much speculation, debate and concern as to what is happening and why. Similar tests involving the "spraying" of populated areas for various military-related purposes have been conducted before. Those tests were conducted in more select areas, for a relatively short period of time. Is it happening again now, only on a much larger scale? For what purpose? There has now been a continuous stream of hundreds of such reports, along with photographic and video documentation, for the past several months. Other similar reports go back as much as a couple years, but are fewer in number. The activity seems to have suddenly escalated in the last half of 1998. Why?

According to eyewitnesses, these "chemtrails" as they are now referred to, are different from normal aircraft contrails, often forming large X and cross-hatch patterns. In some cases, a dozen or many more of these contrails may be formed at a time, criss-crossing the sky, with the same aircraft repeatedly flying back and forth over an area for many hours. The aircraft are consistently described as military, often tanker-type airplanes, usually painted white or silver with no identifiable markings (which is illegal). Often these contrails, and the planes involved, are observed at very low altitudes, well below the usual 30,000 or so feet; normal contrails typically form only at such higher altitudes where the exhaust from the engines can form ice crystals.

Residents in these areas have also often been reporting cases of illness involving upper respiratory infections and other ailments immediately following many of these flyovers. There may also be a connection with reports of unusual, possibly toxic, cobweb or gel-like material, similar to the famous "angel hair", falling from the sky. Samples of the "gel-like" substances reported falling from the contrails overhead in some locations have been analyzed, with toxic pathogens (such as banned pesticides) being found. More samples and studies are needed, and work to this end is progressing, particularly with William Thomas, an environmental journalist who resides on Vancouver Island, who first broke the story to national public attention in the US and Canada in early 1999. More detailed information and reports can be found on his web site at So far, questions put to government / military / aviation agencies have been met with denial or vague answers (big surprise?). Various independent reports have also shown that in the same areas where a lot of the "spraying" is taking place, local hospitals are filled or overflowing with patients exhibiting "flu-like" symptons, even at the time of this writing. Coincidence? As well, in a number of states as well as here in Canada, there has been a series of odd ads running in newspapers and other media the last several months, providing an 800 number for people to call; the ads are similar to previous ones run during times of known biological warfare testing from previous decades. To qualify for treatment testing, you have to exhibit a specific set of upper respiratory flu-like symptoms, within a specific time frame, and live within a specific few mile radius of one of the "testing areas". Another coincidence?

Differences Between Contrails and "Chemtrails"

What is going on? Biowarfare testing? Mass inocculation? Weather modification? It should be noted that normal contrails can sometimes exhibit many of the same or similar traits often ascribed to the "chemtrails". Changing weather conditions can play a factor; even normal contrails can persist and expand into a cirrus-like haze under the right conditions. If a contrail is observed doing this, one should not assume the contrail in question to be a chemtrail. Air currents, temperature, etc. will affect both types of contrails in more or less similar ways, as they are all still contrails. The difference would appear to be in their makeup (one water vapour / ice crystals, the other chemicals). The key observable differences seem to be the numbers of contrails observed at one time, sometimes with dozens crossing the sky in all directions, the parallel ("like rows in a cornfield"), X and cross-hatch patterns which do not correspond to normal air traffic routes, the "billowing" nature of some of the contrails into thicker cloud cover, the lower than normal altitude of many of these contrails (often well below the normal altitude of 30,000 to 45,000 feet) and the behaviour / appearance of the aircraft involved (up to several planes flying at once, often crossing back and forth over the same area for hours at a time, and usually painted white or silver with no identifying markings; also, during these spraying runs, the "chemtrails" have sometimes been observed emanating directly from nozzles attached to the rear of the aircraft, and not coming from the engines or wingtips as with normal contrails).

"Chemtrails" Over Vancouver and BC

Since April of 1999, similar type formations of contrails have been observed over Vancouver (where The Millennium Project office is located) and surrounding areas by myself and others, as well as across BC and Canada. As in other places, there seem to be periodic days of "mass activity" (particularly May 21 and 26, June 11, July 12 and August 20-23 in Vancouver). Large, multiple, parallel contrails (up to seven or eight at once), very large billowing and expanding contrails, the characteristic large X and cross-hatch patterns and low-altitude contrails have all been seen here in recent days. The patterns and chararcteristics are similar to what is being seen elsewhere on an increasing basis. On May 21, when many such contrails were seen crossing the skies over downtown Vancouver, one very large and thick contrail in particular was observed by myself which could be seen to be drifting below other patches of cumulous-type clouds, partially obscuring them. As these clouds are more like 4,000 - 8,000 feet in altitude, to see a contrail moving visibly below that height was most unusual. The material in the contrail flowed down its length like water down a stream. Another large contrail soon crossed that one to form an X. I have also observed now on three occassions (May 21, 26 and June 11 again), contrails with sharp turns in them, one like an L another like a Z, and also a third like a perfect three-quarters ring. Conceivably these could have been due to wind patterns affecting existing contrails, blowing them out of shape as it were (?), although it is interesting to note that the only times these have been seen (by myself, anyway) are on the very same days of other "massive" activity. At times I / we have seen or heard no aircraft at all, with very large contrails just appearing almost "out of nowhere", including Xs directly over my apartment. At other times, aircraft are seen at a distance, sometimes up to three or four making the contrails at one time.

