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What's Up Down Under?

Finally! It only took this long, but Jerri is finally outtahere! This woman has made me sick since I first saw her on Episode 1. Thank goodness, she's gone, even though it only took this long!

This last episode was filled with clips and shots of Jerri, being her annoying witchy self. I just couldn't stand it when she argued with the rest of the tribe on how to pick partners for the Reward Challenge. And that silly comment about the game not being fair, oh that made me want to barf.

Poor Colby. After all that, he was STILL partners with the wicked witch herself! Tina and old Rodger were partners, as was Nick and Elisabeth, and Amber and Keith.

During the reward challenge, a giant obstacle course, Keith and Amber handily beat Tina and Rodger in the the first heat. Nick and Elisabeth then lost to Colby and Jerri in the second race.

It was Keith and Amber against Colby and Jerri in the Final race. I couldn't help but laugh as Colby literally witch-handled Jerri through the course. Though it was a close race, Colby and Jerri won a day together at the Great Barrier Reef.

Jerri, being obnoxious as ever remarked to Colby that it was "One hell of a first date," and even went as far as to say that it was like "A honeymoon without the sex." Oh geez, come on!! Well, she got nothing out of Colby! Great job for resisting her Colby! =D.

In an interesting and very important Immunity Challenge, Nick beat out Colby for the Immunity Necklace. That was an awful funny shot when the camera looked straight up Amber's bikini. Where did she get that awful-looking thing anyway?

Tribal Council just got interesting! Jerri very stupidly explained to the camera that Elisabeth was such a loveable and likeable person, and that defenitely made her a threat. Puh-leez!!! You'd be a threat too if everyone didn't hate you!

Jeff Probst counts the votes. 2 for 'Lisbeth, and it looks like she's on her way out. But then, Jeff counts 3 for Jerri! This was expected though, because Kucha was expected to vote against her. But wait! A 4th and 5th vote are for Jerri, and its enough to send Jerri out of there! She gets up saying "Checkmate, You guys got me, Good Game." Her torch is extinguished and nations rejoice!

Poor, pathetic Amber was visible shaken by the sudden turn of events, because she has no friends now! Who knows what she'll so next? Will she side with Kucha, or stay with the Ogakors?

Nick, unless you win immunity again next week, I'm afraid you're a goner, simply because you are more of a threat that either Elisabeth or Rodger.
Amber, you're leaving soon too. I just can't picture you in the Final 4, unless you use some quick thinking, and form an alliance fast.
Kentucky Joe will be the next victim. As much as I want to see Rodger in the Final 4, I just don't see it happening.
The Final 4 will be Colby, Keith, Tina, and Elisabeth. I'm not going to make a prediction as of now, because it can go either way! But I DO see Colby in the Final 2!

Till Next Week! Enjoy...