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Page 6

After I talked about the animals of the Olympic coastline a little more, we walked on. We were still at the beach in time to catch the most wonderful sunset!


This picture is another sunset I took while I was at Toleak point. It isn't the sunset we saw, but it is equally beautiful. After the sunset we hiked the last 1.5 miles in the darkness, through the woods. We had some great conversation. When we hit the trailhead we went to a picnic area and ate a late dinner. Then we both drove out to Rialto Beach. I walked Aliye up to Hole-in-the-Wall and she set up camp there that night.


Aliye set up her camp just south of Hole-in-the-Wall. I hiked back to Mora and stayed at my place there. We had promised to meet at Rialto parking lot the next day, and go on a hike up at Ozette.


This is a picture looking south, at James Island, through the Hole. The Hole-in-the-Wall was formed thousands of years ago by erosion. As the waves beat at the shore they slowly washed away the softer minerals. This left islands, seastacks, natural arches, and many other unusual rock formations. Most of the rock formations along the coast are made out of either Basalt, Sandstone, or Conglomerate. Next (Page 7)