Full reports and additional photos from our Vancouver area observations, as well as links to many other related reports and web sites (with literally hundreds of eyewitness reports and photos) are on the TMP web site (in the Special Research Projects section) at:

Contrails and UFOs?

There have also been recent reports of unknown objects, silver "balls" or "disks", being seen hovering or moving next to some of these "mystery contrails". In one case from Michigan in March, 1999, one such object was observed to be make a sharp 90 degree turn, leaving a contrail as it did so (full report on Linda Howe's Earthfiles web site at A photo of the resulting contrail is included in the report. The appearance is similar to the L shaped contrail I observed here in Vancouver on May 21 (see above), although I did not see that one being made.

What is Really Going On?

Whether or not we are actually being "sprayed" for purposes as yet unknown, is still a matter of considerable debate. What I and others here in Vancouver can attest to now, however, is that something seems to be going on, as we here have now recently observed what appears to be activity similar to what is being reported elsewhere from many other people. The volume of similar reports from all over the continent would suggest that this is something to be seriously looked into. At this point, I would implore people to do their own research and keep a discerning eye on the skies.

Research Assistance

TMP is seeking the assistance of others in its continuing investigation. If you have related information, reports or other evidence regarding this matter, please contact:

The Millennium ProjectSuite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC

  V6J 1J4
 Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522

 (William Thomas will also tentatively be doing a presentation of his latest
 findings in Vancouver as part of The Millennium Forum later this year; a
 date will be announced as soon as it is finalized - ed.)





The next presentation in the Fields of Dreams Lecture Series by Circles Phenomenon Research Canada and The Millennium Project will be on September 11, 1999 in Ferndale, Washington as part of the CONTACT (Center for Ontological Action) Conference, "Making Contact: UFO Sightings and Experiences", along with Peter Davenport (National UFO Reporting Center), Graham Conway and Bill Oliver (UFO*BC), Beverly Trout (MUFON Director, Iowa State) and Drs. Janet Colli, PhD. and Thomas Beck, PhD. (Seattle transpersonal psychotherapists). Paul Anderson, Director of CPR-Canada, and Founder and Director of The Millennium Project, will present a slide show overview and update of the 1998 and 1999 Canadian crop circles.

The Fields of Dreams Lecture Series is an ongoing series of presentations by Circles Phenomenon Research Canada on the continuing crop circle enigma, and is also part of The Millennium Forum Lecture Series, a public education project of The Millennium Project. Contact CPR-Canada / TMP for more information on upcoming lectures or presentations for your group or event.

 The Ferndale Senior Center, 1998 Cherry St., Ferndale (next to
 Pioneer Park).

 Admission (Entire Conference): $7.00

 12:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Conference)
 2:30 PM (Fields of Dreams presentation)

 The CONTACT Conference is also part of Pleiades '99 at nearby Mt. Baker,
 hosted by Tom Sanger, from September 9 to September 12.

 For further information:

 Matthew Thuney
 Center for Ontological Action (CONTACT)
 360.733.0377 or 800.746.0377

 Tom Sanger
 Pleiades '99

 CPR-Canada / TMP


The Millennium Report is the e-mail newsletter of The Millennium Project, and is published monthly with the latest news, reports and information and is available free by subscription; to be added to or removed from the mailing list, send your request, including "subscribe TMR" or "unsubscribe TMR" and e-mail address to:

Subscribers will also receive TMP News, the periodic e-mail update service of TMP.

The Millennium Project is an independent research organization which chronicles the most phenomenal, controversial and enigmatic issues of our time, and their possible present and future implications as we approach the beginning of the 21st Century and the next Millennium. TMP was founded in 1999 by future studies researcher Paul Anderson, also director of Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, as an alternative source of information to both the mainstream and tabloid media to provide a forum for open, serious journalistic enquiry into these issues. Extensive resources are available to all interested persons or groups.

TMP welcomes your reports and submissions.

Forward all correspondence to:


 Suite 202 - 2086 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC  V6J 1J4  Canada
 Tel / Fax: 604.731.8522

 © The Millennium Project, 1999

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